The Bismarck tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota (2024)

POR COTTAGE SIDE ed. Call an, velar Owner Leaving State Will sacrifice six year old two bedroom home with attached garage on South 15th. 5000 down payment. Assume FHA loan. $10,950 total price, Dial BL5-1944 after 4:00 p.m.

REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ses for Sale Resort Properties To See the BEST HOME BUYS in BISMARCK NEW or USED Call PORTER REAL ESTATE CO. DIAL CA3-2560 Sulte 11 Dakota National Bank Building After Hours Call Dick Stee-BL5-0674 or Lyle W. Porter CA3-1247 1808 LAFOREST bedroom large cararea, kitchen all the peted living Dompor Dining latest built-ins. Full basem*nt. FHA approved for low down payment.

Shown by appointment only, 1711 GRIFFIN 3 bedroom wall to wall carpeted living room, built in stove and oven in kitchen, large finished room in base. ment. single attached garage. Home Is less than one year Shown by appointment only, 702 N. 18th STREET room basem*nt home, now lived in.

Call us for appointment. INCOME PROPERTY We have. several duplexer, fourplexes and income properties. Call us any time. Boyd Lee agency 206 N.

First Street Real Estate and- Insurance Office Phone- CA3-9760 Lyman Lee -CA3-5981 Earl Rita Mae Rene- CA3-8787 NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME, 1112 PIONEER Drive, Highland Acres. Will take, smaller house in trade. Phone 3628 Mandan. (66) JUST LISTED Side by side duplex on 25th Street. Carpeted living room and bedroom.

Priced for a quick sale. CENTRAL AVENUE Beautiful two bedroom split level home. One year old. Carpeted living, recreational room in basem*nt, etc. FHA appraised.

WEST SIDE Two bedroom home with two bedroom basem*nt apartment. Basem*nt now rented out. for a Call for apOwner Leavine, town. Priced pointment soon. ZOLLER -REAL ESTATE CONSTRUCTION Dial CA3-1407 John Zoller Day or Night CA3-1407 Oliver Wahl-Day CA3-1407 Night-CA3-4096 HOUSE FOR SALE Three bedroom house at 1821 Fifth Street.

Take over VA loan or refinance completely. Owner will sacrifice. Call Lahr and Lahr for details. CA3-8484. ONLY $3,800.

1-BEDROOM HOUSE, FULL basem*nt, central location. Move right in. Dial CA3-1086. (66) FOR SALE BY OWNER 2-year-old 3-bedroom home. 1903 7th St.

Dial BL5-1476 for appointment. Garage. 312 S. 15th St. Dial CA3-3545.

(66) 67-Houses Wanted WE WANT TO BUY A HOME. HAVE LOT in desirable area south of Boulevard and west of 6th St. for down payment. Don't hesitate to call. Dial CA3-4865.

(67) 68-Lots for Sale 90x90-FT. LOT. NO SPECIALS. THREE blocks from Hughes Jr. High, 5 blocks from Cathedral, 4 blocks from St.

Mary's High. Dial CA3-4865. (68) BEDROOMS, GARAGE, CARPET, drapes, built-in stove and oven. Take over FHA loan. 1707 Griffin St.

(66) FOR SALE: 2-BEDROOM OLDER HOME, all modern. Extra bedroom plus 4-room apartment. New lifetime siding and brick front. Large, beautiful back yard. TO PLACE A WANT -AD Dial CA3-2500 FOR SALE or RENT Three bedroom home No money down.

Can be seen at 2024 Dakota Drive, between 4th and 5th or Dial 223-0757. 20-Wanted to Rest and WANTED family, TO RENT: LOCAL PHYSICIAN small child! bedroom home with garage. Dial 001 AUTOS VEHICLES for Sale NOBODY SELLS FOR LESS 1958 Volks. $1145 Bus 1957 Ford 845 Courier Panel 1955 DeSoto 245 4-Dr. Sedan 1955 Ford 395 (4-speed) Pickup 1954 Chevrolet 195 2-Dr.

Hardtop 1954 Pontiac 595 4-Dr. Station Wagon 1950 Jeep 550 Station Wagon. New Motor McCarney's Ford Inc. "Where You Drive a Little and "Save a Lot" 2400 E. Broadway Office-223-3540 Used Car Lot-223-0805 USED CAR SPECIALS At.

Ward Motor Co. USED CAR LOT 2118 East Broadway Bismarck, N. Dak. June 19th thru 23rd 1954 Chevrolet 215 4-Dr. Regular $325 1954 Buick 185 4-Dr.

