Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1939, p. 8 (2024)

tttorflsduly my wth 10s0 theacton free press paori sivntf a aon8 nubvn to mothkb tvu cvenudethe htld to worship knell his had on nwther up her hand wu felfc bi blessing on ih eurly tousled head i when tell tnfi what l ood llk7 he had said the mother patum him a mothers would and whispered ood u loving kind and good ay ood u love itmlf my httut lad and pity when his children make him hs full of paunce through our many wrong he happy whn we prnlsa iim in our songs ood will forgive no matter what w do tia only m that carries wunn folks through i ood i a peaceful as the evening brae he lie in hi lowly n the winter trees hi hnnd til jewelled imowriakes tit ftly wtyle lie beauufles thin mirth wuii hin kind smile ood ut llw watchful shepherd nf u nil to seik im till in invi ulutu ir u full trust ood my bo for ife known all unrest the young on pruyod nn inriunt child like prayer and then hi it nri hi lif led blither tin re he rulmd twit hu iidfum i es of shining blur i gudws said im hint owl ih just like you twenty years ago uwn the lusue of the pree prwui of thursday july hut 10111 mv jolin mclean of the fourth linn has wild hlbfarmtowrndnw moloa- on agnjajirwrja which ha will w felt much jiride in thin stately itonut mr uttlss close up friends always thought ho intended thu large home to lie converted into a high hohnol for acton nut also it so hu plans in tfobj a in oilier worthy aspirations were not fulfilled hi tiled from nn attack nf typhoid fivtr on april oth iflflfl well do i remi mbcr that dny though it in iow firty four years ago there win rent mourning in artoii win n knlterl ultle pniised nwny ilta dt thl wlfi who was hnrah johnston nnd n pupil of mr ullh in tin old atom school mourned hir loss with a aim mourn inn popli nil through tin oinily mourned for hhn a dlhtinet loss wiiji felt w hi nu i lu had in t n known i know man of yon will wutidi r whrn i my that mr ijttli disl wlun hr was only fifty viuni of urn in vuis liorn of rkotih puiiiiti til kiiituhtii minium anil i huh to cmind i u hi n n ynuuit man 11 is ruuinttyrcd llll uhmt m i fionnl inurwtt lu took in aulhtluu umm in wmie nn fdunntlnn klftwli yeanr nflor iiih inth they mot hi uitv old hnvm nnd i ho old irhool in a r union i nnd ii n hi 16 on tin pn urnm wai thn uuvilllnu nf n lumuttflll rottuli firanlte monununt ovi r hu univo in vsilrvlew cum ten with npprni rlnte rireinonlwi mi i lttl livid nlom for ii tliim in tin lilu hmib thin ahi wint to tin oui count y nnd finally to ttu wut mr unit mm arrhy m nohb nnd family ii in i tlnrt for iuirnl yeari later tin property wuh iun ihuki by hi nrd tm t fe li vuki unit fin iiujun tlim hi jihlilnil or mi nnd mr wlllhnn w lli u r i hi on mid fmtill om i old htuu itiy nluhl ulun tin nn ri nry wnn 30 lit low vrni thlt mm mhuihui loox llro uiul won biiiiud to tlu iiiouiiii 1 innlly tin old uimiionn hmuuht in k lo fit hi pi in ipli and in i mill tlui ti tai t n aihl ili a miitmiiii nml in i1u m ih i pi i i of l lilt uiul n in m tin i iittiii n ink him dur 1 1 in hi h mini ininih mild dttiy unvniwnml uttrauv ulirubn and frariuit rlowtrw our rltluna fujoy lawn towl- tnu ond tennis and utlur recruoiu and lb old common u aualn ltie fi ul rit of ou ma men la and oonuu hnmiy frnllrs uiul iijnyabl itooul ln- lrrrom no myvkukhck mih klnllh wnn rilnllnu her orlivaiuu uvi r llir unrdi n fvnoe my liunliand ih ouch a flirt nlio cm- plnlm i juhi ran t trtut ilm nny ulun nrvi r mind my di nr hi r frlund uiiiimilod hi r llnu