Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1930, p. 1 (2024)

wkt jvtfjcrit mttt ftz 1 lh liflll r imuksilay lvi n1n i i hkijauy i i 1010 acton ontario canada imuksiuy i vtning il iihuaky ii 1110 riur hom*o print iiikcs five cents jsilurcijjjriruiixfil wpmwnwnwnwlnumnluimmwnmfamnkmmmmk ktiilrb dluirfij uf fiuiinba acton 1urimtinu willow street 1 1 00 n in 1 lin minister flubject forty puyu nf hi miinstrutiim j 30 i m llunday ftcliool icsaoii j un jllll unit llhplllg i ii m i lie miliar hubjrcl r iftlng uin ohrut m nduy h ml i in young people s lumli miling in charge or urn mu- 1 liny c umilttea iliiirniiiy 3ft p m praise and vy ci urvlui kvehyiloiw wkiooml jlrfiih i t prion knox iiuiu it ajton llllrrlm moderator r a j m0 cllllvary munui willow ulrw t 11 u tn iu v laddlughuni 11 a r liurrl trni i0ji tn hmulay lldutol ixwaou i ill jjiullng and helping do p iii rev ieddltigluuu 11 a monday b 00 u m young people guild milling in clturgn of devotional lliimlttuf actmi sou i tut dufiirrli pahto a iranavta j3u u tn rlblo hclwol m it ill llllhjlttlt is it kllcligtl to ill ulncon monday 30 l in junior r y p 1 vulimtlnn party booy hi- itayrt m otlug mill senior ii v i u kvkryhody wkloomb february clearances save you money unclabsipisd u small advertisem*nts vh i minim in iluf m pmt inirtl i iuht will dm nnui who took umi udys mitt ut the hkatlng i tin it lust thuradsy night pli ut leuvn ut thu jofll ohic ojl ilent roomed unfurnished apartment oitruoin apply to du i w peark1 iigk xr hailk 1 york how with fl pigs alo 10 chunk note rcw pie i from reliable mmtv tin uulurday afternoon between post oftjna mid lli uoinluloii inn a ring with nvci keys 1 key marked 4033 liuwurd if returned to if s itonwitii card or thank h ohiui conway and family whh to joiiijid uielr xbicaru arttuluue to all 111ighbnrs and friend who in hoi j 14 clearing ymjfllkm hale of rouse li ild kitecli at hi residence on saturday litinmry in ut three o clock lmmsdj uti ly rollowlnir w wlndatl a male thu in all tinw runiltiire u j kkiul auotlonmr arm foil hauk ok kent ihii wulluco ptarm ijil 18 conceulon niuunmaweyb oontajnliitf j b0 pwiroa id nrr of brit workaula land lrgo lnnk bar and trlvlntf ahad oood huilirut hquo nflvorfaillnit wall and lcxi tiiring in imutura lot oood urhurd mill maplo bush immadlau p ssiuuumi if uirnut aatltfaouury apply on p mill no si 3 slieriffvsale of lands llndur and by vlrtuo of an exeoutlnn iiunlilht lands luued out of the fourth division court in tho county of hal ton nil to mo dlritouid and dmvard aalfiit tin lunda uiitl tenmnnnu of robert jib lludmn and david melhodran ft th hilt of jolm crawxliaw x havn teld unit takun in toxcoutlon and will attr ti r nnle in tlin rhnrlfl a oftlc in tha cnjrt hoiiso in th town of milton on mutiirday tlin lit day of march a d jc3q ut tha luiur of ona o clock in ths ultnnioon atl thn right tltla and milty t rndmnptloti of thn laid robert mo- plhilrmi and uavlil morhedrmn in to unit out of thn following lands and teria- uiimin that it to say east half of lnt nuiuunr blxlom in uin hfth oonoeatlon ol tlin lirwiutllu of naasajtawaya eom- mlmluu onp hundred acred mora or ooudom o bltown ajiorin of tho county of itnltou lin rlira onlio miiloil lutli day or novnmber 1d30 33 4 notice to creditor lhu orvtlllora of licnry wallace lata nt thn lownnlilp of nasagaweya varpi- i r umt alio formerly of tbe village of adou tanner who died on thd 37th day or dcoomber 1030 are required to send to the undersigned solicitor full partlcu- li m of tlmlr rtlalrps and the nsture of tli uikiirltlmi if any hold by them and thla notice being plvnii pursunnt to uicluiti 51 of the 1 rustnes act r h o iujf clmptor ibo notlro is hereby i i 11 hint on and after the 17th dav of muril 1030 thd admin tstratrlx will p cmd to dthurlliute the ajueu of thn lit ii nry wallaon among the partlus 1 ililly hitltlcd thereto and she will not i imp inslbln for any olalms of which uh hiiri not then had notion oulnd this thirteenth day of fibril lin a o 1030 fjouammah wataiacw adtulnulratrl ily if ni vsmur aouin ontario her solicitor 333 mmammmmm thats better is what you will ay wtlen you put on a pair of taits oiasses priced from m 50 up tait optical co kykhiqilt hpkcoialihth tibximrmikd optombrnuffra rtablblid sine 1101 hal jtojlohuw howyndham st guelph buy now at reducedp rices for next winter s needs pcbiuiiry d u m d n tli of ocnuine riminncc all winter wouiiiif itppurcl inu it bo iiposnl of ifuforc tit hew d on loinipcno odd itnd tiult left uf t r inventory inn l l- clciircd to kcop lock i clr iin mid n jn in lmvc hon t educed to mere fraction of ortjliiul nun kin itr 11 tiuin for ksbi suvinf absolute saerifiee of