The Caldwell News and The Burleson County Ledger (2024)

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The Caldwell News and The Burleson County Ledger (1) Previous item Next item

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Mrs. J Earl Porter entertained the
Forty-two Club Friday evening with a
•ix o'clock luncheon and games of
forty-two afterwards. A beautiful
setting for thiH lovely affair was the
beautiful chrysanthemums and ferns
which adorned the rooniB. A salad and
dessert course were served to the fol-
lowing guests: Mesdames Allen
Bowers, J. A. Gray, J. L. Giddings,
W. M. Stone, Maude Morgan and J.
R. lieslep.
The Thursday Night Club were es-
pecially honored and most delightful-
ly entertained with a turkey supper
out at the rustic cabin of Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Broaddus out at Bowers
Lake, Thursday night.
Long tables were placed in the large
living room where a most bountiful
supper was spread. This was follow-
ed with games of forty-two which
were much enjoyed. The guests wer:
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Cobb, Mr. and
Mrs. J. (5. Shanklin, Mr. and Mrs. H.
D. Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Douglass,
Mrs. Jessie Thornton and Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Cromartie.
The Missionary Society of the Bap-
tist Church held their regular monthly
business and Royal Service meeting
in the basem*nt of the Bnptint church
Monday afternoon. The Royal Service
program was jriven by Cireh- No.
Mr Fred Neweomb was the leader
and Mis. VV. H Hundley ¡¿ave the de-
votional. Mrs. R. F. Krenek aKo
assisted in presentinjt the les-<>n. Five
intermediate ;rirls, Mattie Katherine
Reeves, Geneva Porter, Marjorie
Ram ey, Ruth Ryan and Millie Crow
presented a program on Faith, Hope,
Love and Life. 'There were about
forty-five ladies in attendance at this
meeting. The hoste^es for the after-
noon were: Mrs. \V. C. Carroll, Mrs.
Plate and Mrs. I. C. Moore. A f'hri«t-
nuiii box will )>e sent by the ladies of
the church to Ruekner's Orphans Home
and Paul BellV School. The week <>f
prayer program was held at the
church Wednesday afternoon with a
nice crowd in at t endance.
The Blue Bonnet Club enjoyed a
most delightful one o'clock, three
course luncheon at the home of Mr¡.
H. II Womblc, when she v.a their
hostess, Thursday. A Christmas
theme was carried out in the beauti-
ful red and green decoration;:. Es-
pecially attractive was the lonjc dininjr
table where the twelve club members
found their places with the suggestive
Christina - plao card standing near a
miniature Santa < lau Lovely
poinsetta in a handsome vase placed
upon a silv( i reflector made a charm
inji centei decoration under the soft,
(flow of the li^h; - from the chandle-
lier. Silver candlelabra with red light-
ed tapers cast a mellow light about
the room. At each guest plate an at-
tractive powd. i box in the two colors,
pink and green, were guest favors. A
salad course and turkey dinner with
cherry pie gave a most delightful
menu. A miniature Christmas tree
with different colored lights and
Christmas tree adornments and also
gorgeous colored autumn leaves made
the dining and living rooms a most
beautiful setting for the lun-heon and
the games of forty two which were
enjoyed later. The guests at this
lovely hospitality were: Mesdames H.
P. Cobb, T. L. Goodnight, H. P. Wood-
son. J. R. Woodson, T. B. Parkhill,
M. F. Broaddus, W. C. Mills, R. J.
Savage, C. H. Moore, J. M. Hare, J.
R. Heslep and C. E. Cromartie.
Friends are our most valuable
posessions. Friendship was the inspir-
ation of a most charming social
function Thursday evening, December
In response to the invitation of Mrs.
F. L. Woodward, a number of friends
arrived at her home where tables had
been arranged for forty-two. The
hom*o was decorated in keeping with
the late autumn and early winter sea-
son. Floor baskets and vases filled
with autumn leaves and evergreens
adorned the living room and library.
