Meet Buffy - Chapter 1 - XFangHeartX (2024)

Chapter Text

Loona had what had to be her fifth or sixth drink as she sat at the bar. She had been there since earlier that afternoon, just drowning her anger in Beelze Juice. Lucky for her, this was one of the few bars in the Lust Ring that allowed all patrons, single or otherwise.

Stupid f*cking Blitzø. If he had just left her alone, she wouldn’t have had to come down here. Just who the f*ck did he think he was, anyway? So what if he adopted her? Just because he believed that he was her father, he had a right to control her and not let her have at least one friend? She was just having a phone call with Tex, and yet that crazy imp was acting like he was some kind of horndog!

f*ck him. Who needed him, anyway? Not her. She could get along just fine without some stupid imp breathing down her neck 24/7. She wasn’t some little pup back in the kennels, after all. She was a f*cking adult, now, so what did she need a dad for, anyway?

“Would you like another?” offered the incubus barkeeper that was cleaning the glasses.

“No thanks, I gotta drive,” Loona answered… but then she and the barkeeper both burst into laughter. As she prepared to pay the tab, her phone began to vibrate on the counter. The wolfish Hellhound sighed, knowing exactly who it was before she even looked at the caller I.D. before she grabbed and instantly tapped “ignore”.

Why the f*ck can’t he just take a hint? How many times had he called her, now? 20 or 30 times? She lost count after the 15th call… and she stopped listening to his voicemails and answering his texts.

As Loona took out her wallet, she saw that she had enough $ouls to pay for her drinks… but there wasn’t enough to pay for a night’s stay at a hotel. Then again, she didn’t really trust the hotels around the Lust Ring, anyway… especially the “Hump Hotel”. Most of these places only allowed couples or even polyamorous relationships, so finding a place where she could have a single room and be left in peace was just like pulling teeth.

Loona’s heart sank a bit and a frown marred her muzzle. Of all the Hellhounds in hell she had to fall for, he was already taken… and of course, he had to be hot!

Maybe she could find somewhere else to stay, as long as it wasn’t anywhere in the Pride Ring. She just wasn’t ready to talk to Blitzo, right now.

“Thanks for the drinks,” said Loona as she put her money on the counter, then headed out to the I.M.P. van. However, just as she was getting ready to open the driver’s side door, her ears perked at the sound of nearby voices.

“Come on… you know you want it.”

“I said no! Will you please leave me alone?”

“Come on, baby! We’re all here to have a good time, right?”

That’s when Loona turned to her left and caught sight of two rather hulking Hellhounds, one looking more lupine than his companion, who was a Rottweiler Hellhound. The first was wearing a black leather vest with spiked pauldrons on the shoulders and a pair of shredded jeans while his friend wore a simple white tee-shirt with a few stains on it, a pair of dark green cargo shorts, and a studded red collar. The two had these rather smug grins on their maws as they stood over their victim: a Hellhound covered from head to toe in golden blonde fur, some of which was combed over her face like a set of short bangs. She had these two floppy ears and a big, voluminous fluffy tail, and her only attire consisted of a pale purple spaghetti strap top that barely even covered her midriff and a pair of black shorts, along with a light blue mini backpack dangling low off of her back.

The poor female looked like she was about to piddle herself as she stared at the two imposing males.

“Look, I’m not looking for any trouble,” said the golden one, shrinking back to look as small as possible. “Just, please, can you leave me alone?”

“We’re not trying to start any trouble, either, baby,” said the Rottweiler Hellhound as he licked his chops. “We just want your time, is all.”

“Look, I already said that I don’t want to,” the female said as she tried to squeeze her way past them. “Can you please just let me go?”

“Nothin’ doin’,” said the wolf Hellhound as he tightly gripped at her wrist, causing her to yelp in pain as he pulled her closer to him. “See, you can say ‘no’ all ya want, but the way you smell is drivin’ us f*ckin’ crazy.”

