IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (2024)

IV Hydration Treatment for Gastrointestinal DiseasesDiscover relief from GI system ailments with our targeted IV hydration therapy

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Vida-Flo uses targeted medications and our IV hydration for gastrointestinal diseases in Buckhead, GA to counteract the vomiting, diarrhea and other discomforts associated with GI System ailments. By providing direct fluid and vitamin infusion we achieve immediate relief and deliver everything directly to your bloodstream, bypassing the gastrointestinal system entirely.

Additionally, because the effects of many GI System problems can cause severe dehydration and the inability to absorb nutrients, Vida-Flo helps to overcome these issues and enhance your overall wellness.

Targeted IV SolutionsPrices Include Core IV Hydration Therapy (1000ml bag of Fluid)

We have something for everyone! For optimal results and significant savings, consider our Targeted IV Solutions*, which have been designed with most wellness goals in mind. Not sure which Solution is right for you? Our Vida-Flo wellness consultants are here to help. They will assist you in selecting the perfect solution upon your arrival.
*The colors of IV fluids shown here are for marketing purposes only and do not reflect the actual appearance of the IV fluid bags used in our treatments.

Includes 1000ml Bag of FluidSee all treatments

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (4)


Only $49 for Members

Athletic Performance Solution
  • Vitamin D Injection
  • B Complex
  • B12
  • Vitamin C

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (5)


Only $49 for Members

Athletic Recovery Solution
  • Magnesium
  • B Complex
  • Toradol
  • B12
  • Vitamin C

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (6)


Only $49 for Members

Beauty Solution
  • Glutathione
  • B7 (Biotin) Injection
  • Vitamin C

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (7)


Only $49 for Members

Dehydration Solution
  • B Complex
  • B12
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin C

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (8)


Only $49 for Members

Energy Boost Solution
  • B Complex
  • B12
  • Vitamin C

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (9)


Only $49 for Members

Flu Recovery Solution
  • B Complex
  • Toradol
  • Zofran
  • Pepcid
  • B12
  • Vitamin C

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (10)


Only $49 for Members

Healing Boost Solution
  • Vitamin C (High Dose)
  • Zinc

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (11)


Only $49 for Members

Romance Solution
  • Glutamine
  • Arginine
  • Taurine
  • Zinc

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (12)


Only $49 for Members

Overindulgence Solution
  • B Complex
  • Toradol
  • Zofran
  • Pepcid
  • B12

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (13)


Only $49 for Members

Immune Boost Solution
  • Glutathione
  • B Complex
  • Vitamin C

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (14)


Only $49 for Members

Myers' co*cktail Solution
  • Magnesium
  • B Complex
  • B5
  • B6
  • B9
  • B12
  • Vitamin C

Benefits of IV Hydration for GI DiseasesSymptom Management with Vida-Flo


High Strength

Replensish Lost Vitamins & Nutrients

Vida-Flo Benefits

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (16)

What are Gastrointestinal Diseases?

Gastrointestinal, or GI, diseases occur within the GI tract. The GI tract is the part of the digestive system that helps with the processing of nutrients and the passing of waste out of your body. Gastrointestinal issues are common, and the symptoms of these types of diseases are similar. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience:

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Inability to swallow or have bowel movement
  • Fever and chills
  • Severe nausea, uncontrollable vomiting, or vomiting blood
  • Bloody diarrhea

Common GI Diseases

Here is a list of the 6 most common GI diseases:

GERD is a condition that causes heartburn, or the act of stomach acid going back up into your esophagus. Most people experience heartburn every once in a while; however, if you have heartburn at least twice a week or have symptoms that affect your everyday life, then you may have GERD.


  • Heartburn
  • Bad breath
  • Tooth erosion
  • Nausea
  • Pain in chest or upper abdomen
  • Trouble swallowing or breathing


  • OTC antacids
  • Change in diet
  • Elevating the head of the bed
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing
  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid laying down after a meal
  • Medication and surgery in more severe cases

Gallstones are hard objects that form in your gallbladder as a result of high cholesterol, waste in your bile, or your gallbladder not functioning properly. About one million Americans develop gallstones annually.


  • Sharp pain in your upper-right abdomen


  • Medication
  • Surgery

Celiac diseaseis a severe gluten intolerance that causes intestinal damage whenever patients with this condition ingest gluten. About 1% of the U.S. population suffers from this disease unknowingly. They are often misdiagnosed with something else.