prolmbly only ro- t riliuf iki tyiw i hat ii wlu n von n wronu nnld mim hnllth urlmly linn n vt rtlnu ut lilnlh to iiiuidiiui iikiiisii move nrxt fall there wre 10 oflo mnvlotlorm in on tatlo laat ywir for vlnlnuonit of tlie motor vehicle art nnra nmountod to 11478 7 aoton will pay 4 ms 1ft for thr ooun ty pate thin year ten aoldlero wore honored at a wpln- did oltlxleni reception on monday evnlnff tlie returned men ar srjt litoalberttl- v coleman ih i o klna ih a u shand ih o if leulunan rte k rt whitney pt a n clark vte b ii jordan vie f mc prteraon aoton school headed the county at the entrance examination miar ranr udbvoy took the hlahest standlrm in the county of ilalton ite e ii smltli on of j n smith formerly of aoton arrived nt hlshomr t wliltby and tlien wrnt to st an drew military hoapital for trmttnent tlie prince or walei will open tlie toroup kxhtiltlop thlfl year iifi siassajua mono rood on wedne day july 33rd 1010 james hauuuxl fattier of e j hazard arton teach tiumiun how to havl- a unul ururli in hiidu ollldnl publication of tin ht nlth uiuiui or cun ftdn uhtch how 1mm n cnmpainlnu for u wider knowlrdm or iirullrlnl nuplmtkin method ui ntrlbuid b wllla mac lachbui or thi onuulo hydroeh rtrii powir comniujilon lu uu urtu it lu snya thi srlmfir imtliod or urtllliilul n h- tiratltin in honu units kmmu bj hoiuioih about wmtt rtnu plncee and bathtnfl benrliph tris or alimrthrtdirtnptiumir antbifurtorj it b bo slmpli uiat it ahould tw familiar to evrrvom it in iwoinmendrd that senior pupiln in uu mlumu bout boys ajd ulrl ahould u taught to practice it kimwlodm of tlu kind ulll wumer or lati r prow to o u life saver employing of niblic utilltira practice it reffularlj ut h ait once a muutli it may be auoctsshil ewn when thore lias been no perceptible pulse or other slims of life for suvtral hours arter tlie patient has started to orratnr it will bi nimjossary to transport him in a bin- position to hl home or to a hos pltal so that hi mu in put to bed he must not be allowed u sit up stand or walk he must be transported in a lyhih down ikisltton eiicrltnce has tjniuht thnt under such clrmmsumcts the heart u in no tnndluon to stund tlw strain of tiiunp up and dhnt inthe imist lives hnvt bun lost whin the persons huvi bten allow id to suinrt or alk in brd uu patient should be ucauxl as for suruml shock thnt is bj uie iup of warmth qultt and uu necessary stimulants to summarise i henuue tlie xlc*nt from electrical oontalf iras or water as qukklj us pos sible 3 start artificial nspiratton by well trahicd persons as painntl as possiblt 3 us warmth hot uuur twtuis blonkcls etc without tilt warmth of t uu niis without thr warmth of frlcndjt i could not live l wluioul uie j ii oils inidrohnnire of touch of word or deed of spirit that uwy qlve ufes ouier hlfts don t matter very much the dead possosolons of uie wqrld s treat store havr moanum only as utey come and 0i 6i am ai t until th patient brratlim or there are definite signs of rigor mortis 6 transport tlie patient in a lying posiuon to home or tuupital and put to bed as a final word wt me repeat that in eases of electrical shock gas poisoning and apparent drowning artificial respira tion by means of the schafer method u of all piethod the simplest and bet dlltantly and persistently carried out it wflt aava tlieuvwa of many persona which ouwwue would be lostr the tnethod ahould be learned by everyone knowledav of it will save many live prom friend to friend injnutesyni hilltrnnw of givlnu and receiving nouiing more a man can live