A big log fire burned in the open fire-
place, giving the living room an at-
mosphere of cordial hospitality.
After several games of forty-two,
the guests were invited into the din-
ing room where a beautiful scene met
their eyes. The red lights and candles
in silver candle sticks gave a subdued
light over the room revealing the
table which had been converted into
a most attractive snow scene with a
snow man as the central figure as if
he had just walked up leaving his
tracks in the snow. On investigation
Miss Fannie Stone found the tracks
contained letters which read "Follow
the tracks." These led to the snow
, man and he held a message "Happy
birthday," which was a complete sur-
prise to Fannie, having no in-
jtimation that anyone present knew
of her birthday. Mrs. Woodward
placed before her a beautiful three
tie cake elaborately decorated in pink
land yellow roses and green foliage,
i This was topped with one candle
representing the seventy-four useful
, and helpful years not only to her
friends, but to the youth and adults.
She was school room teacher for
¡forty-two years and is now teacher of
i the Woman's Bible Class at the
jMethodist Sunday School.
Since childhood she has been a
valuable member in all church activi-
Many toasts and good wishes were
given to Miss Fannie. This one from
•the hostes:
¡ "Believing hero your birthday as
my own is to me is dear;
lile ed our distinguished days
which we should pi iv.e
| The best, the kindest beauties of
the skies,
I But yours gave most for mine did
only lend me to the world;
I Your.- gave to me a friend."
A generous shower 'of gifts wfls
pr< .-enteil to Mi- - Fannie a* an evi-
dence .if tlu love and estee.n in which
she is ludd. She accepted them most
graciously expressing her appre-
ciation for these beautiful expressions
of love.
The following guests, were present:
The honorec, Miss Fannie Stone, Rev.
and Mrs. W K. Ha lor. Elizabeth and
John. Mr. and M•• M. Smith. Mrs.
Maude Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. I. I .
The Methodist Church
"The Power of Pentecost," is the
subject of the eleven o'clock sermon.
The evening service will be at seven
o'clock. You will love to worship in
"The Friendly Church."
W. E. H ase lor, Pastor
the strain of life. God help ua to
choose those forms of merry-making
that will enrich and beautify our days!
San Antonio School
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Fred Cairns, Pastor
Sunday, December 11
9:30 A. M. Sunday School.
10:45 A. M. Services.
7:00 P. M. Services.
You are cordially invited to attend.
Brooks, ho
Mrs. F. 1
t and hostc;
Mr. and
Corax Tablets 25c
Vicks Nose Drops 50c
Vnpo-Rub 35c and 75c
Nyals "Laxacold" 25c
Nyals Iron Tonic $1.00
Herbtone $1.00
(With coupon 50c)
We carry a full line of
Standard Medicines and
Drug Sundries.
The Only Pharmacy in Caldwell
Methodist Young
People Enjoy
Monthly Social
" ^
Last Friday night. December ¡V
I lthe Caldwell Methodist Young
i ¡'i opie enjoyed one of their u-ual
monthly socials in the Methodist
church basem*nt.
\bout twenty six young people were
i pie cut with Mis -es Natalie \S olman,
Minnie Lee Windel, Sara Nell Savage
and Marvin Willnrd acting as host
and hostesses. Kach one brought \
■ picnic lunches and all spread in the
¡basem*nt. Delicious hot chocolate was
sserved with them. A delightful time
i was enjoyed and all are looking for-
ward to the next social, January 5.
After lunch several delightful games
'were plnyed after which the young
' people entered into their monthly
I business meeting. Was adjourned at
i 11:00.
j Those present at the socinl were:
i Martha Uockett, Hewlett Itockett,
'Marjorie Ramsey, Stanley Prazak,
Martha Woodson, Mclvin Deutsch,
Florine Hawthorne. Wilson Deuts; h,
Mildred Mills, Wallace Giddings, Nata-
lie Wolrnan, J. W. Willard, Minnie Lee
vVindel, .James Robert Bowers, Doug
lass McHen,-y. Mary Woodson, Wil-
liam Duckworth, Frances Dushek,
Charles 1'orter, Marvin Willard, Sara
Nell Savage, Hubert Windel, J. W.