Symptoms in Children

  • Abdominal pain and bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting

Symptoms in Adults

  • Anemia
  • Bone loss
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Seizures


  • Avoid gluten
  • Eat alternatives like brown rice, quinoa, lentils, soy flour, etc.

Crohn’s disease is part of the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) group that causes a series of digestive conditions. Crohn’s primarily affects the terminal ileum (connection of the small bowel and colon), though it can affect any part of the GI tract. About 780,000 Americans have this disease, yet the cause remains unknown. Some experts believe that genetics play a role in its development.


  • Abdominal pain
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Weight loss


  • Avoid trigger foods (alcohol, coffee, dairy products, carbonated drinks, raw fruit and vegetables, red meat, and foods that are: fried, spicy, fatty, or gas-producing)
  • Topical pain relievers
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Surgery

Ulcerative Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that primarily affects the large intestine, or colon, and about 907,000 Americans.


  • Sores or ulcers
  • Frequent and urgent bowel movements
  • Painful, bloody diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps


  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Avoid trigger foods
  • Surgery to remove the colon

Irritable bowel syndromeis a common digestive condition that about 10-15% of the global population suffers from.


  • Irregular bowel movements (cycles of hard, dry stool and watery diarrhea)
  • Bloating
  • Stomach pain or discomfort


  • Avoid trigger foods
  • Eat low-fat, high-fiber meals
  • Incorporate probiotics into your diet with yogurt
  • Manage stress (cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressants may help)

Complications and Risk Factors of Gastrointestinal Disease

Unfortunately, gastrointestinal diseases are extremely common not just in the U.S., but all over the world. However, experts have provided us with a list of symptoms that are common in any GI disease along with treatments that can improve a person’s quality of life. Luckily, Vida-Flo has the best solution for the immediate relief of GI disease symptoms.

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Gastrointestinal diseases can cause complications, such as:

  • Dehydration
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Fecal Impaction (unpassable, dry, hard stool)
  • Bowel Obstruction (blockage of the small or large intestine by something other than stool)
  • Radiation Enteritis (inflamed intestine caused by radiation therapy)

People at higher risk of developing a GI disease:

  • Are overweight or obese
  • Are pregnant
  • Take medication like antacids, antidepressants, narcotics, or iron supplements
  • Have a family history of GI issues
  • Travel or change your routine, causing stress on the digestive process
  • Smoke

Though gastrointestinal diseases cannot be fully treated with Vida-Flo’s IV Hydration, this treatment is ideal for the restoration of necessary fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins. Here is how:

  • Saline Solution: Vida-Flo’s sterile saline solution replenishes the body by delivering vitamins and nutrients directly into your bloodstream, hydrating your body with 100% absorption and excreting anything your body doesn’t need.
  • Electrolytes: Electrolytes help prevent dehydration and are vital to recovering from gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Pepcid: Pepcid relieves symptoms of heartburn and abdominal pain.
  • Zofran: Zofran prevents nausea and vomiting, allowing patients to keep fluids down.
  • Vitamin B Complex: Vitamin B Complex keeps energy levels up and promotes the healthy function of your immune system.
IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (17)

What We TreatExplore our targeted IV hydration treatmets

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (18)

Celiac & Gluten Intolerance

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IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (19)

Eating Disorders

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IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (20)


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IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (21)

Pre-menstrual Syndrome

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IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (22)

$119$157 Retail Price

The Revidalizer Introductory Offer

Your Inaugural Visit Includes:
  • IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (23)Our Core IV Hydration (1000ml + electrolytes)
  • IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (24)2 Essential Boosts (regularly $39 each)

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IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (25)

Alleviate GI Disease Symptoms with Vida-Flo’s IV TherapiesIV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Disease in Buckhead, GA

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Vida-Flo’s IV Hydration Treatment offers immediate relief from gastrointestinal disease symptoms, such as nausea and pain, helping patients to feel better quickly and start or continue their journey to recovery.

By rehydrating the body and replenishing essential nutrients, this innovative therapy supports overall health and wellness, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable healing process.

Begin your path to a healthier you with Vida-Flo.