without uie greater part of sustenance or happiness or power nut sweet communlcnuon of uie heart the mind and soul is ufeblood to uie flower no greater gift did ood to humans give wluwut uie warmui or frit nds i could not live i several years ago 1 wrote several columns of reoollecuons nwpecung lhe old commons but uiere seems now to be mtire to any tile commons occupied the iilock from mill u church slreet and from wibbtir ui uie orand trunk woodyards william sell n tavern was on uie north on uie souui uicro was nothiim but some garden clear over to dovi llydcr k funn on uie west uiere uus jlmmii lrnjurh houst und behind it u wicant lot tlie commons imu tlu town imrk in uiow dnya mid uie only park ui hnd thin tlu basebnu mntcliih and cricket gmnim wire play l i niul ipioit musts in ptuli 16 it uu inn hi quit no hlrthdnj ulebi ituiiin mid uu lutulh of hflj di iiuuiht rations win lu id it wti a plujuriuiitin or uu i lilldtui nil uie unu it wiui hirt hint charlli syimm ttuucvd bus caledniiin kiimm and all tlu famth l uu tounlosldt i iitlu ntl to lljt tllthl itllth ot tin old hfot tlsii dimii if uuii uh mi dnh wi 11 in thi oursi ilim this promrtj minted to ikh iiu uio uluubh for a lu ground nnd tv a plnct ulun hnnsoni adanu pilnl tin rordwoxi in bought lu uu wuitir unu for tlu oniud ivun titini 11 uh mirird into lot nnd a him t run thniuli fntm mill to church slmt whim hansom h cord wood uihi u u piled wi now hat uu ions rirce oectrlc irikiuct fiu uir und mrs john qi boons nmdence hoi cottagi on uie commons itsi if tlu n vt red uuurt uttli the old nuiaur of 10fl3 to 1b7j and later uu public scliool jtispeclori r halton built a very fine rorldinre it was a commodious home ith uirgt rooms and spacious halls nd a tower ovtr uie front entranoe he only rocently arrived in canada lo prepare for uie construction or u large shoe manufacturing plant at tin ontario vlluui of 1 rmikfurd ure three osechs shown herr wlui thomas iluui second from irft owmr if uie establishment who has been making advance pn partitions for some weeks lft to right they are antony nnvnuty urrhltecl mr hutu otui daloar instructor and luuvlk palak mm hunlcal i nglmwr iiu in w sluu plant when ready will emi loy canadian uiio r whits man h mkiiioinst ror mndvanh mote uiafi suteii tons of mdlrlul mid sungloal supplies vjure shlpfmwl lo iiullaus in canada s tirent nnrthland durlnu tlu spring nnd fairly summer iponuui niriirtllnu to uu indian affairs llrniuh thiinrlminl of mlnw anil he- miurces ollawu in the vast u rrltory htrilililng from viikon in the lalmulnr liouiidary llviw wmu ifl uh1 indians w liium lualtli and wilfnrn an looknl nlur liy tlu ijomlnlon oovirnment llos pilnlh ui ii ujiiihwi for i hi n mou phidi tluyhirvi nn loinld in ihi mai hi uvli lllvi r itiinln nt lit n lo oronw moom lvi lory und kort ahiany on iiimin iluy but over die greater part of tlto uorthi rn nullum tint medlrhml in ods if uu nimill hiutlirod linnilu of iillnun nrt si rved by uni inlnnioiinrli h jtnynl ninuliiui moiiul4l point trudirn nnd in n 1 w il ii i lv ii v umi nun in mnlii tulmd tin iit lit ci i rulli n tin ii iimiiinl iid mi itrlklinn iluinlnh tlie merlenees and adventures- of these workers nro often hroto but it is the exwptlnn for them in be told i u shlhiienl of medlnlnal supplies to thn remote ttrmn is in ibtelf no small inntler hlilpiul from ottawa by rall- wny as far as possible uuma materials move to their final destinations by air- plini steamer nnd canoe although the lindane is gradually displacing uu otlu r meniih of transport