winter coats ah flail price or fjess j hciirdc i of co or i i clioo t fiom cvt ry remain itic lictttr coat hit- t tiiudcb in tupcrb woollens with heavy trlim of unu fuisi jvo marvellous groups at 5 mu 21 et kjitiur to i37iiui jiu and touu itijulm to 15 k for 2100 1 hdkp two roupt mtltidc the imijc t part ot our lock mitny ot thorn aiu now uctimlly lcs thun mukor r cost but wert doleimmcd to clear thcin a rimiirkullc ckction of imartly furicd fofiijpojjulnr loloii nndblnck all nlzeiforjinior i mi scs women and even extra laro ies ihc o valuci uro uitprccodcnted tjiuihual dros vilus af 598 795jrd295 new lout lino frock pcctiilly purclia td ut exceptional ly low pricl odd mid broken line from our own highex priced jroupirodcedfnrtinuitk cloaioul thn n ho secret of the low prices aiked foi the c frocks which aro no full of style and riich rumarkiiblci vnluo lotf of choice in mutciial style color mid size all winter hats clearing at 98e our entire stock of winter hats with regular value to 7 50 now bcni clear od out at okc each stloc tioiis for overyonc itnd mar vellous values childrens coats clearing at cost pit tiro htock of iloyu and girl winter couti in tweedt clnucliirfn i nod fine wookbrokon ttrtoh and nc all clcarmf tit co t little gul winter die ica reduced too d macdonald bros ltd gukuii ontaiuo t ouk motto quauty and service specials for this week granulntod sujjur 10 lbs too 5suiiljfvht soap bars for j 58c 30c 3matcuts or rdxdh for ltoc spy applns 1 pock for chmcc lllack uciu ta- per lb j7c orange marmalade 40 ok for 35c 59c 29c 5dflux n ly powdiks puckots for 25 soa spe i pocket onyilol 1 p g 2 gold 2 guct ivoty qq i pockot ivory hkcs i giilvnnijcil poll nil tor toc chain red white a j wjones ores acton ont this weeks prices oats pel builiol g2c dran por cwt 1 80 shouts per cwt 180 ttvmivnmt oat ior it will iny vou u jlvo uk votir ordof- au wo can got 11 for you nt 10 50 xr ton the acton flour mills d ii iindiiav proprietor the store with the chcckcrboarrslgn wvvwwv fad- bargains in used cars from 100 up 11121 ciipvrolii coach 1027 ciiijvholrt sidan 1120 ipkdiuook mi2i ioiih coupp iiu i ow rudon thoso cnrfl imvo hocn irudod itkl now lords imd mo thoroughly roiio over oud put in kiod niochtuilcul condition nod nold on 10 duy kunruntuo norton motors ford salw and hcrvlc k main stkebt acton phonk 61 ksquesing council metingotimonday t i a h appointed imid suimnutrndrni acoo until pawed i im jujuco1iu council inel puraiiaul ui aitjoununout in tlu tiwniip hall im mi inlay l1m rtuo in tw chair c uin iiuiih apimiiht wjbun and mullh prnkrul blui inlnlitmt uf uw laat mit- inif wnrn read and wniflinvd acc unu wpm ordered ui b paid by loollu rj rolliiws llcll 1 1 ic phone co innvie t 10 minili ipaj world aubturlplloiu and umtrawirs supplies 30 03 fir i mrinaurecl illvlnlon court fnm dlln mitbut u 00 fib t ji1ii bli lliii dog tor i 1 boo j itj oli kliootlng 3 tluga tat hlirp killing 10 00 jostpb warrliuirnt rharlty all tcrwln a ooldilaiii ctuulty 1 10 ir 1allla acct to date s3 51 if a clurrldire i lou uiul kuppll- cd u mra wylle m 1 j3 cardliluhii hardware 165 llim jpriirn refund fttr dog tax 3 00 movud by w a wlbain aooonded by i i mullln tlvat the reeve and iputy itecvn bo diungau to oikhi roads con vintlnii carried movtd by w a vibuin sooorided by i- i uiillin that trave be granted u lulritilnctjibjlaw ti provide for road mp ndllure for the yoai- ipso nd that tald by luw bfl now mt a nrat urn carried acton intermediate hockey t winrouprrve earn for 1930 tialfoon huftman ktntnir iirvcr v ciuhm holloway chew n glfibonfi ami wowbj arv tiw ittidftn i iiuiih tluit carry arton to victory m0veby aecoilded by w a wlun that tile bylaw to pro vide for expenditure on road for 1830 huvliitf ihmii read uin first time be how rnail the serond and tldrd times and piuut and uu oorporatn mj bo attach ed uinreto carried the tollowluif was omttunl from tha mlimum or the january meetbur moved by w a applvbe sefonded by w a wilson that leave be granted lo tmramm tbyiaw to appobit a road uiipiilnteiidnnt for the towrudilp of k uuinliiif and that said by law be nov rniul a flnit lime oarrlad moved by ooriie ourrb seconded by i- v mullln uiat by law to appoint ltfihtt uuporlnteiident having been rad a rtrst time be now read the second and third tune and passed and thn blank filled in wlui the name of t l leslie whoso duties commence january lfitti 1030 and the seal of the corporation uttachnd thernto carried moved by y a wilson seoondod by w o aiiplcbn tlutt llils council do mow adjourn to meet on march 10lh at i m oarrbki fjoine to tlie lurlsh kail on tlatur- dny february 16 to tlui valenuna too unit rome made raklntf dale under