Learn More About Vida-Flo

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (26)

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Vida-Flo IV Hydration Clinics: The Origin Story

Twelve years ago, exhausted from constant travel, I tried IV hydration and felt instantly revitalized. Discovering its broad health benefits, I opened the first IV hydration clinic, now known as Vida-Flo. We've since expanded nationwide and built a trusted brand.

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (27)

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Cure for Brain Fog? The Promising Benefits of NAD+

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) supports brain function, regulates sleep, and may slow aging. This vital compound enhances cognitive clarity and focus while potentially contributing to cellular longevity.

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (28)

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Is IV Hydration Really Safe?

Choosing a reliable IV hydration provider is essential. Vida-Flo, the first IV hydration clinic in the USA with over a decade of experience, sets the industry standard. Look for a clinic that conducts comprehensive pre-treatment assessments, employs registered nurses, and is overseen by a medical director to ensure safety and effectiveness.

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (29)

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Chronic Illness: How IV Hydration and Vitamin Infusion Help

IV hydration is proving to be more than a simple hangover solution. It's a vital tool for promoting overall health and wellness. This therapy not only enhances skin and hair health and boosts athletic performance but also provides crucial relief for people dealing with chronic health issues like Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (30)

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How Top Athletes Avoid Dehydration

Whether you're hitting the football field, basketball court, tennis court, running a marathon, cycling, or even participating in eSports, top athletes understand the vital role hydration plays in performance. However, drinking fluids may not always meet the demands of these intense activities.

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (31)

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Fastest Flu and Virus Remedy: IV Hydration

Our clinics provide a powerful IV-administered solution that combines 2.5 gallons of hydration with vital vitamins like zinc, vitamin C, and magnesium. This directly addresses the root causes of discomfort during a cold or flu.

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (32)

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Instant Hangover Cure: How to Get Rid of a Hangover Fast

Hangovers are notorious for ruining the morning after a night of celebration. The throbbing headache, upset stomach, and overall discomfort can leave us desperately searching for a quick and effective solution. Thankfully, there's a way to find instant relief and rehydration with Vida-Flo's IV hydration hangover cure.

IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (33)

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Instant Hangover Cure: How to Get Rid of a Hangover Fast - Copy

When dehydration strikes, reaching optimal hydration can be a challenge. Traditional methods like drinking oral fluids, water, or sports drinks can take time and may not provide sufficient hydration for those who lead active lifestyles.

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Clients have the ability to book their appointment online or by calling one of our locations.

Our hours of operation vary by location. Please visit the location-specific page for their current hours.

We offer all new clients our introductory ReVIDAlizer Treatment for only $199, which includes the Core IV Hydration Fluid and Two Essential Boosts.

First-time clients also receive all membership benefits on the visit including complimentary Oxygen service and 50% off additional gains and standard services.

IV therapy works by using an intravenous (IV) fluid drip to deliver saline solution through a small catheter and tubing directly into the bloodstream. This saline solution may also include medications and vitamin supplements tailored to the individual patient.

During your therapy session, a medical professional will insert an IV line attached to a bag of saline solution. This bag is hung above the patient's head, using gravity to regulate the flow of fluids into the bloodstream. Compared to a syringe or other forced technique, gravity allows for a gradual introduction of fluids.

While the time frame of a single treatment varies from person to person, a session typically lasts 30 – 45 minutes. There are exceptions to this timeframe, such as with our NAD IV treatments, which generally take 1 to 2 hours per session.

IV drip therapy is highly effective in delivering nutrients, vitamins, and fluids directly to your bloodstream. Unlike oral supplements, this method bypasses the digestive system, allowing your body to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients without any loss during digestion. As a result, vitamins and nutrients are made immediately available to your cells, accelerating the benefits.

At Vida-Flo, we offer a variety of specialized IV blends designed to meet specific health goals. We also provide the option of custom-blended IV treatments to target your individual needs.

The duration of hydration therapy's benefits can vary depending on individual health factors and lifestyle choices. Some of our treatments, such as medications, provide immediate (but shorter-term) results. Our vitamin solutions are processed over a longer period, offering longer-lasting benefits.

Maintaining a regular schedule of treatments can help extend these benefits, supporting sustained hydration and improved health over time.

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IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (34)

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Appointments are preferred for shorter wait times, but walk-ins are welcome anytime!

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IV Hydration for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Buckhead, GA (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.