Regular $295 1954 Cadillac 645 Hardtop Reg. $795 1959 Chevrolet $1275 4-Dr. Regular $1445 1957 Ford 775 V-8 4-Dr. Reg. $895 1956 Buick 645 4-Dr.

Hardtop Regular $845 1955 Stude. 395 4-Dr. Regular $575 1950 Plymouth 79 2-Dr. Regular $135 Ward Motor Co. 222 W.

Main Bismarck USED 'CAR LOT 2118 East Broadway Open "Til 9:00 P.M. WE FINANCE NEW AND USED AUTOS. Northwest Finance 110 3rd St. Dial CA3-7422. (71) 1949 FORD PICKUP WITH OVER.

load springs. Less than 18.000 actual miles. 223-1699. 1957 MERCURY TURNPIKE. CALL Northwest Finance Dial (71)) AUTOS VEHICLES 71-Autos for Sale FORD SEDAN.

Price TRANSFERRED Must sell now-1956 Olds 2-Door Hardtop. $500.00. Dial CA3-7137-Days Dial CA3-1856-Nights FORD. MOTOR JUST Straight stick, overdrive. Dial after 0 p.m.

IN CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT 2.00 Impala. Bucket seats CAN VOLKSWAGEN, CLEAN, LOW ape car. 1114 Ave. C. Diet IN BLACK VOLKSWAGEN, walls.

Radia 38.000 miles. Perfect 718 M1. Dial (21) CHEVROLET DOOR HARDTOP. automatic. Real share.

Jerry DeLaBar Glen Ultin. N. Dak. 73-Anto Equipment for Sale HIGHWAY SINGLE, AXLE long, equipped with fifth and vacuum brake contreis. Ray Olin, mont, N.

Dak. (73) 75 Auto Trucks for Sale 60 USED BUSES Northwest's Largest Stock Smith, Inc. School Bus Headquarters 1620 1st Ave. N. Fargo, N.

Dak. ALSO large selection New Carpenter Units on hand for school delivery. 1955 DODGE 13th St. PANEL. CAN BE SEEN A 1960 CHEVROLET PICKUP 8-ft.

style side box. Dial CA36042 after 5:30 p.m. PICKUP CAMPER FOR SALE, $100. S. 12th St.

78-Bicycles 1959 MO-PED MOTOR BIKE WITH WINDshield, low mileage. Very good condition. Dial CAJ-4405. (78) Ralph S. Berger Funeral Thursday Funeral services for Ralph S.

Berger, 63, 208 11th Ave. Mandan, will be held at 9:30 a.m. Thursday from in St. Mandan. Joseph's CathMr.

Berger died in a Bismarck hospital at 1:25 a.m. Monday. He had been a patient there for 20 days. An apartment manager in St. Paul until becoming ill, he was born in Russia July 24, 1898, a son of Stephen and Florentina Don(bauer Berger.

He came to this country and lived in Sykeston from 1926 to 1944, when he moved to Mandan. He moved to Tacoma, 1950 and returned to Mandan in 1953. In 1955 he went to St. Paul, where he worked as an apartment manager until he became ill and returned here. He was a member of St.

Joseph's Catholic Church. Mr. Berger married Theresa Lauinger on Nov. 9, 1920, at St. Anthony.

She survives, as do one son, Anthony A. Berger, Mandan: three daughters, Mrs. Albert (Loretta) Toman, Mandan, and the Misses Rose Mary and Frances Mae Berger, both of St. Paul: one brother, Lucas, in Idaho; five sisters, Mrs. Monica Fleck and Mrs.

Val Gerhardt, both of Fallon; Mrs. Joe Reise. Richmond, Mrs. Jack Fleck, Breien, and Mrs. Rose Wetzstein, Fargo, and 11 grandchildren.

One daughter preceded him in death. The St. Maria Verein will be recited at 7 p.m. Wednesday and the parish rosary will be recited at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday at the Hoenig Funeral Home in Mandan.

The body will lie in state at the funeral home from Wednesday morning until the time of the services. Burial will be made in the Mandan Union Cemetery, Tribune Strike Talks Continue MINNEAPOLIS CAP) RepreI sentatives of management and the printing pressmen's union met Tuesday as talks continued in an effort to settle the Minneapolis Star and Tribune strike now in its 10th week. Charles LaValley, federal mediator, said no meetings are on schedule involving the Mailers Union. Officials of the newspapers and the International Typographical Union, parent union of the mailers, said last week that a "possible was near in the main dispute over a company proposal to install new mailing room proIcedures. announcements have been made on 1 further progress.

