Gazette News-Current from Xenia, Ohio (2024)

T7s Pleasure to Publish the fol. louring: Aiiuouncomtmt. All women suffering 1 from any form of illness peculiar to their sex are requested to comimmicate promptly with Mn. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are re jfes ceived, opened, read, and an swered by women THE MIGHTY HUNTEE ARCHERS OF OLDEN TIMES AND GOSPEL ARROWS.

only. A woman can freely talk oi private illness to woman; has been established tha eternal confi- denoo between Mrs. Pinkham and women o1 America. This confidence has induced more than 100,000 women to write Mrs. Pinkham for advice din-Ing 1 the last few months.

Think what a volume of experience nhe'has to draw from I Ko physician living- ever treated so many cases of female ills, and from this vast experience surely it is more than possible she has gained ttio very knowledge that will help your case. She is glad to have you write or call upon her. You will find her a woman full of sympathy, with a great desire to assist those who are sick. If her medicine is not what you need, she will frankly tell you so, and there are nine chances out of ten that she will tell you exactly what to do for relief. She asks nothing- in return except your good will, and her advice has relieved thousands.

Surely, any ailing- woman, rich 01 poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous off ex of assistance. Never in the history of medicine haa the demand for one particular remedy for female diseases equalled that attained by Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never in history of Mrs, Pinkham's wonderful Compound has the demand for it beeu great as it is to-day. Rev. Dr. TalmaRo PrenohoH Unique and Inspiring JT OI Those Who Aro Trying to 13o Successful In Spiritual Plain Path.

THAT WRISLEY'S COUNTRY HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with 'Witch Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns.

Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples.

It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 250,, 5oc. and $1.00. Sold byDrngglsta.or sent post-paid on receiptof price.

S' MED. A (few Tork. WITCH HAZEL OIL North End Grocery Having bought Jas. L. Good's Grocery Store, on the corner of Galloway and Pleasant streets, I ha re refitted the premises and stocked up with Everything in the Grocery Line, And am now prepared to serve customers.

I shall aim to accommodate all comers, and ask a share of public patronage. Free delivery, of course. WASHINGTON, Juno people who are trying to do good will find this discourse of Dr. Talrnage inspiring as well as xinique. His fcexfc was Genesis 9: 'Ho was a mighty liunter before tho Lord." In our day, hunting is a sport; but in tho laudra and the times infested with, wild boosts ifc was a matter of life or death with the people.

It was very different from going out on sunshiny of t- srnoou with a patent breechloader, to Jhoob rcodbirda on the flats, when Pollux and Achilles aud Dioinedes went out to clear tho laud of lions and tigers bears. My text aofcs forth Niinrod ivs a hero when it presents him with broad shoulders and shaggy apparel and sun browned face, and arm bunched with mighty hunter before the Lord." I think housed tho bow and tho arrows with great success practicing archery. I have thought if it is such a grand thing and such a brave thing to clear wild boasts out of a if it is not a better and braver thing to hunt down and destroy those great evils of, society that are stalking the land with fierce eye and bloody paw, and sharp tusk and quick spring. I have wondered if there is not such a thing as gospel archery, by which those who have been flying from the truth may be captured for God and heaven. Tho Lord Jesns in his sor- niou tised the art of angling for an illustration when he said, "I will make you fishers of men." And so I think I have authority for using hunting as an illustration of gospel truth, and I pray God that there may bo many a man today who will begin to study gospel archery, of whom it may, after a while, be said, "Ho was a mighty tranter before the Lord.

Conversion, How much awkward Christian work there is done in the world I How many good people there are who drive souls away from Christ instead of bringing them to him I All their flugers are blunderers who upset more thau they right. Their gun has a crooked barrel and kicks as it goea off. They are like a clumsy comrade who gooa along with skillful hunters. At the very moment when he ought to be most quiet, he is crackling an alder, or falling over a log and frightening away tho game. How few Christian people have ever learned the lesson of which I read, at the beginning of this service, how that the Lord Jesus Christ at tho well went from talking about a cup of water to the most practical religious truths, which won tho woman's soul for God; Jesus in the wilderness was breaking bread to the people.