Now that he mentioned it, Loona could smell a certain scent coming from the female, and she would know because she went through it, too. Just like regular dogs in the living world, female Hellhounds would go through estrus once every 6 months in the year, and the smell they gave off would draw any male in the vicinity towards them. Loona could count all the times she had to fend off f*cking pervs during her time in the kennels more times than she could count on her hands because of this.

“Look, just make this easier for all of us,” said the wolf Hellhound. “You don’t have to f*ck us. Just suck us off! We’ll even take turns!”

The female bit her lip, pinning her ears back while the two males just grinned at her, the former licking his chops and giving a sensual growl. As for Loona, she gave a growl of her own- one of pure anger. If there was one thing she hated more than Blitzo’s overly affectionate attitude towards her, it was f*ckers who didn’t know how to take no for an answer. Even if this had nothing to do with her, she couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.

Just as she was getting ready to go over and give those bastards a piece of her mind…

“All right, fine…” the unknown female muttered in resignation. “Just… one suck, each.”

The two males smirked before the first began to force the female into the alley corner and push her down into a kneeling position. Then, he unzips his pants and pulls them down just below the tail while the female reaches inside his trousers and begins to suck. Loona grimaced as she looked away in disgust while she heard the pleasurable moans coming from the male.

As Loona prepared to get in the van, that’s when she heard a pained grunt.

“Hey, easy! Gettin’ a little bit bitey, there, huh? H-hey, ow! Hey, I said take it f*ckin’ easy- UGH!! AAGH!! YAAAAAAARRGH!!!”

The next thing she heard was a primal yowl of agony, and as Loona looked back… she saw the female standing over the lupine male, who was writhing on the ground, clutching his nether region with tears of pain in his eyes while his friend looked on in horror. Black blood pooled from between his legs, and as Loona looked, she saw that it was smeared all over the mouth of the Golden Retriever Hellhound, who growled as her crimson eyes glowed dangerously. That’s when she spat out something from her maw, which landed on the ground with a wet splat.

It didn’t take Loona very long to realize what that was.

“Holy sh*t…!” she whispered in disbelief.

“Why you f*cking bitch!!” shouted the Rottweiler as he got over his shock, snarling viciously as he grabbed at the female by her hair, causing her to cry out in pain as she pushed against the wall. However, she was quick to retaliate, biting his arm with all her strength and then kicking him right where the sun doesn’t shine. He yowled and recoiled while she attempted to scramble away from him, but she soon found herself pinned to the ground, causing her to yelp as she struggled to escape.

“Get the f*ck off of me!!” she yelled.

That f*cking did it. Loona had seen enough. With a growl, she charged into the fray and tackled the other male off of the female hound, who gasped in surprise at the sudden appearance of her savior. Loona violently bit at the thug, digging her teeth and claws into his muzzle and tearing off a good chunk of flesh, causing him to scream in pain as blood sprayed against the walls. She then sucker punched him, breaking out several of his fangs before finally, she slammed him against the ground and drop-kicked her heel against his crown, his skull shattering with a sickening crunch.

“...Whoa…!” the golden yellow whispered in awe.

As for the other male (as much of a male as he was in his current state, now), he growled as he clutched at his groin before he raised his head up and howled… and not even 5 seconds later, other howls answered back.

“Oh, f*ck…!” Loona cursed as she saw several shadows appear from the streets. She counted at least 10 in number, maybe even more, and they were rapidly advancing. The wolf Hellhound male groaned as he stood up and leaned against the wall, just as he was joined by several others, all of them wearing attire typical to that of a biker gang.

“GET THOSE BITCHES!!” he yelled as he pointed at Loona and the other female, and the hounds soon charged, barking and snarling savagely.

“sh*t!” Loona cursed as she grabbed the unknown female by her wrist. “Quick, follow me!” She soon led her to the I.M.P. van and unlocked the doors, pushing her into the passenger seat, but just as she was about to close the driver’s side, one male managed to squeeze his head into the gap, causing the two females to shriek before Loona snarled and slammed the door against the male’s head, several times before she finally slammed it shut… decapitating him in the process. With a grimace, she quickly opened the door and kicked the disembodied head out of the car, just before the other hounds began to throw themselves at the windows, causing the golden female to shriek in fright.