Construction Needs Of 5 Colleges Listed ST. PAUL, (AP) Minnesota's five state colleges will require $47 million in new construction to meet the demands of a nearly doubled enrollment over the next five years. With 13.000 new students now on campuses, the increase is expected to be as great as 12,000 by 1967, Richard F. Hammel; St. Paul architect who analyzed buildling needs, told the State College Board late Monday.

Dormitory facilities for at least 6,000 added students will be needed and that cost alone is set at $26 million. Instruction facilities would run to $15 million and the other $6 million would be used to cover miscellaneous needs. SHORT RIBS SOON AFTER I LEARNED WHAT DID THE I DIDN'T ASK. HER- THAT PERSONS IN A POSITION QUEEN SAY WHEN I TOLD HER! OF RESPONSIBILITY SHOULD YOU ASKED HER THINK BEFORE ISSUING AN ORDER. TO MARRY YOU? OH ARP CA En ONEAL Page The BINMARCK TRIBUNE- Nikita Says Soviets See No Cause to Go To War Over Berlin BUCHAREST.

Romania (APISoviet Premier Khrushcher told Romanian workers Tuesday, that the Soviet Union sees no reason to go to war over Berlin and "we do not give any deadline" on settling the Berlin issue. "The United States threatened us with war over Berlin, but I don't see any reason to go to he said. "Those who talk about war had remember that they World News in Brief HONOLULU (APT The United States was to try again late Tuesday night to set off the biggest nuclear blast of its current Pacific series but the weatherman wasn't optimistic. ALGIERS (API Mortar shelling of Moslem quare ter of Oran broke the uneasy Algerian truce Tuesday, CHICAGO (AP) Several railroads have begun laying off nonoperating employes to compensate for a 10.2 cents an hour wage boost negotiated by 11 unions rep. resenting 450,000 off-train workers.

VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) Neutralist Prince Souvanna Phouma said Tuesday he still is at odds with the right-wing government over the wording of a decree installing him as premier of a conlition regime. BERLIN (AP) A West Berlin student led four East Germans through a tunnel to safety in the West Monday night after escaping a hail of gunfire from Red guards who accidentally killed one of their own men. SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP) Two big government attacks smashed into Commanist guerrilla concentrations in four provinces, killing 180 Viet Cong and capturing 131, a commonique said Tuesday, WASHINGTON (AP) The Kennedy administration has rejected a proposed compromise on its embattled tax revision bill, senators said Tuesday, The decision left the measure's future highly uncertain. WASHINGTON (AP)-Peace marchers ran afoul of picketing regulations at the White House Tuesday and at least four were arrested. WASHINGTON (AP) A U.S.

Immigration agent told Senate investigators Tuesday of Canadian girls as young as 15 years old being brought to the United States with glittering promises of night club stardom, but forced into prostitution by a crime syndicate. Rural Taxpayers Schedule Meeting Rural taxpayers for the area around Bismarck will hold an organizational meeting the Missouri Slope Sales Ring at 8 p.m, Thursday, it was announced Tuesday. Purpose of the meeting, spokesmen said, is to form an organization and elect officers "who will work to obtain a tax more equitable to what other such areas around the state pay." All interested persons are invited to attend. Bowman-Haley Stand by S. D.

Disappoints Guy "I'm very disappointed," Gov. William L. Guy said Tuesday, "in South Dakota's attitude" in opposition to the Bowman-Haley Dam and Reservoir project in southwestern North Dakota. The governor said he didn't know whether the South Dakota Game, Fish and Park Department opposition will hurt the project, "but it won't help any." The South Dakota department has sent out letters formally protesting construction of the longsought project which has been approved by the Army Corps of Engineers. The department maintains recreational values of the Shadehill Reservoir in northwestern South Dakota will be lost if the Bowman-Haley Dam and Reservoir are constructed above this point on the north fork of the Grand River in North Dakota.

Guy said he has received the formal protest of the department, but doesn't plan to answer it. Only 1 Man Eligible For Postmastership WASHINGTON (AP)-The Civil Service Commission announced Tuesday Theodore H. Rashchick is the only one of 11 applicants who is eligible for the Forks, N. postmastership. Galerd F.