I think it was good bread. It was very light bread and the yeasfc had done its work thoroughly. Christ, after ho had broken tho bread, said to the people, "Beware of the yeast, or of the leaven of the Pharisees. So natural a transition it was, and how easily they all understood him! But how few Christian peoplo there are who understand how to fasten tho truths of God and religion to tho souls of meul Truman Osborue, ono of the evangelists who went through this country years ago, had a wonderful art in tho right direction. Ho camo to my father's house one day, and while wo were all seated in the room ho said, "Mr.

are all your children Christians?" Father said, "Yes, all but Do Then Truman Osborne looked down into the fireplace aud began to tell a story of a storm that carno on tho mountains, and all the sheep were in the fold, but there was-owe Inrnb outside that perished in the storm. Hud ho looked mo in tho eye I should have been angered when he told that stoiy. But he looked into tho fireplace, and it was so pathetically and beautifully done that I never found any peace until I was sure I was inside tho fold where the other sheep were, Tho archers of olden times studied their art. They were very precise in tho matter. Tho old books gave special directions as to how an archer should go and as to what an archer "should do.

He must stand erect and firm, his left foot a little in advance of the right foot. With his left hand he must take hold of the bow in the middle, and then wilth the three fingers and the thumb of his right hand ho should lay hold of tho arrow and affix it to the precise was tho direction given. But how clumsy we are about religious workl How little skill and care wo exercise I How often our arrows miss the mark! Oh, that there were more institutions established in all the towns and cities of our land where men might learn the art of doing spiritual archery, and known as 'mighty hunters before the Lord!" A Choice of Weapons. In the first place, if you want to be effectual in doing good, yon must be very sure of your weapon. There was something very fascinating about the archery of olden times.

Perhaps you do not know what they could do with the bow and arrow. Why, the chief battles fought by tho English Plantageuets were with the long bow. They would take the arrow of polished wood, and feather it with tho plume of a bird, and then it would fly from the bow string of plaited silk. The broad fields of Agincourt aud Solway Moss and Cross heard the loud thrum of the archer's bow string. Now, my Christian friends, we have a mightier weapon than It to dlstrlbnta our advert I so Jn part payment for ah Igh grade Acmo UlcyaJe, wnlcti we send thorn on approval.

No work done until tbe bicycle arrives and proves aatigfjujtory, employed on tho I VlUlJg LwdUtCa name terms. If boys orglrla apply they nrmrt be well recommended, write for particulars. ACME CYCLE COHPANY, ELXHART, IND. "MOTHERS' FRIEND" Shortens labor, lessens pain, oiminjshcs danger to lifo of both mother and child and leaves her in condition more favorable to speedy recovory 'Stronger after than before confinement" says a prominent midwife, is tbe best remedy Known and worth tho price for that alone. Endorsed and recommended by midwivea and all ladles -who have used it Beware of substitutes and' Imitations.

Makes Cliild-Bifili Easy, Sent by Express or mail on receipt of price, 1.00 per bollic. Book "TO MOTHERS" mailed free, containing voluntary testimonials BRADFIELD IlKGULATOR ATLANTA, SOM3 BT ALL DKUOGISTS, cu. is the arrow -of tho gospbl; it arrow; it is straight it is feathered from tho'wing of the dove of God's Spirit; it flics from a bow made out of tho wood of tho oross. As far as I can calculate-it. has brought clowu 400,000,000 souls.

Paul knew hosv to bring tho notch of that arrow oil fco that- bow string, and its whir heard through the Corinthian theaters, and tJirough the courtroom, until the knees of Felix knocked together. It was that arrow'that stuck-in Luther's heart when he cried out: "Oh, my sins 1 Oh, my sins 1" it'strike a man in the head, it kills his skepticism; if it strike a man iu the heal, it will turn, his-step; if it strike him in the heart, ho throws up his hands, as did the Emperor Julian old when wounded iu the battle, crying, Galilean, thou has conquered 1" In tho armory" of the Earl, df Pom- Broke there aro old corselets which show that the arrow of tho English used to go through the breastplate, through the body of the warrior and out through the baokplato. What a symbol of that gospel which is sharper than a two edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of body and soul, and of the joints and marrow! Would to wo had moro faith in that gospel! The humblest man, if ho had enough faith in it, could bring 100 souls to 500. Just in nrouortion as this aero seems to believe, less and loss in it, I 'believe more and more in it. What are men about that they will not accept their own deliverance? Thero ia nothing proposed by men that can do anything like this gospel.