“Hold on!!” Loona yelled before she jammed the keys into the ignition, put the van in drive, and floored the gas, speeding off into the streets as she left streaks of burnt rubber and two run-over hounds behind. The other hounds gave chase for just a moment, but they had no chance of catching up to them. It wasn’t too long before they were left in the dust, and Loona and her new companion both laughed as the adrenaline finally subsided.

“Oh, f*ck!” Loona cursed. “That was crazy!”

“Yeah, tell me about it!” agreed her friend.

“By the way, you weren’t too bad, back there,” said Loona. “You sure can kick some ass.”

“Thanks!” agreed the unknown. “You weren’t too bad, either!”

“I’m Loona,” Loona introduced.

“I’m Buffy,” the female replied. “Thanks for helping me back there, Loona.”

“No problem,” Loona shrugged as she kept driving.

“So… what are we gonna do now?” asked Buffy.

“Well, I was thinking that maybe I could drop you off somewhere,” Loona answered, causing Buffy to suddenly tense up. “So… where do you live? Pride? Wrath? Gluttony? Greed?”

“DON’T!!” Buffy screamed as she grabbed at the wheel, causing Loona to shriek as she veered off to the left, nearly slamming into a sports car before she parked on the sidewalk.

“What the f*ck are you doing?!” Loona questioned as she glared at her passenger… whose eyes were as big and wide as dinner plates as she stared at her with short, ragged breaths. “Whoa… you okay?”

“Please… I’m begging you,” Buffy said. “You can drop me off at a hotel… you can put me out on the street! Hell, you can even take me back to the Hellhound Adoption Agency! I don’t f*cking care!” She then grabbed at Loona’s crop top and pulled her closer to the point where their noses were nearly touching. “But please, PLEASE, do not take me back to Greed! Don’t take me back to my parents!! Do you hear me?! FOR THE f*ckING LOVE OF KING LUCIFER, DO NOT TAKE ME BACK HOME!!!”

Loona stared at Buffy, who let out puppyish whimpering as tears began to well up in her eyes… and suddenly, her heart sank into her gut. f*ck, even if they were in hell, some demons did have a conscience, rare as it was.

“…Oh, f*ck me…” she whispered in exasperation, causing Buffy’s ears to droop.

“I-I’m sorry,” she said as she bowed her head submissively before she reached for the door. “I’ll just go-”

“No, no, wait,” Loona said as she put a hand on Buffy’s shoulder, causing her to look at her in surprise. “Look… I know a place where you can stay for a while, okay? You just have to trust me.”

Buffy cast her eyes to the dashboard of the van, contemplating her choice. Then, she glanced back at Loona before she nodded her head.

“So where are we going?” Buffy asked.

“…Home,” Loona answered before she drove off.


“Loonie, this is daddy,” Blitzø said as he paced around the living room of his apartment while holding his phone. “Listen, I know kids need their space and all and maybe I could have handled the whole Tex thing better, I’m so sorry, sweetie, but listen, it’s been 3 hours and you’re supposed to be home and in bed by now! I am losing my f*cking mind, sweetie, okay?! So just come home or else you’re grounded for a year!!” He paused. “Okay, love you, see you when you get home, bye~!” He then ended the call before he continued his worried pacing like any father would for his teenage girl… except Loona wasn’t really a teenager anymore, but still.

Just as Blitzø was getting ready to make another call, the sound of a car pulling up caught his non-existent ears, followed by opening and closing of doors and jingling keys.

“Loonie!” Blitzø cried as his adopted daughter came through the door.

“Yeah, hey, Blitzø…” Loona muttered as she entered the apartment.