uin aiinplens of ut albans w a kuccesspul yrak in unitkn chuitcil itiureatliijr cdkrbuonal umiiiu iami thursday tcvaio ihn annual roimretfatlonkl meetlns qf p uiiilmi church aoton held last thursday evenlnif had a keen interest for the members itev o i loolo u lttho enemetlo minister prealded and uulded thn prnceedlnas of tlin evening nianner viilch reiidnred them un- ioua ly intereatlnff from beginning- ttuf iplrllual sldo of the work of uio church was strotuiiy etuphaslied and tixi hope wan expressed both by thtt minister and a putiiber who spoke durjn tlie evening that the year 1030 would be character ised by enoouraglng tnanlfestatlons of thn power of clod unto salvation and the hulldlntf of the spiritual hfe of the church and in the homes and com munity the offlclabi of the ohurcli entrusted with the handling of tlin flnattoea in the varloiu departments of the church a activities gave satisfactory and en- cournslng reports of their tewardahlp fur the past year the receipts from at sources for the year totalled 3s 78 and nearly overy treasurer reported bal- fulcc3la lituil at uu and of tnayewr l ho treasurer of the truatao board showed reolpu of 3 4s4 44 with a bal- nnoe of 003 04 tn tlie bank tha btew- nrdi recelvel 3 00130 and had a nredlt bulutioe of 3 40 thare la 0 ao hi tlie llnsslon wind tha amount raised for missions tout lualnleiiattce was j 760 jo ihn yoiiiifi teoples florlnty reported re- rrlpls of 1140 00 with 33 balance in tha bank ihn oltolr whose mtula supplied by tlie trustee hoard raised 134 113 for floral and other glfu and have a balance of 3 31 the wnmnns missionary uoclety raised 1343- ul and a bale of qui it ho the hostel ttl morval valued at 13 00 and the woo tot of pie mission ralitl had 34 40 ihn fjkdles aid wlui nharacrlgtlo ti arts ralaed flioaa l a number of important improvements in oliuroh and larsonaxe and eiuled the yeai- with w 37 on hand llie btinday school reoelpts including the rome departmenl totalletl 300 00 and have aq4 00 in the treasury of the above ibs 00 was contributed to mlsslous the mens club hail receipts of 17fl00 with a aubstantul balance on hand rhnlr chrlntmu treat to the scholars of the sunday ftohoo was much appreciated at thn elections for the flesslon and tllrwards much interest was taken tile following rwii innnitmrsl wore eleoted 10 uir deaslou for a three year term mesars kn d oloave j ii penny t m mojtavuh j i raid and thomas wauon messrs a i urowti tt des- wlik cleorge oowle james hudson r j knrr john r keniiedy it t moore u v moore a j mann and o 11 uwltiui nro alio members of the session i he it inward elected for the year y re w i ak us miss minnie z uen uott mr i jeremiah hall mus lern rrown j w harbnrraaj ollarhr jol ilurrlsan orwell johnston fcvaii jonos 1 itank kennedy j o matthevsiufal- rolm mclean ajex modonajd miss ikltla h ilpoight james oynlqii karl it vincent thorn was also a social aide to the i i nliib a programme which was enjoy- ablr mr daniel taylor choirmaster sang with impresslveueas the twenty- fourth pwalm in his native swedish tongue mrs a 1 llrown nave a de lightful reading which i liad much 1 1 pathos and the human touch and mrs 1odo kuiig feelingly an interjected hymn ullh miss fvrn urowti organist at the pluiio thn ladles of the congregation served crtftee saudwlehes and tarts at the close of tint ovjjulngs programme in the pastors address he reported thirtynine hew members received by irtler and- on pruresslon of faith during thn year there were many expressions of ujmrferlatliui of rev mr inwlea falth- fuumliuatrt uid salutary influence in the inillies of thn oonircgauull bt jiwephs jrmnu00ulb arn re mif amino for a hreeapt oomedy tlie utianuanlfaiis of the oasey painlly to bo presented in ihp town haaoton on march 9 and 4 all local talent 1 ry defoatbig mil umi in both thn play off anls thn uast vfenk arloii proved foiicluaivuly that owiy am th nimrliir hookey team and won tlie honors 1 1 grx tip a fix- tlie good old town xi ut hie evriiks were real gsiiies and t aas won with only one goal jepurntliig uw opp4lng uami iist lliurwlay ulglila ganin wan til no rut shlultlon of tli gam in tin admin anrus i was knpt rlraii by re e johnny jonm and pruvldrd all the jiruu of real struggle j the rrs period iwiui teaiiu raaitd tlmlr formei play and shrnt tliat slanaa in trying thn strcuiitli ut thnlr oppumnu milton puiutd three pmialllej and acton m mellhnr uan regtfcteiiid a aoorn in the snrond prrltwl aoton rut loom nd in the rirt few inlipitcs or play oirnr for thn locau got a rounw jit was aeuius period rimy oul skaletl ami out ptaynl the milum sextelte milton drew rmir lmutlrr mgnlnst aeuina two oarr tho cmlre sub man