EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (2024)

by Robins Chew

Beating Lunacy 500 for the achievement (and to guarantee legendaries) is not easy. I’ve tried several different ship builds but kept struggling with survivability, until I discovered the powerful synergies possible with the Stinger subclass

Get a level 4 Stinger ship

Level 4 ships are currently the highest rarity ship available as of 1.0 and only become available for purchase fromKato’s Palace, Prescott Starbase, Union after maxing out Tareen’sShip Dealerperk. They allow you to equip 2 legendaries at once and boast the best stats for each subclass. You’ll need to save up 800-900 thousand credits to afford one.


Ideally you want to find a Stinger with these passives:
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  • Cloaking is great for getting a breather after losing your shield.
  • We can maintain full shields very effectively.
  • Increased cooldowns for devices let’s us use them more often

You may reroll passives once or revisit Kato’s Palace after 10 minutes until you find a Stinger with these passives.

Special Ability

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (2)This additional hardpoint is a massive boon to damage output. By spamming devices frequently we can easily have constant uptime for the extra damage.

ULT – Void Swarm

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (3)This is an emergency button if your shield is depleted, your devices are on cooldown and you are being overwhelmed. The swarm will keep your health up and getting all your devices reset will allow you to spam them to get your shield back.

Attribute points

You should invest your Mainframe Expansions with this priority in mind:

  • Expertise– to increase additional hardpoint uptime
  • Precision– to increase crit chance to trigger Adam’s perk related abilities
  • Firepower– for more damage
  • Utility– for increased device cooldown rate

Adam’s Perk choices

Remember you can change your perk choices whilst docked at any station.

Level 5

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (4)This is undisputedly the best perk to pick out of the 3 and allows you to use a shield variant with
higher capacity but greater recharge delay.

Level 10

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This is brilliant as we will be activating warfare devices fairly often and thus good for survivability.

Level 15

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Great for dealing damage to other nearby enemies whilst focusing on your target.

Level 20

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (7)

I often forgot to use the ULT offensively and only do so as a last resort so for me armor restoration was most helpful.

Level 25

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (8)

Pair this with web missiles/mines or a weapon passive that procs slow on enemies for big crits.

Level 30

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This is massive and can clear groups of smaller enemies at once with a single kill.


You should have enough device Upgrades to max out all 4 of your equipped devices and choose aspecial modethat augments your device with an additional ability.

The devices chosen allow you to use them frequently, to continuously trigger the Stinger’s passive 25% shield regeneration on device use as well as maintain upkeep of the additional hardpoint for increased survivability and damage output.

Corrosion Injector

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (10)Mercy Kill
After triggering corrosion injector on an enemy, if you manage to kill them within the 12s it is active, you get your use of this device refunded.

EMP Generator

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (11)Hard Reset
If sufficient targets were hit by the EMP, you can get your cooldown complete refunded. Great for when you’re swarmed by enemies.


EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (12)Scurry
You get a 25% chance to refund a charge upon use. This is your escape button to get away from enemies if you’re getting overwhelmed.

Nano Transmitter

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (13)Carefree Package
The mode will grant you healing to your hull, armor and shields. Life-saving in a pinch.


The best gear rarity

Legendaryis the highest gear rarity, but you will only receive 2 for completing 2 side mission chains and the rest are locked behind the ancient rifts. You also may only equip 2 at a time.

The next best rarity gear you will want to have isSuperior(pink). They have incrementally better stats and more passive attributes than blue/green/white gear.

Additionally you want to keep an eye out forPrototypeandStarforgedprefixes on gear. These will provide an additional increase in stats to your gear, Starforged being the best. These prefixes may not be obtained on gear that you craft, but only on gear looted from containers or enemies.

To summarise the best gear you want to be keeping an eye out for are Starforged Superior weapons & modules. Legendaries don’t drop with these prefixes so you can keep any you find

Primary Weapons

On the Stinger there are only 2 primary weapon slots. So to begin with you want to pick weapons you are comfortable with using. I enjoyed using aPulse Laserand anAutocannonfor a good balance between energy and armor damage.
EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (14)
You should modify your weapons with a catalyst to increase their respective damages, as done here

But here’s the menace you want to keep an eye out for: AnEclipse BlasterandEclipse Flak:
EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (15)
Equipping 2 of the required items in the Eclipse set activates their unique attribute giving you a massive damage boost when you cycle weapons

This damage increase is so easy to proc and trumps any other weapon combo. The Blaster shreds up close and the Flak is great for longer range attacks on multiple enemies.

Secondary Weapons

The Stinger has 2 secondary weapon slots. One slot should be used for simple dumbfire Rockets. These will be used exclusively for the boss at the end of the ancient rifts:
EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (16)

The other slot is amissileof your preference. Web missiles synergise perfectly with the Exploitation perk to increase crit chance on slowed enemies. But you can also use Armor/Shield breakers, or Destabilizers for extra debuffing. The reason I recommend using a missile is because I would recommend you to find one with this particular passive:

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (17)Any time you crit you have a chance to fire off a free missile at your current target which is ideal with our limited capacity.