“Oh, my baby, I was so worried about you!” Blitzø cried as he ran up and hugged her, causing her to growl as she attempted to pull herself out of his grip. “Where have you been, young lady?! I’ve been worried sick!”

“First of all, I’m 22 f*cking years old and I can do whatever the f*ck I want!” Loona snapped as she finally pried herself from his embrace. “Second, I grabbed a few drinks in the Lust Ring-”

“THE LUST RING?!” Blitzø questioned as he grabbed at his head. “Loona, do you have ANY idea what kind of thirsty freaks are lurking around at that place?!”

“I can take care of myself, Blitzø!!” Loona spat. “Also, can we please not argue, right now?! I just-”

“Uh… excuse me?”

Loona and Blitzo looked up as they heard that timid little voice peep as Buffy entered the room, clutching her backpack. Blitzø’s eyes widened as the new female appeared, her own eyes darting about the living room as she took in her surroundings.

“Uh… well… someone likes horses,” said Buffy as she took note of all the equine paraphernalia.

“Who’s this?” Blitzø asked as he looked at Loona, who sighed as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Blitzø, this is Buffy,” she said. “Buffy, this is Blitzø. He… he adopted me… so I guess that kinda makes him my dad.”

“Umm… h-hello, Mister Blitzø,” said Buffy with a bit of a stutter before she giggled. “Err… sorry… I’m kinda nervous. I had a bit of a rough day.”

“A couple of creeps were trying to force her to f*ck them,” said Loona, causing Blitzø to momentarily gape in shock. “I mean… she took care of one of them, though. One of them’s not much a male, now, if you get my meaning.” She then gave Blitzo a soft-eyed look. “Blitzo… she has nowhere to go and, well… I was wondering if she could stay here with us. Just for a little while.”

“Aw, Loonie, of course, she can stay,” said Blitzø with absolutely no hesitation as he looked at Buffy, who smiled at him gratefully. “Any friend of yours is a friend of mine, okay?”

“You sure don’t say that about Tex…” Loona muttered.

“Who’s Tex?” asked Buffy.

“I’ll tell you later,” Loona said.

“Well, Loonie, I know you and Buffy must be hungry,” Blitzø said before he brought out a pizza, “so I ordered dinner!”

Loona grabbed a slice and saw that upon closer inspection, the cheese and sauce had all congealed and the pepperoni and sausage had dried out a bit, but she wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth and she was hungry, so she just shrugged and took a bite. Blitzo must have ordered this about an hour or two ago, which would explain why it was pretty cold… but it was the thought that counted. Plus, he knew that pepperoni and sausage was her favorite.

Perhaps he had this ready for whenever she got back.

As for Buffy, she swallowed thickly as she looked at the pizza, drool dripping from her mouth. Before she could even stop herself, she grabbed two slices of pizza at once and then shoved them into her mouth, practically tearing into them like they were pieces of meat. Blitzø and Loona both blinked in surprise as they glanced at each other, then back at Buffy, who grabbed another slice of pizza and practically inhaled that one, as well.

“Whoa, someone’s got a big appetite,” Blitzø noted while Buffy practically licked her fingertips of any crumbs and bits of cheese and sauce.

“Err… sorry,” said Buffy with a sheepish chuckle. “I guess that’s what happens when you haven’t eaten in like a day or two.”

“Uh… do you want some more?” asked Loona as she offered as she held up the box with just 4 more slices left.

“Thanks,” Buffy said before she took two more slices for herself. “I’m sorry, I just… I realized how hungry I was and I just-”

“Hey, hey, don’t worry your fluffy head,” said Blitzø as he gently placed a hand on her back. “We all have our binge-eating days. So, Buffy, why don’t you make yourself comfortable? It’s late and we should get ready for bed.”

“I’m not inconveniencing you in any way, am I?” asked Buffy in concern.

“Ah, don’t worry about it,” Loona said. “We don’t have work tomorrow, anyway.” She paused. “Umm… sh*t, I just realized something. You don’t have anywhere to sleep, do you?”