The religion of Ealph Waldo Emerson was the philosophy of icicles; the religion of Theodore Parker was a sirocco of the desert covering up tho soul with dry sand; tho religion'of Beuau was tho romance of believing nothing; the religion of the Huxleys and the Spencers merely a pedestal on which human philosophy sits shivering iu the night of tho soul, looking up to the stars, offering no help to "tho nations that crouch and groan at tho base. Toll me where there is one man who has rejected that gospel for another who is thoroughly satisfied and holped and con touted iu his skepticism, and I will take tho car tomorrow and ride 600 miles to see him. Tho full power of the gospel has not yet boon touched. As a sports man throws up his head nud catches the ball flying through tho air, just so easily will this gospel affcor awhile catch this round world flying from its orbit aud bring it back to the heart of Christ. Give it full swing, and it will pardon every sin, heal every wound, cure every trouble, emancipate every slave and ransom eveiy nation.

Christian meu aud women who go out this afternoon to do Christian work, as you go into the Sunday schools, the lay preaching stations and the penitentiaries and the asylums, I want you to feel that you bear in your hand a weapon compared with which tho lightning has no speed, aud avalanches have no heft, and tho thunderbolts of heaven have no power; it is the arrow of the omnipotent gospol. Toko careful aim. Pull tho arrow clear back until the head strikes the bow I Then lot it fly I And may the slain of tho Lord bo many! Good Hunting Ground. Again, if you want to be skillful in spiritual archery, you must hunt iu unfrequented and secluded places. Why does the hunter go three or four days in tho Pennsylvania forests or over Ba- q-uetto lake into the wilds of the Adiron- daeks? It is the only way to do.

The deer aro shy, and one "bang" of the gun clears the forest. From the California stage you see, as you go -over the and there, a coyofco trotting aloug, almost within range of the sometimes quite within range of it. No one cares for that; it is worthless. Tha good gamo is hidden and sechided. Every hunter knows that.

So, many of the souls that will be of most worth for Christ aud of most value to the church arc secluded. They do nob come in your way. STou will huvo to go where they are. Fonder they are down in that cellar; yonder thoy aro up in that garret. Far awaj' from the door of any church, tho gospol arrow has not beeu poiuted at them.

The tract distributor and city missionary sometimes catch a glimpse of them, as a hunter through the trees get a momentary sight of a partridge or a-roebuck. The trouble is, we ore waiting for the game to come to us. We are not good hunters. We are standing in some street or highway expecting that the timid antelope will come up and eat out of our hands. Wo are expecting that tho prairie fowl will light on our church steeple.

It is not their habit. If the ohuroli should wait 10,000,000 of years for tho world to com in and bo saved, it will wait iu vain. The world will not come. What tho church wants now is to lift its feet from damask Ottomans and put them iu the stirrups. Wo want a pulpit on wheels.

Tha church wants not so much cushions as it wants saddlebags and arrows. We have got to pnt aside the gown and kid gloves and put on tho hunting shirt. Wo have beeu fishing so long in tho brooks that ran under the shadow of the church thafc the flsh know us; that they avoid the hook and escape as aeon as wo come to the bank, while yonder is CJp- per Saranac and Big Tapper's lake, where tho first swing of the gospel net would break ifc for the multitude of the fishes. There is outside work to be clone. What is-thafc I see in the backwoods? It is a tent.

The hunters have made a clearing aud camped out. What do they care if thoy have wet feet, or if thoy have nothing but a pine brauch for a pillow or for tho northeast storm? If a moose, iu the darkness steps into tho lake to drink, they hoar it right away. If a loon, cry; in the moonlight, they bear it. So in the service of God we have exposed work. We have gob to camp out and rough it Wo are putting all our care on tho peoplo who come to oar churches.