in tlw north there are still many placni to whleh fn ight must lu ihirnn by canoe and on nu n u itm ks over numerous portagas iiu sliipmtnhi ure mnde up in strong iuikiips ttilubinu not more limn eighty im units i ad mid three of siuh packages iiinbi n iihui for tin indian freighter who irou with uu rn over roi ky hills nnd lluoiigh uu muikig on nne route all in ii living ijiko wlnulpig for the i ml i nnoi hiivn in ih unloaded nnd ii en rnlghl iirrleil over thirty portages why 1 ui in i k like the li tu r 1v jll in iki tin it fw u i keep prayed up sw wo piiciiiiis sci hit slnry tts illlinititik a liinflrliilt imd-iiuui-iii-tjit- saint iimhii one whs ii yuuiin iiinii lln iiiiili whs uliltr lliiy liiunn rliiii dc viiliuiis siiiiiiliaihimsly hul uu tikloi iiiiin was off in kncls nnd into linl in a twinkling i ml youiikci mini h pmyci will ioiik when ht rosl he ilii liiiilii tm hi chide hit- tilclti mini rr the brevity of ins prayer the old mull s reply was ho hi hlunt and rehiikiiik i keep piayed up youiik man k l prayed up favorite in trottinji classic sweet ttt imtm la lul lli ttm km wlj there s a point in thin story for thoe who employ iiitvcrtminf to nell their louds and service it is keep continual contuet by the iicney of piihlmhctl udvertismp with those frtim whom you wunt business many sellers lapse into lonij periods nf sileiill then when biihineba is bad they may hurst into advertising hoping that there will be immediutc and earnest attention on the part of those address ed buyers are attentive and responsive to those who maintain steady lontaet with tluin via published advertising lo tlu m thiy are friendly when m the market rut what the selkr iu s to htm they turn easily lxpeltantl ennfldetitly and resnnnsivelv i lhe lderilmuk which ensts least hctaiist ut a minimum of buyer i esist ante and a maximum t jondwiil ind responsiveness is t tin t which is pub hshctl luutimiousty c ontranwisc the iiilvertisuih which costs most is th it which bursts into sipht suddenly and in tcilillttcntly like the hres of vesuvius it costs must because it docsn t clt the feiuned icsponse in the lime limit set ltac parshnll one of trottlnpnce drtvrnr inhmm he irter astra ba on of pi u r volo wlui whim lu hnpis to neon his mi ond win lu uu ilumbli tonluu stitkt to in run ut ooslun s cloixl linn park uni augiiht dui poi guided uirtl jim to victory in 1034 und ixmcu ui h no j ttilfi ytar pettr attra l ing ruled j 1 fariu h is wiuxt ti l i aulliulir of andomi oluo nnd luw jxihuii a mink ur oj i your local paper the acton free press is issued regularly every thursday and is your best means for conve store news to acton and district 111 ui s another little story about pinycr a slory with a point a small hoy told his sunday school teacher that heneverstd htsrrrftyerain thtrtrrrjir mi hut always at night and why not in the morning r asked the teacher why rind the small hoy any fellow who s any good can look after himsolf in the day time many hellers pre very rnuih like this small buy many lire worse many ad vertisc only whlcn darkness beginn ro full over tlim business many don t ad vertise at all the right idea is of course to keep on distributing among ijuyers informa hon about ones goods and wants at all times thus do the lenders huylks in muat mjmisijtx oo wiikul tihy m invitld to uo muggs and skeeter foh m cosh i was alamdst saaothereo t oh am i stifp i 1 ache all by wally bishop

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1939, p. 8 (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.