“Oh, that’s okay, I can sleep on the floor-” said Buffy.

“Ah-ah-ah! No, no, no, no, no!” Blitzø interrupted. “No guest of ours is gonna sleep on the floor, okay? Especially not a friend of Loonie.”

“I have a sleeping bag,” said Loona. “And there’s enough space in my room, too. That way, you’re a little more comfortable.”

“And I’ll get some extra blankets,” Blitzø added as he went to the closet. Buffy, meanwhile, just watched in confusion. She didn’t expect this kind of turnout from two people she barely even knew… but then, maybe she shouldn’t read too much into it. She didn’t think she’d be staying very long anyway. It was just for maybe 2… 3 days, tops.

“Uh… Buffy?” Loona called, causing the Golden Retriever Hellhound to look back at her as she opened the door that was heavily decorated with police tape, sticky notes, and a piece of paper that read “LOONA’S ROOM”. Though she seemed hesitant, Buffy decided to follow her inside. It was certainly spacious enough when she got in there, and it was decorated with hanging clothes with all kinds of goth styles. She had a dresser drawer, some of which were partially open with clothes messily strewn about, and she had some posters of popular bands in Hell. It was decorated like a typical teenage goth girl’s room.

Speaking of Loona, she had just brought out a sleeping bag from her closet and laid it on the floor.

“Here you go,” she said. “I don’t really use this thing, anymore.”

“Thanks,” Buffy said as she put down her backpack.

“So… are you gonna get into something a little more comfy?” asked Loona.

“Oh… uh… I don’t have any other clothes,” said Buffy, awkwardly shuffling her feet. “Just the ones I have on, right now.”

“Are you f*cking kidding me…?” Loona whispered before she sighed and went over to her dresser. “You know what? Here. You can wear something of mine for right now.” She handed Buffy a red sweater with a black skull, practically big enough to be a dress. “I don’t really wear this anymore.”

Buffy hesitated before she took the sweater into her hands, then went into a corner to get changed. However, she gave a glance at Loona, who blinked at her.

“Umm… I know this is gonna sound awkward,” Buffy began, “but… can you maybe… look the other way?”

“Hey, you just have to say so,” Loona replied as she turned around. “I mean, we’re both girls, but whatever helps you feel safe.”

After a few seconds, Buffy had gotten out of her clothes and into the sweater, prompting Loona to look back at her as she saw crawl into the sleeping bag that had been rolled out for her.

“Hey, girls,” Blitzø said as he peeked inside while holding a rolled-up blanket decorated with horses. “How’s it goin’ in here?”

“We’re good, Blitzø,” Loona answered. “Buffy’s just now getting settled in.”

At that moment, Buffy finally unzipped her backpack… and that’s when she pulled out this little raggedy Teddy Demon. It was missing one of its three eyes, the red horns were floppy, and the plush was a faded bluish-gray color. It was also missing an ear and it had stuffing coming out of it, and it was held together by a rather shoddy sewing job, with one big visible stitch visible on its belly. However, Buffy smiled at it as she held it tightly to her chest like it was her lifeline, causing it to let out an audible squeak.

Loona’s eyes widened as she watched Buffy hold the precious stuffed toy before she looked at the backpack. As she picked it up and took a look inside… she saw nothing: no phone, no wallet, not even a speck of lint. As for Blitzø… seeing Buffy hug that little plush toy… it just made his heart f*cking sink. It was at that moment that he saw just how small she seemed.

So small and alone… like him.

At that moment, Buffy yawned as she laid herself down inside her sleeping bag, still holding her lovey. That’s when Loona and Blitzø saw something that made their blood run cold: there, on the back of her neck, was this patch of missing fur. The skin was red and cracked with small pieces of fur growing out of it. It looked like it had been attempting to heal but it didn’t heal correctly. It was almost as if something had burned the fur away.

It was then that only one question went through their minds…

‘What the f*ck happened to her?’

Meet Buffy - Chapter 1 - XFangHeartX (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.