Whab arc wo doing for tho thousands upon thousands that do not come? Have they no souls? Are they sinless that they need no pardon? Are there no dead in their houses, that thoy need no comfort? Aro they cut off from God to go into wing to bear thorn, no light to cheer them, no welcome to greet them? I hear today Biu-giug up from tho lower depths a groan that comes through our Christian assemblages aud through our beautiful churches, and ifc blots out all this scone from my eyes today, as by the mists of a great Niagara, for the dash and the these great torrents of life dropping down into the fathomless and thundering abyss of suffering and woe. I sometimes think that just as God blotted out tho churches of Thyatira and Corinth aud Laodicea, because of their slofch and stolidity, ho will blot out American and English Christianity aud raise on tho ruins a stalwart, wiclo- missionary" church' that daiTtakq tho full meaning of that command, "Go into all the world and preach the gospol to evory creature. Spiritual Archers. I remark, further, if you want to succeed iu spiritual archery you must have courage. If the hunter stand with trembling or shoulder that flinches with fear, instead'of his taking the oat- amount, tho catamount takes him.

What would become of the Greenlauder if, when out huiatiug for the bear, he should stand shivering with terror on an iceberg? What would have become of Du Chaillu and Livingstone iu the African thicket with a faint heart and a weak knee? When a panther comes within 20 paces of you and it has its eye on you and it has squatted for tho fearful spring, "Steady there!" Corn-ago, ye spiritual archers! There aro great monsters in iniquity prowling all around about tho community. Shall wo uofc of the strength of God go forth and combat them? Wo not only need more heart, but more backbone. What is the church of God that it should fear to look in the eye any transgression? Thero is tho Bengal tiger of dnankenness that prowls around, and instead of attacking many of us hide under tho church pew or tho communion table There is so much invested in it we are afraid to assault it; millions of dollars iu barrels, in vats, in spigots, in corkscrews, in gin palaces with marble floors and Italian top tables, aud chased ice coolers and in the strychnine and the logwood and tho tartario acid and the mix vomica that go to make up our "pure" American drinks. I looked with wondering eyes on the "Heidelberg tun." It is the great liquor vat of Germany, which is said to hold 800 hogsheads of wine, and only threo times in 100 years it has been filled. But, as I stood and looked at it, I said to myself: 'That is hogsheads.

Why our American vat holds 2,500,000 barrels of strong and wo keep 200,000 men with nothing to do but to see that ifc. is filled." Oh I to attack this great monster of intemperance, and the monsters of fraud and uncleanness, requires you to rally all your Christian courage. Through the press, through tho pulpit, through tho platform, you must assault it. Would to God that all our American Christians would band together, not for crack brained fanaticism, but for holy Christian reform. I think it was in 1793 that there went out.

from Lucknow, India, under the sovereign, tho greatest hunthjer party that was ever projected; There wore 10,000 armed men in that hunting party. There were camels aud horses and elephants. On some princes rode, aud royal ladies under- exquisite housings, and 600 coolies waited upon the train, and the desolafco places of India were invaded by this excursion, and the rhinoceros, the deer and elephant fell under the stroke of saber and bullet. Aftor awhilo the party brought back trophies worth 60,000 rupees, having left tho wilderness of ludia ghastly with the slain bodies of wild beasts. Would to God that, instead of hero and I thero a straggler going out to fight these I great monsters of iniquity in our country, the million membership of our churches would baud together and how in twain these great crimes that make the laud frightful with their roar aud are fattening upon tho bodies and' souls of immortal men I Who is ready for such a party as that? Who will bo a mighty hunter for tho Lord? The Game.

1 remark, again, if you want to be successful in spiritual archery you need not only to bring down tho game, but briug ifc iu. I think one of the most beautiful pictures of Thorwaldsen is his 'Autumn. It represents a sportsman coming hom*o aud standing under a grapevine. He has a staff over his shoulder, and on the other end of thafc staff are hung a rabibt and a brace of birds. Every hunter brings hom*o the game.

No one would think of briuging down a reindeer or whipping up a stream for trout and letting them Ho in the woods. At eventide the camp is adorned with the treasures of the forest and flu and antler. If you go out to hunt for immortal souls, not only bring them, down under the arrow of the gospel, but briug them into the church of God, the encampment we have pitched this sido of the skies. Fetch them in. Do not let them lie out in the open field.