Paul, acting postmaster, was among the applicants. Two steps are possible. President Kennedy could nominate Rashchick, subject to Senate confirmation, or the Civil Service Commission could conduct a new examination of applicants since the first one didn't result in the usual designation of three eligible applicants from which the President could take his pick. The job pays $8,320 a year. Tribune Want Ads Bring Results! pushed the button it would beomerang against them." "We do not give any deadline, but as soon as the matter in ripe we will solve the problem," said.

Khrushchev spoke to a crowd of railway workers in the rollingstock repair yards on the skirts of Bucharest. He arrived in Romania Monday for a week's visit. Khrushcher told the workers: am convinced that tomorrew the Red flag will fly Over the United States. But we will not fly the flag. it will be the American people themselves." Discussing Berlin, Khrushchev "We want an agreement with the Americans to change the e0- cupation status of West Berlia and convert it into a free city, But if there is DO understanding on this matter with the United States, we will sign a peace treaty with the German Democrale Republic, ending the occupation of West Berlin.

Khrushchev attacked the United States for failing to reach an agreement on disarmament and a bait to nuclear testing. "Therefore we have to produce bombs," he said. "This is a waste of energy because people cannot eat bombs. He said the armament race responsible for the recent increase of meat prices in the Soviet Union. PLAYGROUNDS OPEN Bismarck's supervised playgrounds, operated by the City Recreation Department, opened for the season here Monday.

Here, Barbara Gibbons takes inventory at the 18th Street Playground, surrounded by interested spectators. Left to right are Mike Nutz, Miss Gibbons, Bruce Bye, Randy Wold, Sharon Dirk and Lawrence Dirk. 5 Men Elected At ALC Meet for Executive Unit WILLISTON (AP) Five members of the Executive Committee of the American Lutheran Church's western North Dakota district were elected Tuesday, Chosen on the second day of the district convention were the Rev. John Kammerer of Ashley as vice president, the Rev. Peter C.

Hinrichs of Dickinson, secretary, George Johnson of Minot, treasurer, the Rev. L. R. Schultz of ter and Leopold Rudolf of Wishek as members at large. The district president, the Rev.

Elmo Agrimson of Bismarck, continues in office until 1966. Other Executive Committee members are the Rev. M. D. Hatlesth of Palermo and Arvid Peterson of Williston.

About 150 delegates heard talks here Monday by the Rev. Orville A. Schmidt of the church's Upper Midwest regional office in Minneapolis and Dr. Norman Mentor, vice president of the American Lutheran Church. Red Continues Its Ups, Downs The Red River was having its ups and downs as usual Tuesday.

The river was on the rise at Wahpeton again Tuesday morning, with a reading of 9.61 feet. That was up more than a half foot from Monday. The river remained out of its banks at Fargo, but had fallen more than a foot to 25.04 feet Tuesday morning. The Red had also dropped slightly Grand Forks from a reading of 35.06 feet Monday to 34.68 Tuesday. Conditions were improving slightly Tuesday with only few widely scattered showers expected.

Dem Coffee Parties Set Here Wednesday A series of coffee parties will be held in Bismarck on Wednesday for state Democratic tisan League candidates. The coffee parties will be held for Bill Lanier, candidate for the U.S. Senate: Robert Vogel, endorsee for Congress from the west district: Charles Tighe, candidate for attorney general; Lee Fraase, endorsee for lieutenant governor; Larry Schneider, secretary of state candidate; E. 0. Sjaastad, Public Service Commission endorsee; Harold Hanson, candidate for commissioner of agriculture and labor, and the three Burleigh County legislative candidatesDaniel J.

Chapman, Roberta Burr McCreery and Albert A. Wolf. The four coffee parties will be held at the following homes: Mrs. Charles Conrad, 1110 W. Highland Acres Road, 10:30 a.m.: Mrs.

Frank Orthmeyer, 1705 Fifth 2 p.m.; Mrs. Robert Tracy, 1519 14th 3 p.m., and Mrs. E. J. Giedt, 108 W.

Ave. 4 p.m. The coffee parties were arranged by Mrs. Donald Henschel of the Burleigh County Democratic-NPL women's organization. Invitations are being extended to ladies living in the four areas of Bismarck represented by the locations of the coffee parties.

Newspaper Ends Pogo Banishment TOKYO (AP) Pogo has returned to the English-language Asahi Evening News after being banished for nearly a month, The paper pulled out Walt Kelly's cartoon strip May 21 after the Soviet Embassy complained a key figure, a pig, resembled Soviet Premier Khrushchev. The first of the new sequence features a hound dog who look like anything but a Gog. Gov. Guy Draws Line On Election Debating Gov. William L.