for miilou was tint so oftwuvn as in tm j thn other galiirs rheckhlg resulted iil tripping and he was not in the play very hutch afttir this frame ihn nrttjmrj u tlie third framu foujid a r toil slilt pushing the play to mil toil flalmou got through and just mul douiltbig on invnly sluit i he next a solo fight wrut right through and fxtlhoil iiorcd uu a pues of prettywnrlr r liappeped whin milton had only four man on the line up two oft the regu lars were liavtng enforced imprisonment li uia punauy bos j j dlaaater was spelled acton aiiot their two goal lead when p 0lbbod and oreer both drvw inaltlmi at one and the aanm time milton registered their counter ju that interval ilie poilsltlrs were tiveil- ll divided tn thu pflrinjlir to each it was a real gaiun and thn local fans hciaved a sigh or relief when tlm nill gong gave a two to one victory for anton llmrn was a good crowd on hand al though not as large as the former milton or georgetown gamas here ihe attrnid anoe just going barely over thn thous and another special train from milton b tight upwardi of two lilindreil fans fiom the county town and georgetown to witness the match and none were disappointed with the exhibition furnish ed altliough undoubtedly some were a little disappointed at the result i im gaitm gave an urn a one glial lead in thf group play off llin lino up was aoton qoal hollo way defence 1 qlblmins and omar centre 111 in on wings kentner and it unman subs chew n aiblkins and woods i mlltojiooal houston defence wlson and kentner centre itarlnw wings an- in and wilson subs carr w clementa a olemctit* sub goalie uardoa tclreo luuuny jones nduelph thrills lirpriu hi that u rl ml iml on g ntla and th iiiittiiji rung di wii on mlltt n ii hnpiii fir group imdnrshlp uud atum w i i riiwunil iciiign if or tup 1 a if a fir 0i umld lhu h toting howl- lug esillmtrunrn of thn jjundrrdl of uxul turn who lud g uf ului tbtir team lend tlmlr cupimrl mid t hrnr the lioya 1 1 victory i hey purait d tlm miilou itrnu tiny tmitf and inllnr d to their li uru tiitilnil h was u w 11 dunnd vli lury by aiuin a tun lutnriumlluut it wun tin culiiilnutlnn of tilths itorln h was tho for tlin lotala in idue tu a lrpy acton n m jt o lut dlsappoluteikml jhite wun iu felling rigirt avi r the outcome f u hiu ihuu in of htrkiy uitlvlly jim alton uuwi worn jultlluht all the way ik uu and on urrlvlug bulk lrt thn folk who hud jnllred kti iw they hail brought vli lory uith them hire urn the boya wjin buttled out thut final sweep lo victory aclui cltal lliillowuy l finer glblmni uud or i tulr flatinoii alng icnitiur und liiirfimin aul3 chrw wrions and n qi1i im milton goal llimstin defi nee ii wilson and ic nlijnr rcntrn 1arl iw wlngn andcru u uud i wllnu subijj cjrrwlkuiiwortli ctrmrnaird llaf- llm hefijitt jack himiphlll of waterloo hkkeylfiu the 1 uat thfv nth wl uji u u wuji a gu gitthi ring only ty mi theonirn unity nicuy run group vmkl it was small wonder that with uin landing or these two learns so closo that 20 tickets were sold for the special urslon from acton to milton on mon day night and at i linehotlse oeorgn- town mansewood and utaaartuiwn tuoio key fans were taken aboard to bring the total up to 330 milton fans were appreciative or their team and the slrug- gle uiey were scheduled to wltuea and whim all got in the arena it was pack ed in every sense of the word a real gallnry net tor a real struggle and they got it too the ulllon band was till that was missing jack hemphill from waterloo waa on hand to give out the decisions in this flutiitn u became apparent aarly in tho that lie believed in letting the boys rough up a luu more than johnny jottns but neither of theaa teams care tuko too many privileges and ho od very well milton utiw the ftrst penally and aotoii also had a trip to the cooler in hits initial frame when the two- mlltrm detanoa men tried o i squttata salmon out from the goal all three went in a heap and in the melee ktubinrofmulortgot heaavdund ihera were cheers in the milton section when a milton man went right through and scored a pretty ono on holloway and groans although inaudible from tin acton fans ilay was about eqiml for both teamn in that twenty mlnutna but it ended with a goal for milton and none for acton hope in the acton broasls went higher shortly after the opening of the second part and tha mil ton fans gave expres sion to silence or inaudible groans 1 olbuons put sonni steam behind a shot alined from tlie blue line and tlie twine imhlhd huston bulged and the game wjs tied up it looked even worse for huston when aibbons from about the same position sagged the netjuraln a hw evidently found inilonrt weak spot and hi talllod