They need our prayers aud sympathies and help. That is the meaning of the church of 0 yo hunters for the Lord, uofc only Briug down the game, bub bring ifc inl If Mithridates liked hunting so well that for seven years he never went iu- doors, what euthusiiisiu ought we to have who are hunting for iniinorfcal souls 1 If Domitiauus practiced archery until he could stand a boy down in the Bomau amphitheater, with a hand out, the fingers like and thon the king could shoot an arrow between the fingers without wounding them, to what drill and what practice ought not wo subject ourselves in order to become spiritual archers and "mighty hunters before the Lord!" But let me say, you will never work any bettor than you pray. The old archers took the bow, put one end of il down besido the foot, elevated the other end, and it was tho rule that tho bow should be just the size of the archer; if ifc were just his size, then he would go into the battle with confidence. Let me say that your power to project good in the world will correspond exactly to your own spiritual stature. In other words, the first thing iu preparation for Christian work is personal consecration.

Oh, for cloaor walk with God, A onbii and hoavouly frame, A light to Bhiuo upon tho road Thufc loads mo to tha Lnmb. 1 am sure that there aro spmo here who f(t some fcimo hit by the Gospel arrow. You felt the wound of that conviction, and you plunged iuto the world deeper; just as the stag, when tho hounds aro after it, plunges into Scroon lake, expecting in that way to escape. Josus Christ is on your track today, iinpeuifceiifc man! not iu wrath, but in mercy. ye chased and panting souls 1 here is the stream of God's mercy Mid salvation, where you-may "cool your thirst! Stop thafc chaso of sin today.

By fcho rod fountain that leaped from the heart of my Lord, I bid you stop. Is there iu all this house anyone who can refiise fcho offer that comes from the heart of fcho dying Sou of God? Why, do you know tliat there arc, in the banished world, souls that, for that offer you gefc today, would fling fcho crown of the universe at your foefc, if they possessed it? But they went out ou fcho mountains, tho storm took thorn, and they.died. There is in a forest in Germany a place they call, crags about 18 feeb apart, between them a fearful chasm. This is called tho "deer leap" because ouco a hunter was ou tho track.of a deer. Ib came to oue of these crags.

There was uo escape for the pursuit of the hunter, aud in utter despair it gathered itself up and in the death agony attempted to jump across. Of course it fell, and was dashed on the rocks far beneath. Hero is a path to heaven. It is plain, it is safe. Jesus marks ifc out for every man to walk iu.

But here is a man who says: "I won't walk in thafc path. I will take my own way. He comes on until he confronts the chasm thafc divides his soul from heaven. Now his lasfc hour has come, aud ho resolves that he will leap that chasm, from the heights of earth to the heights of heaven. Stand back now, and give him full swing, for no soul ever did that successfully.

Let him try. Jump! Jump! He misses the mark, aud he goes down, depth below depth, "destroyed without remedy." Men, angels, devils, what shall we call thafc place of awfnl catastrophe? Let it bo known forever as the sinner's death leap. Jolly Asiatic Merchants. A large number of the merchants engaged in trade gave mo one day a sumptuous feast in a fruit garden: a shorbdis- tauco outside Yarkand. Fow people kuosv the way to eu joy life and make themselves comfortable better fchan these merchants.

We first of all safc aboufc under the shade of the trees, while huge bunches of grapes and delicious melons and peaches were freshly plucked and brought to us to eafc. Then dinner was announced, and after water for washing fcho hands had. been passed round, we set to eat dish after dish of "pillaos" and stows, all beautifully cooked, and we ended up with a pudding made of whipped egg and sugar and. some other ingredients, which it would bo hard to beat anywhere. All the timo tho merchants were chaffing away among themselves and wero as gay and talkative as Frenchmen.

You could scarcely wish for better company or more genial hosts. On the way hom*o we had races, each, merchant fcryiug to niako out that his own horse was better thau the others. These meu are a curious mixture of eastern gravity and politeness and boyish spirits aud fun. They will come to call on you and talk away with tho greatest; solemnity and deference. You meet them next day out for a burst of enjoymeufc, and every sign of gravity is thrown away and they are as free aud natural aud full of life as "Heart of the Continent." for infants and Children.