Schiller, Mrs. H. P. Woodson, Rev.
| W. K. Hassler, Mildred Pattillo, J. C.
Hawthorne, Jr.
The Public is hereby notified that
no person or organization will be al-
I lowed to sell confections, cold drinks
i or eats of any kind on the High
¡School property unless the proceeds
i of said sales revert to the School
I Funds.
Board of Education.
Salem's Evangelical Church
Friday, December 9th, 7 p. m.—Y.
P. League will practice choir songs
and tableau for Christmas. Come,
please, one and all!
Sunday, December 11th, Attention!
English service at 2 o'clock sharp.
Everybody welcome!
Practice of Christmas program at
¡1 o'clock. All Sunday School pupils,
members of Bible Class and Y. P.
League are kindly requested to be
Rev. Carl A. Stadler
Rev. W. W. Cnerly, Methodist Pastor.
Sunday is the day that the pastor
will preach in Milano. Sunday School
meets at the regular time both at
Lyons and Chriesman. Go to Sunday
School. Let it be said of the member-
ship of these churches that it i.« a
Sunday School going membership. If
thai i don" the pastor will feel sure
that he will be backed by good at-
tendance at the church services.
The young people have organized in
Chriesman and will meet each Sunday
evening. It is hoped that this depart-
ment will be organized in the other
two churches soon.
"Worship with us."
If CharleaE. Duna
The Christian's Use of leisure
Lesson for December j J th. Mark 6:110-
¡2. Gtdden Text: 1st Corinthians 10:111
One of the greatest needs of the
American people is to know how best
to use their abundant, leisure. With
a reduction in the number of hours
of work, this
problem has be-
come of vast im-
port anee. To its
soluti o n the
Church must re-
solutely address
was known «ad loved by almoet
one in oar community. We extend our
deepest sympathy to Mrs. Krueger
aad young Albert
We are having foggy weather now
and we wish the weather would clear
up bo the farmers could get to work
This morning all of the pupils are
in school looking fine in spite of the
rainy weather.
Miss Florence McCowen is spending
a few days in Beaumont visiting her
sick sister, and Miss Winona Philp is
teaching in her place.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wotipka and
Mrs. Montague of Caldwell were Sun-
day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jaap and Willie
Jaap attended the funeral of Mr.
Skrla of Jacksonville last week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Dusek and family
visited Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mrnustik
of New Tabor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Leaikar visited
Mr. and Mrs. Jos Dusek, Jr., Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dusek and family |
visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos Dusek, Jr.,
of Caldwell, Sunday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam G. j
Wiederhold, a fine baby boy, December
1, 1932.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wiederhold and
family visited in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Wiederhold Saturday!
The Deanville basketball team de- j
featod our team on our own field Fri-;
day evening 26 to 3.
Miss Elsie Prazak spent the weelc-i
end in Brenharn visiting her sister, |
Mr Frank Orsak.
We are glad to welcome Richard j
and Minnie Schclstetter to our school i
and their mother into our midst. Mrs. |
Louise Schclstetter and her children'
moved on the Holubec farm from near
A- we go about our duties our
hearts are saddened by news of the
death of our beloved Dr. Krueger, who
Mistaking • moonlit concrete high-
way, near Petersburg, Ind., for a
stream of water, a flock of wild
ducks swooped down and hit the
road so hard that 18 of the birds
were killed.
1\— D V Caito mm
UFe lit J# MfOjw
Dentist —
Try oar Classified coiumna. They
will get desired results.