Guy drew a line on election campaign debates. Guy said he would not enter any more debates with Republican endorsee Mark Andrews of Mapleton until the other top congressional candidates have debated. After that." Guy said. be glad to return." GUY AND Andrews debated at Page Saturday, Although the program didn't call for a debate. it turned out that way with each candidate having rebuttal time.

"The League will be glad to debate the Republican candidates," Guy said. "But in order to insure a full participation by the Republican candidates, there will be no more debates by me with the Repub. lican endorsee (Andrews) until Reps, Don L. Short, Hjalmar Ny. gaard and Sen.

Milton R. Young have debated our candidates." The governor said he wasn't sure how effective debating was as a form of campaigning. "I'd prefer to shake hands and talk with people at their various meetings." Guy said. ANDREWS, at Carrington, replied by saying he doesn't blame the governor for not wanting to debate. "If Gov.

Guy is making as many erroneous statements as he made in his appearance in Page, I can certainly see why he is unwilling to debate the issues man-to-man." "I intend to point out to the peopie of North Dakota in the weeks ahead the mis-statements of fact Guy is making, and did make at Page." Life Underwriters Fete NQA Winners "In a day when all too Americans are satisfied with doing their job in a slipshod, halfdone manner, it is a significant event, indeed, when we can pay tribute to individuals who have won recognition because of the quality job they are doing in servthe public, Federal Judge George S. Register said Tuesday night at the annual National Quality Award dinner of the Missouri Slope Life underwriters association. Judge Register spoke to associ- Mother Admits Beating Young Girl Who Died SEDALIA, Mo. (AP) Henderson died Monday night, 10 days shy of her fourth birthday. Sheriff Emmitt said Billie Joe Moore, her 27-year-old mother, signed statement in which she said she had repeatedly hit Dana with the buckle end of a belt after the girl misbehaved.

"I am going to make a lady of her, the sheriff quoted Mrs. Moore as saying. Mrs. 1 Moore was arrested a few hours before Dana's death on a warrant charging mistreatment of a child. She was released on $2,500 bond.

Prosecuting attorney Bob Fritz said he had prepared another warrant charging second-degree murder. Dana's mother and stepfather, Marion Moore, 26, a construction worker from Franklinton, N.C.. brought her unconscious to Bothwell Hospital early Sunday. Doctors reported Dana had a brain hemorrhage, a perforated intestine, a deep laceration in the small of the back, -and a mass of severe bruises from head to toe. The brain damage involved nerves which control breathing.

The Moores have a 10-month-old daughter and Mrs. Moore is expecting another child. Mrs. Moore went into hysterics when Dana died. Fallowing, Haying Due to Start Soon Crop prospects appear excellent in western North Dakota despite delays by rains, the State Employment Service said Monday.

The service's weekly farm labor bulletin said summer fallowing and haying are expected to start next week. About half the beets and potatoes in the Red River Valley have been planted, employment officials said, but heavy rains are still holding up field work. Beet thinning and hoeing is underway in the valley and around Willirton. An increased demand for youth crews is expected due to heavy weeds and wild oats. Bill on Explosives Approved by House WASHINGTON (AP) The House decided Monday it's okay to use explosives on the Capitol grounds, provided they are used in connection with construction tools.

It sent to the Senate by voice vote a bill to amend an 1882 law prohibiting use of explosives there. The tools which will be permitted if the Senate also passes the bill are used to fasten steel and wood to concrete and steel. Trio Arrested In Break-ins at Streeter Bar ation members and community leaders who gathered at the Municipal Country Club to honor 11 local recipients of the award, one of the life insurance business' most coveted honors. The National Quality Award is a citation sponsored by the Nation. al Association of Life Underwriters, Washington, D.C., and the Life Insurance Agency Management Association, Hartford, Conn.

It is given annually to more than 15 per cent of the members whol are so outstanding that in their serv. ice to clients 90 per cent of the sales they make over a twoyear period remain in force at the end of the second year. of the NQA do not trust to luck to make sure that the life insurance they sell remains on the books to give full family financial protection," noted Judge Register. "They constantly review and re-evaluate the insureds' needs to make sure that life insurance is doing the proper job. Those presented with National Quality Awards at the dinner were: G.

F. Lawrence, Harold Derrick, David Vogel, Eugene Zimmer and Bernard Fix of Provident Life: Paul Bibelheimer and Douglas Payne of Equitable Life; Arvid Wiklund and Keith Gardner of New York Life; Wilbur Arenstein of North American Life and L. E. Hunze of Lutheran Mutual. Special A awards went to Otto Harju of Pioneer Mutual and George Bauer of Mutual of Omaha.