1HIRTY observation of Castoria with patronage of of poraono, permit tin to apeak of it without It in unqncHtionably best remedy for and Children world ever known. It Children IQce it. It them health. It will their Itvos. In it ha.v« which in absolutely sa fe and practically perfect m.

child'a modioiac. Caatoria destroys Caitoria allay Feverishneag. Cfctttoria pro vent vomitingJSottr Curd, Castoria Piarrhooo. and Wind Colic. Teething Troubles.

Custoria otirea Constipation and Flatulency. the of carbonlo acid or air. Cftntoria doe, not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotio property. Cartoria the food, tho atomacli and bowc.1.. giving and natural sleep.

Caatoria In put tip in only. It is not Bold in bulk. Don't allow any one to you anything else on tho plea or that it in good" and "wtll answer every purpose." Soe that you get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. on wrapper. A French.

Story. is a characteristic French story: Some months ago Mine. Mietta of Paris carne into a respectable sum of money. She took little heed for the morrow, and was wont to declare that when her last penny came she would solve the difficulty by taking her own life. With this end in view she bought a gorgeous funeral robe and a highly ornamented and padded coffin, which she placed in her bedroom.

She next sent for the leader of the local town baud aud handed him over a fair sum of money on condition that ho should head her funeral procession, and she furthermore drew up a programme of popular and joyous tunes to be played by his orchestra 011 that occasion. A few weeks ago, when only a frauc or two of her little fortune remained, the widow, determined ou ending all worldly troubles, bought some charcoal, shut herself up in her room, and was found dead next morning. Punctually obedient to orders the town baud appeared afc the hour of the funeral and saluted the corpse with a gay hunting chorus. The funeral procession then moved off at a quick-pace, to the accompaniment of a lively march. Four times was the cortege pulled up eu route for the cemetery, and at the last halt the band broke forth with the sprightliest dance music, like strains accompanying tho lowering of the coffin into the grave.

Press. SUMMER TRIPS iiiere to Go in Summer and How to Get There. The Ocean Resorts Atlantic City, Cape May, Ashury Park, Ocean Grove, Long Brunch, and famous resorla along the Jersey Coast are located on the Pennsylvania Lines. As a direct route to Nevrport, Narragansett Pier, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket and the popular watering places along tho Atlantic from Chesapeake Jiay to Maine, these lines oner special advantages. In the Mountains Cresson, Bedford Springs, Ebensburg, Altoona and other resorts in tho AJleguenies nre located on tho Pennsylvania Lines, which also lead direct to the White Mountains, Adirondacks, Watkins Glen, Mt.

Dessert Island, and places of Suuvmer sojourn in Knstern New Yort, Vermont, New Hampshire aud Maine, The Lake Region Tho low tourist rate over tho Pennsylvania Linos brings Mnckinac, Petoskey, Charlevois, Mt. Clemeus, St. Glair, Muskegoii, Traverse City, Mackinaw City.Sault Ste. Ifaiie, Gogebie, St. Jgnace, Watersmeet, Au Sable, Iron Mountain and oil the romantic resorts of Northern Michigan within easy reach.

The return limit will bo ample for on extended iojourn. Tourist tickets will also be sold over these lines to Ashland, Cedar Late, Devil's Lake, Pelican Lake, Three Lakes, Waukesba and other resorts in the Northwest. For Information concerning rates time of triJm Ibe flrst-clfisi through service, pleisonjijily to Line Ticket Agent, or RJdreis F. VAX DUSKN- Chid Assistant jPasieoger Again, Pittsburgh, PUT-IN-BAY DETROIT ST. CLAIR FLATS HURONIA BEACH HT.


EDWARDS, Traffic C. H. A D. CINCIKKATI, O. must never leave scraps, Tonimy.

I don't, mammal I always stay in 'em. till the other kid is Date. The Lato William Woodwurd. William Woodward of Baltimore, who recently died in that city, was uearly 95 years old and was for many years one of the niosf prominent and widely known citizens of the Maryland metropolis. He was an influential Episcopalian, aud was connected, as teacher and superintendent, with the Sunday school of St.

Peter's Episcopal church, Baltimore, from. 1819 until one year ago, a period of 75 years. In length of service this record is thought to bo unsurpassed. He cast his vote for president for John Quincy Adams in 1824 aud voted at every national election since. During tho war he was a supporter of the federal cause and since the war voted the Republican ticket.