(Two Appointments, each $3.75)
Croquignole Permanent Wave, $2.00
-25c, Dried—30c
- Shampoos
Mesdames Sefcik and Skrahanek
Phone 187
Finger Wave
Hot Oils
*Can 22C Cans $1.00
O'Cedar House Cleaning Set
Regular $1.05 value JA^
Our price 4«FC
Evaporated Peaches OQ*
2'/i Pounds .. — ¿vC
Cocoa Malt and Milk, a new
and complete food drink that
is delicious. Regular f P
27c can, our price — lvC
Mustard Greens or Sweet
Potatoes, No. 2'/2 cans OI ^
3 for ¿1C
Pure Extract, all flavors
Regular 15c bottles, OP
2 for i*DQ
I. G. A. White Soap f Q
10 Bars IOC
I. G. A. Viena Sausage or Red
Crown Sandwich CA _
Spread, 12 cans JJUC
Pinto Beans or Black OP*
Eye Peas, 10 Lbs. LjC
Paramount Mayonnaise or
Sandwich Spread, Vi OC _
pint jars, 3 for . ¿*0C
I. G. A. TEA 17^
i/2 Lb. Package IlC
Fancv Tea Glasses IP
6 for IDC
MILK, Eagle Brand | C
Can 1UC
This is our last week here—will bid you good-bye
Saturday night
Get a Supply of Groceries Now and Save Money
The Thornton Grocery Stock
Located Next Door to New York Cafe
Rev Cha R Du:i"
There are ee
tain phji :
the present situ;
tion that i«-, ¡¡
The motion pi
■ ure largely ouerrte.- in the direction
of undermining ,l taste and thought
of the nation. The automobile makes
ti: a va ' compunj of speeding gad-
abouts in resiles, motion. And the
radio places us at. the mercy of jazz
bauds, crooners, and similar vulgari-
ti s of high orí ■ ure salesmanship.
On the other hand, there are un-
doubted possibilities for good in these
machine made sources of recreation.
The movie theatre is certainly prefer-
able to the soloon, and there are pic-
tures beyond criticism both from the
standpoint of art and character build-
ing. The autonibile has revived the
old-fashioned family outing, promoting
shared recreation in the out-of-doors.
And the radio enables us to listen to
symphony concerts, addresses, and
inspiring church services.
The problem, then, becomes one of
choice. We must learn to discriminate
between the wholesome and the un
wholesome. One is always on safe
ground if he keeps Jesus and the
Christian ideal in sight. The Golden
Text urges us to do all we do "to the
glory of God." If we follow this ad-
monition, we can never wander far.
Instead of high-powered, exhaust-
ing amusem*nt, we shnll choose simple
restful, health giving fun. Like our
Master, we shall seek contact with
nature as as possible, and culti-
vate a few kindred spirits, whose
friendship can heal and restore our
jaded selves. Moveover, we shall seek
recreation that demands personal par-
ticipation rather than passive inspec-
"Come away, all of you," said the
Master, "to a quiet place, and rcat
awhile." We all need to escape from
School of
Olí ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to be our guest
at our annual School of Electric Cookery to be conducted
by Miss Selma Schow, of our Home Service Department.
An entertaining and educational program has been ar-
ranged which we feel sure you will enjoy. The classes
will begin promptly at 2:30 o'clock each afternoon and
will be conducted in the local office of the company.
• Miss Schow, using the latest automatic cooking
equipment and methods will prepare for you many new
delicacies and will offer many new menus. Prizes and
refreshments each day.
Thursday and Friday
December 8th and 9th
Gulf States Utilities Co.

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Cromartie, C. E.The Caldwell News and The Burleson County Ledger (Caldwell, Tex.), Vol. 47, No. 38, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 8, 1932,newspaper, December 8, 1932; Caldwell, Texas. ( June 13, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Harrie P. Woodson Memorial Library.

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The Caldwell News and The Burleson County Ledger (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Views: 5330

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.