Presiding was George Bauer, president, who introduced NQA chairman Arvid Wiklund, who also acted as toastmaster. Special guests were officers of local life insurance companies and commercial banks and wives of association members. Walter H. Spangberg Dies in Minneapolis Walter H. Spangberg, 62, former Wilton resident but more recently of Minneapolis, died unexpectedly June 6 at his home there.

Death was attributed to a heart attack. He was born March 19, 1900, in Wilton, a son of Magnus and Anna Leksell Spangberg. He grew up and attended school there and later was married to Blanche Sundstrom in Bismarck. Mr. Spangberg lived many years in Wilton.

He was a construction worker and he attended the Lutheran Church. He leaves his wife: one daughter, Mrs. Gene Moorhead, Minneapolis; three sons, James and Allen, both of Minneapolis, and Rodney, armed forces stationed in California; two brothers, Alvin, Bismarck, and Albert, Essex, and one sister, Mrs. Charles Putnam, Chicago, Ill. Service Restored After Derailment FARGO (AP)- The Great Northern Railway dispatcher's office here said Monday night that service had been restored after a GN freight train derailed near early Monday.

Eastbound passenger. train No. 4 was delayed by about six hours, but later traffic was on schedule. The east-bound Minot-Duluth freight was derailed at about 3:30 a.m., railways officials said. About 300 feet of track was torn up and a quantity of crude oil spilled from tanks cars.

There were no injuries. JAMESTOWN (AP) Three Tappen youths were in jail here Tuesday after confessing to two burglary incidents at a Streeter tavern. Held are Delbert Iszler, 21, Clif. ford W. Kluth, 19, and a 17-year.

old youth. The trie was, apprehended in Tappen Monday through the joint efforts of Stutsman County Sher. Iff Gerald Gutzwiller, Deputy Har. old Warren, Kidder County Sher. if Willard Rawson and Highway Patrolman Floyd Enge.

The break-ins occurred in Streeter on May 5 and June 11, both at the Friendly Bar, owned and operated by Adam Schumach. er. Both times, the youths broke a wooden panel on a back door to gain entrance. Kluth and the other youth have confessed to taking part in both burglaries, while Iszier admitted guilt only in the June 11 break-in. Loot recovered by authorities included about 35 cases of beer, some wine, vodka, cigars and cig.

arettes and small amount of cash. The youths had hidden the beer and liquor in a field outside of Tappen. Schumacher provided law offi. cials the tip which resulted in the arrests. Checking on some land he owns near Tappen, Schumach.

er spotted several new, but empe ty, beer cans along the road. He alerted officers, who had been checking the area for a car seen in Streeter the night of the second burglary, Kluth and Iszler waived prelim. inary hearing in Stutsman County Court before Judge T. E. George Tuesday morning.

Judge George bound them over to district court and asked a $3,000 bond from each. The bond was not furnished, so the pair is being held in jail. Oliver County Agent Appointed CENTER Leonard M. Biwer of Park River has been named Oliver County Agent, replacing Art Gall, who resigned effective Sunday. A native of Tioga, Biwer served in the Air Force in the Korean War and has been assistant ty agent of Walsh County for the past 28 He is a graduate of Tioga High School and North Dakota State Uni.

versity and is a member of the Knights of Columbus, American Legion and the Park River Chamber of Commerce. Biwer is married and has three children. Guy Asks Early Meeting of N. D. Disaster Group An immediate meeting of the State Disaster Committee to review disaster designation requests from flood-weary eastern North Dakota counties was asked Tues.

day by Gov. William L. Guy. in a letter to Clair Cruff of Fargo, State Agricultural Ization and Conservation Committee chairman, the governor said he thought sufficient information has accumulated to warrant the disaster committee's immediate meeting. "I hope that your state commmittee will act swiftly and symwith the requests of pathetically disaster committees in these eastern Guy's letter said.

"When forces of nature sharply reduce normal grain crop produce dition, the governor asserted, "it is entirely within the design for farm stability that soil bank acres be released for production of hay and He said time was important "in which action might alleviate some of the stress in the Red River Valley. Richland County officials cifically have asked for the disaster designation to allow haying on soil bank acres because of widespread farm field flooding. Winston Churchill originated the expression "iron curtain" in a speech March 5, 1946, at Fulton, Mo..

The Bismarck tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.