The key to choosing which gear to equip in each module slots mainly revolves around what attributes the gear is boosting, but that is at your own discretion. I prioritised according to the Attribute point distribution I listed above. There are however a couple exceptions you should keep in mind:

– Get a shield variant with high capacity and/or the EMP perk
EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (18)
The long recharge delay doesn’t matter as we will be proccing recharge on kills thanks to the Defensive Massacre perk. Triggering an EMP on shield break is big help if you’re getting swarmed.

– Pick an energy core variant that prioritises weapon energy
EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (19)
Shield & Boost energy don’t matter as much as pumping out as much damage for as long as you can.


EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (20)There is only really 1 consumable I found worth using and that is theDevice Charger. It instantly resets all device cooldowns and is another great tool for when you’re in a pinch. You don’t need to worry about using them up in the ancient rifts as any consumables used are refunded after exiting the rift.

Some recommended legendaries

As you attempt the ancient rifts for the first time at lower lunacy levels, you do have a low chance of obtaining a legendary upon successful completion. Here are some I’d recommend that synergise really well with this Stinger build, in order of most synergising to least useful:

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (21)
This ability is frankly disgusting and turns Corrosive Injector into an absolute powerhouse. This should get you through lunacy 500 easily

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (22)
This is such a great augment to the EMP, turning it into a great damage dealer to large swarms of enemies

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (23)
Latent Thrust is great for increased maneuverability for dodging enemies & missiles. I liked to use this, take off the Teleporter device and replace it with either the Missile Defense System or Front Shield Generator

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (24)
This is great for turning the Missile Defense System into another damage dealer. After I was comfortable not needing the Teleporter device for survivability, I used this instead for more damage.

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (25)
Anything that lets you deal more damage is great.

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (26)
The clones are a great distraction whilst you regain your shield.

EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (27)
Good area damage dealer.

Progressing the Ancient Rifts

Starting out

Definitely play on lower lunacy levels to get a feel for the rifts and have a chance at snagging prototype/starforged superiors or a legendary recommended above that could massively boost your build.

How to play

  • Remember to cycle weapons every 5s to maintain the Eclipse 30% damage bonus
  • Focus single targets, use Corrosive Injector, kill them quickly enough to refund the use and repeat
  • EMP if you’re getting overwhelmed
  • Spam teleport to get away and instantly get shields
  • Nano Transmitter if you need healing fast
  • Don’t forget to ULT or use device chargers in a pinch
  • Using devices gets you 25% shields and temporary additional hardpoint
  • Using EMP/Corrosive Injector gets you Reactive Armor

High risk modifiers

In an ancient rift, you must progress through 4 areas. After the first and second area, you are prompted with a choice of a high risk modifier to suffer for the remainder of your rift run. I will list them in order of easiest to most troublesome to give you an idea what modifiers to pick and avoid to make your run more doable:


  • Overheated SystemsA random item is overheated for 10s
    Virtually free, I hardly notice this
  • Repair on KillEvery time an enemy is destroyed, all other enemies present are reapired by 20% of their maximum hitpoints
    Not a big deal as you’re focusing single targets anyway
  • Enemy RegenEnemies slowly repair their hull
    Not a big deal as you can out DPS the healing easily if focusing single targets


  • Jarred SensorsEnemy type names are hidden
    Annoying but again not a super big deal as you can quickly learn enemy types from their shield/armor/hull composition and the weapons they use
  • Corrosive DeathEnemies leave behind corrosion fields when killed
    Annoying but not persistent and visible so you can avoid it
  • Explosive DeathEnemies deal area damage upon death
    Annoying but again not persistent
  • MInes on DeathEnemies drop mines when destroyed
    Quite annoying as they’re persistent and small but should be able to clear them mostly just whilst shooting enemies
  • Hidden HealthEnemy hitpoint bars are hidden
    Very annoying to me personally as I like to keep an eye on health

    Quite disruptive

  • EvasiveEnemies have 50% increased movement speed
    Tracking enemies as you shoot them becomes a lot harder
  • No EMPEnemies are resistant to EMP
    EMPs have been very clutch for me when I’m getting swarmed so rather not deal with this

    Run killer

  • Strength in DeathEvery time an enemy is destroyed, all other enemies gain +5% speed, shields, armor, and hull
    With the sheer number of enemies, this bonus scales on others fast. Avoid at all costs

Always do this!

You may complete the 4th and final area in the ancient rifts by killing the boss. Always beeline for the boss at the end and unload with your rockets, weapons and corrosive injector. If any other enemies get too close use the EMP. You should be able to easily take out the boss before you get swarmed by other enemies.


To conclude, building a Stinger build correctly gets you damage nearing that of the Gunship with the maneuverability of a light fighter with great survivability.

Thanks to aByZMal for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide fromSteam Community. enjoy the game.

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EVERSPACE 2: How to Beat Lunacy 500 Ancient Rifts (Recommended Build) - GamePretty (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.