well on tlm discovery a lot of remarks from tlui fans about huston ud hamilton dldn i alent o impmve the goal tenders playing a bit he waji peeved apparently at thos two long sliou going past him and then tha next mem that caused the aoton fans to yell robber at a man iwlilnd the goal with a liandkerchler in his hand wain t caus ed by a raid on tlie bunking institutions or the county vjwn anton had ww looked like a mire enough goal tuckmt away in uin goal tender a equipment rut that gentleman with the handkerolilor aid no and ao did jack hemphill they were the bosses no matter what the fans railed them and that settled the question acton waa out to soore lu that frame no matter wliut aoals counted tn tho round and they wore there to got them keihner fed one over to oreer and tnnde it 31 for acton little jon kftitiier as tho faiullka to eall him wafc right on in his former town that night u didnt matter if bis brother wss oppoabig him right jlnff htwuigi 44iitsmtrrworwr5ri soiattlglit he flew andmadn it look bad for milton by bringing the total up to 41 yea thla was an linliortanl period for bnlh teams but thn first half belonged to aoton it was lu thn latter half of tlih frame that the acton rooters got ft lint unit the milton fans got arnnn- thing to oher tor mil unroot rtght through for two oloatt goals and the fliilah pf tho period was bettor for acton than tlie nrat but u was close 4 3 j ufd acton with a two gol lead on the lound milton drew two itenahle lo actons one in the period and ohow was latn coming on tha ice for thn next round owing to a smash on the ton b n milton hockey stick i im third period drew no scorns for cither toim milton was penalised in this part by four tiroes to auxins twine doth teams worked hard hu dlni- oillt to say which had thn edge mi the pm but aoton seernnd to be breathing easier with their goal lead and milton was waging an uphill tight lliere wu hiun bellringing and parkiw una otiew drew a foui inluute penalty yhuu they undertook to settle their dlftcrenus by jji rxnl net once ggidnmt hemphill aald no and did a lltuu purring upartravltti tho asalstanoe of mtmbora of itoth teams and ttto bell ringer won the round there were spills on co larm and whni tlm iniirnliig dawuud and tin morning pup rt urrivml the next link of tho play wim unnounred 1ufu in alujh wi limiduy 1iliruary li and tihortly utter dinpir thn puittrs wore out uunoiiucliig tin iixturt and whin vediiemluy evtuliig came torrnutlul mjiii dcirrndei hut tlm mild npell did not n rlously affect pluy- iiil conditions and tiin oncnulilru of i arts lined up agatiuit die red swnalnrnd acton lliifi for the tlmt giunc of the round lnlw n lliowr wlnncm of oroups 1ivi and ulx lliere wu ajiollmr big utteuduuiii of iiliuiul a tliousuud spi c tutors on hund uud tlni puck was faced uli uy im hlhmuii uf kltelmuir alter tin uuiiul inuilrul opining by the band hie opening pi rlod ahowtd imilii teams to be playing about tlm uumn kind of fty hockey hum were idiots a plenty both gnuls and pi nt of rushes nlilnatlon und clean hnckey uut h acton who iauu d the first goal en greer pus rd onn over to noll gibbons in front of tlio iurlii goal uud nell capilallkcd on the npiiortuiilty anil mntle tlm nlgnal llghtr flicker it was juhl at tho ckwo of tlm ftrst period there worn no poiialtlis imposed oil cither utun in that frniun ihn ice was ulcky and 1l hiul difficult to curry the puck but there were no short tampers urd imth tnomn wi rn out for rlenii hnc- kiy it wjuthe kind of a gome unit promotes die i port in thn second period purls and acton imhii drew tin only jhinaltlw of the game lu thla period purls uvenod the nc ire when n iouk shot gol umlor hollo- wny s logs und in over the blue murk it wah ii laugh una iui holloway had bun pluylug a iiiiuiutlonal gamo j liny nlmply couldn l gut piuit him from chats lu paris nilcdiil tlin otx n not when im came out und chicked and greer and ihilfinun contributed to another close suvn llollnway with aibboim und greer on dnfennc were too much for paris tho period ended one ull j ha third period like thn nrat did pot have one penalty another long shot in tho rtrnl few m inu ten of play got put lloliowuy to bring the score 31 for paris rut the acton funsatook heart when rig hoy greer placed one post the purls goalie an a rebound jhrro wore plenty of closo calls ror aclon but lloliowuy was master of cereuumla hiuiioth or tm abilities of anrflieuktrr from purl in gwl liavc bei heard here but lloliowuy showed more class i ant night on the play he is our choice r colleottiuttndwoikhia with- hi to uin mules usfllntuhon lie was almost unbeatable 111 this period uut ncnidimt to prank aibbons norii r rod