-GIVEN AWAY- KNIVES and RAZORS In exchange for Coupons with Mail Pouch Chewing and Smoking" onfy ANTI-NERVOUS, ANTI-DYSPEPTIC I and NICOTINE TOBACCO. JACK KNIVES and PEN KNIVES, 4 Stag Handle; Razor Steel, First 1 quality, American, manufacture, 4 hand forged and finely tempered. Fine RAZORS, Highest Grade Steel; Hollow Ground. Coupons explain how to secure tlto OHO Coupon in each 5 cent (2 ounce) Package. Two Coupons fn each 10 cent (4 Package.

Mail Pouch Tobacco is sold by all dealers. Pnckugos (now on sale) containing; no couponH bo accepted na coupons. 2o2." Empty Bag nuanf. "4 02," Empty Bag as two Coupons, LLUSTRATED Catalogue of other Valuable loifti.explanation how to yet them, Mailed on requntt. The Blooh Bros.

Tobacco Wheeling, W. Va, No Coupons exchangeil after July P.G,G,&St.L Time Card, Trains leave Xeuia for Columbus and the East at 7: 55 a.m., 9:57 a.m., 4.: 20 p.m., 6:15 p.m. and 10: IS p.m. Trains arrive from Columbus and tho East at 4:22 a. 10: 25 a.

4:10 p. m. and p. in. Trains leave for Cincinnati and the South at 4:35 a.

8:52 a. 10:30 a.m., 4:15 p.m. and 6:05 p.m. Trains leave for Dayton, Richmond and the West at 4: 29 a. a.

55 a. 10: 30 a. 4:25 p. 6 07 and 15 p. m.

Trains arrive from Dayton, Richmond aud the West at 7:85 a. 9:50 a. 4:05 p. 6:07 p. 7 p.

m. aud 10:13 p.m. for Springfield aud 45 a. 9:55 a. in." CINCINNATI IWDttNAPOUSw) NEW TIME EAST.

Train No. 2C2 301 -JGS Ex.t?und. Ex.Sund. Snu.onJy Leuae Dayton S.J5nm. 6.15 p.m.

7.05 p.m Xeula 6,00 p.m. 7.49 p.iu Ja'slown 9.25 a.m. 6.2J p.m. 16 p.m 11 Wnsh'tn 30.01 0.50p.m.

S.55 p.m 20.01 p.m Arrive Irouton p.m. TRAINS WEST. Train No. 211 205 209 265 EsSuu ExSun ExSuu S.only Leave Iront on SOOani 1122am 7.00am "W'sh 6 oOaiu 12 28pra 5 26pui SOTanv 3 u'sto'u 7.07»uu l.OSpm 601pm Xeuia "SOitm l.Slpra 9.Uani Ar've Uayton S.15am 2 Uopm 7.10pui R.I.P-A.N-S I ABULESI Trains leave tho North at 7 aud 7: 05 p.

m. Trains arrive from 8:48 a.m., 4:10 p.m, Spriugfield at aud p.m. REGULATE THE STOMACH, BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. R1PAXS TABUJLES known for Indirection, vor of tho Stomach; Jjvcr RIp.ins Tabulcs contain notixlne Jninrioas to Uie most delicate constitution. Are bWsant to tafce.

effectual, and jrfvo immediate relief conta per bos. May be One-Half Tare to Cincinnati via On July 5th and Gth agents of the H. D. Ry. will sell tickets to.

Cincinnati aud return at one fare for the round trip, good return until July 12th on account of the "Mks." iftre tbrpnch nearest or by mail. vial, )0 cents. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL 10 SPKOCE STREET, SKW TORJt C1TV. Via the Pennsylvania Lines to Caiiton, Ohio, Account of the Young People's So6ioty of Christian Endeavor of Ohio. Tickets on sale June 29th and 80th, good returning until July 3rd.

$5.10 round trip. t. H. KAVKY, W. MCGKRVKY, OasUJer.

Citizens 1 National Bank! CAPITAL $100,000. OHIO. SURPLUS $45,000 We are prepared to do a General Baufeiu? Business. R. McCJKRVKV.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.