thut put gloom in the spectators and players gout was going through on one of his nuhoa when he was chockid fnlrly and roll und re ceived a nanty wound from a lkutn ut ii ui backof the hnadi when ho didn t scrambln to hlu foot evoryoun knew somothlng siirlous hud happeuoil 1 he occurrence wus purely ucoldeutal and was rrgrelted by tlm par in boys as putoh as anynnn a pool or blood marked thn spot where he roll dr nelson was in the audience and tlin wound wag dremned arer play hud beciu resumed a short time aout enmn back on aiirt wuoh uu ovftttou ifa wan bettor to im uiot he wua not seriously injured tuaujuhmiug iho game tfnd thn crowd it tlmlr ova tion jet gout know of uiolr feelltis ho played a few minute to let utem know ho wan alright and then manugcr oardaii raplaoed him with a subatltulo for um remainder or the gam greer hlu twin defeik0 man went right in to make up for his removal and in the lust few seconds ot ploy run i uiiother goat for acton its s nafii bet to say captain frank uipriroluleil tho etfoitpt hbs pul lhu gunio ended 3 3- for anton und gives the lor uu u one goril lend on thn round ihey go lo purls to morrow night for tho second gaino l ho purls lads uro u korul bunch of hockey players limy can stlckluuidli und skuto and play nliun and wore a bunch of gnntleinijii ihey gavu the acton inds plnnty to think about and kept them pluylug full tension ilia local defence and goal in lu uur ftstlmatloii superior to um lturls boys lho stren- litus playing of um past we told q en l t soci5tsiicof life viflkom tii and from town during lho paht week tw fileancd by tho ivc lrvw wlit lvni llrown npnil prlilny with i lutlvrs ut im nt mm r j mtlllrrwiii vlild frlntds i l itrtilto j mil week mr htnill4 matkle rpept the week end ut his home hiirj mlui oniikvlra larrldgit wuji h tin fiiiiu rrampbui for tlm wrk out mrs allan mmlth itke aveuile vl iu mri nirriuiui 1 till ns n latuiuy i glielpli mlaa isalwl cannon if loruito vulled lur frlnid mim vila ramrhaw ov r wiiuk end mi victor uuiuley wlln rncrntly tuniod fnnnjlkf lutniillu lil ultl u ite ii ijout ugulu us llfllul minn muriel mcottuili uurne in training lit jonahs ro pltal guelph wa ton sr in giulpli this wocu mitut wiiiiiirrd wurrril uf n irtii idiuiii chlnu vlnllod ut thn hnnie ol mr and mrs john wood this wi mrs kit ward maralall of i lniehoui spent wedncsduy ut thn hi me of mr uud mr onorge uiuwu vlliuv ulrei t mr 7lnytouluiihour of kliln iwnt fi w ilayii luil wit k ut the liomt id his uimli mr h mccutrhmiu main hlrent i 1 1 tin mliu vera lundslttt rough or gualulij yihtkdlltr grmidpaswib mr hlid mrk wm luiuulkiri ugh laat week mi vi llonhani or jjillugttm spent tin week end with oior frfriid mias linrltour at tlm homef mr und mrs tjnidnhoiuiigh mus marin ijiiiu uui npr rated rni lor ujipendlcltls on iiulurdai- ut ollelpii geil eiiil hoepllui and la iimkliig g kki pro greiui towurd recovnry mr und mrs r w himalin atund d tin molroiiolitaii iniuruiun co ituikjiiet whliii wus held at um royal hole ciinijih isst uiiturday mr and mrs mmlth clriftin vklted it mrs griffins ulster mrs atnmtla uiirtiis in loriitito lasl week and mr roy wunuirough s also rev a i jooli attended uu meet ing of tin uainlluti cinfrencn hellle limit coiiniiltlen jn morfnlk itrout chun h gin iph on monday mr jiweph lliilciilnnoii nf j lmil mlin und mrs y v 1 una or loroulo atended tlm rum ral in acton on mou- duy nfleriiwiii of tllo iuui mrs o a conway various news items belfle railway timetable chan a new schedule on the c u ti xu3- lrli i inn gifis into effect heat sunday in lining westbound cars are now duo at a tjn ut 7 3d a m d 50 a hi it m nrn 1 iff jj m 4 30 p to- ha9 p s u hi p m and 13 is p m tlie kast- iklnnd cars arn die in arum- at 8 53 a m 0 13 a m 1113 am i 33 p to j3 p til 0 13 p m r33 p ra and 1133 p in ihn early rriun ca tn qurh direction du put run on sundays mr und mm l pronioll and mm litd lioiuoll of loronto and mrs d hinies r uankiuoiui fluskutrhewun vlslt- pl lat vcnk with mr and mrs o agnow mr hid mrs mlnklnr me mb hurliael keiordl loft this week on a trip to tin cintiuint and will jumtml a couple or mon lu in thn southern part or trance mrs j w harbor roe who has iknn in the hospital in loronto for the part fuvnii waiks jas sufficiently improved to be till to iw remnveil to uio home of hi r ilutrr in loronto mr a q olarrlilgn wua a guesl at thu baihpict utvru hy the cauudlan national i shlb hon li um prlso wbiimra or last jtarun the nnln bnilliutt luul ol uia royu oik hilej un wednesday of last vhirl mr h mmre was in loronto on rur in iiunuiiug on a committee of tho auiiimj ciunrll of the united ohurol which jmd u idtr coi udder at inn ovor- tui i rrpm lwo olhor dniomliiatloiu which urn roiihldorliig roinhig into the united ohurcli and didn t give the exhibition we have soon thorn display on other occasion connldnriug thu 1ce arid the game thoy tiuve been through and injur ids some or umm aro sutferlug from they did well we iuvii nothing but words or praue ror tjm uxhlbltlon of boui teams it was well worth the lafger admission hurgod for group games we still book aoton lho una up was acton holloway goal 1 gibbons and orenr defoiion uulmou contra huff man right wing kontuor left wing n aibbons ohnw and woods subs purl tlohni uker goal mills wktrio- klo defeiue kompthnruo centre von- bubom left wing u moculohwiu right wing i uurle wimkis otid smith w loe rlllnion kttchotir rbfon hookkv noitth three pkniliiiioii trains between acton and mi i inn within u win k u unite a record manager ourdin uut the only line whose olleatk allied wutl jujtldatujl pruio tliosn days we r all proud of our boys lr riiihuniui andiirsou and ireland whlln not uiuong tlm filial team euoh t pfuyed a putt in um various gammi cf tin group tlui bund at thn hookey games has added a rnilah that waa noticeably lack ing when acton vlslled other plucos to pluy their gunms lho milton funs proved a good bunch of sports in dofeut thoy offered their ioluautuliillflns purls are l the name lypo liny play io win and took uiolr ioa1 good uatundly ln jnoro than just luck when a team wins tin out of twelve games played and six of thorn in sucoisslon lliere must ho wii no good lutckoy playing pack ed into lhefto udcompluhmuhu a loiter from tha kustom jleel ivik dunui teiun of proulon wlio played an oxhlbltlnn gome here against tlie aoton inlenimdlutes won among the flrst lo urriva oougratillatlng the team upon tlmlr group victory a remark overheard t the milton gime liad joll wth the a on the mlhrt iwcntcra ttin answer waa ghen as a wish from un aoton fun which proved u correct prediction he averred that the initial stood for goners it wus a friendly sportsmanlike action when tlm fans dug down and presented harry olmw with a remdiubrulice fjw ur woikilng present on the ocoualow of hu recent marrlugo to mbut lloulrlco molton it wiot just u little murk or tholr regard for him uud his playing when thu inbmuodlube merles u over thn harris cup gunum for that group und tha junior gamin for the if a unilth tropliy will provulo the pletuliro or thn hockey fuiim itoth of hume ovouls should develop some rnal com- pntltloiiu and good games tllrino tho o a o gamn falloil to convince tlui lorgus nowsreoord of ths liblllty of uio acton tuum mialbly uin bwhiu of the past week will convince thh doubting ihoimurtif their prowess if not ni or s imtweyn the ilatlrs ai id una ml ct will la would have ifoot i he junior dlmb rsut itlday nlghl the junior o ii a tokiu played tholr return game hi oak- villc and gave tho lake front town a rijl snappy exhibition of hockey amnion suonul uiulr thraa goals lu sucuwaon and the combbiatlon ruslas of greer and gibbons duasled uin spec la lorn and gave some roal exhlbltionn oakvilla xoornd two- ut tho start and two mora or their guuls when gibbons was doing a penalty i ay was fust und clean and pen a i ling wi rn only for minor off enoea hie game was won by oakyllle by u score of 4 j ft wua a junior exhibition with thn high lights of u game for older pluyt rn in tho rmul period aoton pushed tlm pluy to oukvlllo but oould not so rt lho aljton toain wljh the oak- vllle pluyern success in the quest for hlglinr honors and hope they will gq a long way hi tlmlr games toward the ontario chatilploislllp tliu aotutt liheup wad lbwsan goal glibiuh pud oroor defnnde woods walertfrilisn and atidnrson furwardl m maraluulttinl jjapulum only una game in kabarbaa 1 lit uui in hut bail league only one gitiie was ulilu lo im squeeaed in the put wnk 1l was last pvlay lught b- lwoin h waiidriua od umaliouse and linlieys men came oft beat with u si in if i 1 hie postponed gam will now ite able to be run off suid the u hnlule couiplaud itile game tnakea ii tie dlnvrfiiicn in tho achmlule eaeept li lut 1 luiiey tnpvr up to seoou plaoe and thiialens uut seat now occupied by jtoikwood uu llwu t oat ii im ksu eitr a young man of uia hydro gang uttiklng at ijiniliouae came to acton li toslcaud on wednesday night to bt thu iatls anton hockey gamo jle got u i further thait knox church aiwrds uud lay there drul ut lh world he waa arrroud by ctucf mctherauu t1u mitniliur he reported that ha had been robbed itr i70 0o and lost hu falsa teeth it cost hltu 1180 when lie came bo fore mitgutrale moom an impleaded- guilty ui t- tht cnurge mlnute- in drawing casaeh fjit week mrs a o curria rocelvcd truinh rnpocts fropi bar brother the nv wm oraham m a b d of vnncoiivir helghu unltod church ihn liumaby rntadcaat ahowad that in heir annual report uio church waa in i flour billing condition three years ago uiu flue new church was built and on january 31 a urge now sunday mrhool addition watt opened irca of lebt mr graham waa raised near roefc- nod and atlnndeit um prnabyterlan church there ills many friends will bn glad lo know of his aplrndld success mek took rira tn garace tjt l- day morning the firemen were i tiled to extlnguuh a blame at morton motors when ttdward tyler went to hick his truck from the garage that morning the engine backfired and in a few moments was in a blaae mr lyle smit in an alarm and backed all lhn other rarw alored there out on tb street a roar window was forced and tlui rim inils at a couple of fire extld- gulslinm promptly subdued the blams lho car was aoon repaired and put into rommlnslon again the flre waa oon- li ed to the parts beneath uie hood ti ideal carting cerajmhlim 1 heresults tn the games uuia tx pluy d in um local curling compeuuon aro glvefi as follows wlui the noma of the skip nf the various rinks qklp puyed won lost w 1c grajiani 3 3 0 i 11 fuwrey 110 w j guiild 1 1 d o oowle 1 1 o j irishman 3 11 1 j uoxuml i ft 1 dr k j nelson 1 0 1 1 morriaou 10 1 w omltli a q 1 u m mcdonald 0 0 0 no ixtulon court clerk for nai t townahlp no appointment lias been made of a hiiccnuor to tha late william rraser clnrk of tho division court campbell vllle who died last july tha result of a railway aacldant there u no lnimedl- ulo prospect of all appointment and it is pi xslblo thatrrrontr will be made it has lie on suggested that tho territory of the court which is the township of has- xugaweya bo cut lu two the north half to take anton division and uui south hulf to the milton division crown at torney dick ot milton la ui chargs in till nicjullune and haa arranged ht william patiton divulon court olerk of miilon attend to any court buslneas hlch muy arise u j krrr 1lmited dlreote- af tair aaaoe alien at uie annual pairs aaaoclation meet ing in toronto last thursday and friday mr it j kerr waa cliosctl as dlreoins ror no a dulrict which include hal ton i tllmcoo and york oounuea mr knrr rt interest and abilities in connec tion with lall lalrs are well known add throughout thu dutrlct and ulco lor thla important position is evldmico tlutt he u favorably known in qullavu wide district also ho one li bcttexvuollned to nil uila poat and look afteruie kalra or thu cnnnctrtn doserylng of the huimr his friends will jofn him in congratulations on uui honor conferred pmudettt j r ke1- hcdy and uecreury w j akltu of the acton full pair uoojuty also attended the convention sessions in toronto last waek ii v v ip o maeung a meelhig of the vi v v 1 o waa hold in the paruh hall on prlday even ing february 7 miss vauna murray tho itoaldftnt had the meeting which oiwiiod with tlio ringing of the maple r oaf pvirrjvnr after the roll call waa tuken and the mlnules of uie last meet ing read mr tom molaughlhi waa called upon to lake the chair which duty he ably fulfilled tim nrat number on thn programme wan a piano solo by m but margaret woldle followed by a rrmdlug by miss vlma murray which as enjoyed by all a dialogue enuued uachalomvilam medley waa ntrxt and picrlucod quite a laugh from ue audl- tmeron ilamshaw gave a si 1 notion on tho violin while uia dialogue wna iiroparlng lar o harks lands- ihirough played the plana for tha musical puiu tn the dialogue ml garbajra plunk delighted uio audience with a solo followed by another piano aolo by miss margaret waldu- rtw mooting olonod with tho singing of tlie national anthem lunoh waa nerved and a social hour spent by all glittn miixh don i forgot the ituu llluo valen tino hiloliro and tjojico to night clliuru- duyi ut tho ivrlali hall ut eight o clock lho women s mlsalonary floeutly of the pivsbyiorlaii churoh met at mra mlnog lionm willi a fair attendance the mis sion work of um church u well upheld m itowdow of quelph u wking- ohargo of uio fluiiday serviced hi the presbyterian oliuroh uie pastor rev mr mroraoken being quite iii wlh rhouinatlo fever hts friends are pleas ed to learn that ho is lmprovuiif mr and mrs wm rurton of duluth mliui am vultlng mrs uurtoil sr for a fow days mr john a mcalplne lias been very lb ror tho past fortnight hu friends fiill be pleased toknow hnu some what murotbd z a fw dayu ago mr harry main tosh jiimi the mufurtunn to fall breaking a rib ma o r hudd of porgus ensiit the vifckeild ut mr marshall a trtpiimswflw w

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1930, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.