Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1932, p. 7 (2024)

p ix v v- it vi l y r i i- v vv- vv sv v- the atrron free priess v yv vrgianfr ajtafflwbday- aouto tare ji i f m jayit aajrabatitoyib- to be strong enottgh to gain some mas tery dieer ourselves to toe hutle enough to be willing to leain from others jvkw to be brate chough to choosffcifcernght oroads to be patient enough to keep on to spite or obstacle to s wlsabnough to know our- own shortcomings to he hoiest enough to admit the ex cellencies of others to be proud enough to hold the respegt of strong men- y to be gentle i enough to hold the -love- of little children time to be generous enough to share our goods with others that is oil aspiration for today cieorge g davis heaveps and the earth in the first verse of gen 1 we have all the- clear and positive information that twenty xeabs ago fran the issue of the free press w thursday april 4 19x2 spring birds are- coming back tomorrowgdod friday a holiday forr c symoniassry cookbas opeheda shop in the oldeaston jjakery building on mill street v the rnlld weather last week finished sleighing after three and a hall months continuously onthe runners mr james dobbie has taken possession of the prett br house on brock avenue he recently purchased from mr c w mason e k cook contemplates opening a p th abode of m 225 store in the secord block for handling foreign and domestic fruits i and vege tables the goods of the late hugh mann were unlri m saturday the petition of actons business men the board of trade and municipal coun cil through mr b- henderson m p to the minister of customs to make acton a customs port was very- pramntlycom- plled with and last week acton was made a customs port and onaturday the new customsofficer mr muriay mcdonald was appointed monday april 1 the customs house was opened temporarily in premises ufthe secord block it may surprise the public to be lir- formed that an aggregate of 800000 worth ofreoods passed customs in 1911 at i outside ports for the manufacturers mer chants and businessmen of acton maeeied jjambertcripps at crewsons corn ers on march 27 1912 toy rev w fcf douglas walter lambert of erin to irene daughter of wa cripps died einnaro at his residence church street acton on march 31 1912 ben jamin klnnard in his 73rd year keep douglas egyptian liniment al- wayssb the stable ready for immediate use removes proud flesh and inflam mation thrush or hoof rot and in- election of cows teat rising generation can show the way valuable contribution of boys and girls agricultural clubs pw wpi i r b 8 enough for thegpepjbut jhe sons and daugti- ters of canadas farmers have their own ideas on how to breed and raise hogs feed dalry cattle- and grow potatoes marked lmprovementln the quaiityyor product produced in various farming communities can be traced directly to the activities of the boys and girlscljibs engaged in practically every phase ot modern agriculture states a recent report oftliedpartaentfa*grleultwrefthespea canadian national railways probably the most outstanding ex ample of effective club work is that of the boys and girls swine clubs their organization took place in 1923 and co incided with the inauguration of can- adas new hog grading policy at that time hogs in canada graded 10 per cent select in 1931 the percentage was 19 t the s1jnday school ajeson fob sunday april 3 1932 use yoyh paper t iij j lichroh 2 5 job 42 12 u3psl27 315 orieof the sins that t- threatens our national- jifetodayi is the speaking at a dinner tendered to a sin of disobedience to this command- large group of kingston men h e jineniman was to subdue the earth i this he is dotogi but the earth- often tgots the mastery over man god origin ally appointed to man a- vegetarian diet r 7 vj29 but after the flood permission god in creation was granted to t flesh chap 9 13 gdldeh texththe beginning god this permission continues under the gos- created the heavens and the earth i pel ro 14 16 i thn 4 14 the genesis 1 1 beasts too were to have a vegetable diet lessdn text gen 1- 15 2631 and the time- is coming again when the th deat shall vbeinrtphger carhlveroua jsa 65 25 11 6 gjd saw that everything tvr -jfiw- imfespade jwas places not known the earth sg gpou but good as it it bids pain begoiw when neural- stephehson of the mcklm agency told his audience sojne simple but potent truths regarding the building of business in an informative address he stated that the best wayrto stua product was to tejl the truth about it because the public read newspaper advertising as a guide to their dally purchasing then he went on to give some advice to these kingston business men advice which is applicable to the business men of any community he said if you haveajofcai newspaper use h muiitawktoueo i jiirmnl et nian possesses about the original crea- gla racks the nerves or lumbago cripples tloriof the heavens and the earth the- the back is the time to test the virtues universe did not come into being by of tor thomas edlectric ou well rub- chance god cheated it it is there- bed in it will still the pata and produce fore good has a benevolent design and is a sensation of ease and rest atrlai subject tohlm tlie universe- is not of it will establish faith in it god- but gods handiwork god is in yie universe but separate from- it and above it how he cr it we are not told there is a profound phnosopnyirr the first tfoiir wardstof the tblme raven puixeifejdogs tatt at fort aparhe arizona thereare of the conty and can only get value from a part of ithe circulation tohyour i story from time to time and you will profit toy it the newspaper is an important fac tor in knitting together a community and to the extent that you can strength en it you will be making his paper a stronger medium for your own and the manufacturers advertising too many merchants endeavor to- sidestep seeing the newspaper advertis- jngnianor publisher tor fear that they the beginning god in the beginning dumber bftrivehs shiny black biros of the worlds historygod in the be ginning or all true science god in the beginning of all right philosophy 3od inthe beginning of all right living and right thinking ccd in the beginning 61 every wise undertaking god h the rehabilitation of the earth- to much- bigger than crows one day a dog took a bone out to the jprd andsettled down-tognaw- lt two ravens flylhgby spied him and thought they would lfke the bone too they went down and circled about the degs head- talking to each other all the time every now and then they would make a dash at me done but in verse 2 we are told the earth was or became waste and void r v whenever they were within reach the the words translated waste and void dcg snapped at them- are used in the bible to express gods finally one of the light on judgment upon sin jer 4 2327 rtv toe ground behind thedog while the the words translated confus his head emptiness in isa 44 11 are the same words used here isaiah tells us in si went up may expect to- cough- upf or some adver tising and too many publishers keep away from the merchant because thejr feel thatithat is the merchants attitude tlhis is absolutely wrong as the interesrs of the two are so bound up with the growth and prosperity of the district that they should work together at all tlmes cobourg sentinelstar molasses windows art english scientistihas developed a tmethod which may proveone of the- most important inventions for mariy then the raven that was on the ground years at tne present time tne wonapro closetto the dog seized thel ces more sugar thanit can use for many words that god did not originally i end of the dtfgstau in his bill and gave create the worldwaste isa 45 18 pinch r v it is plain therefore that in the when the dog whirled round to see what was hurting him the raven that was in fr of him pounced on the bone it and the raven on the ground jumped quickly aside beginning of verse 2 we have the des cription not of the creation of the earth but of a judgment that cam upon the and flew away with earth after itscreation presumably bfi- cause of the sin of some pre- adamite spread its wings and flew after its mate inhabitants what follows then is not tne d skulked home knowing perfect- the story of the steps of the original lv we that he had been outwitted creation but of the rehabilitation of the earth to become the abode of man if i f hls iew of the passage is correct there never can by any possibility be any con- atctjselhfienarvything geology may dis- f ood one of the great problems is to know what to do with the surplus the invention concerns a process by means of which crude sugar in the form of molasses can be converted into a substance as hard and as transparent as glass it has moreover the valuable property of passing the healthgiving ulravlolet rays which are stopped by ordinary win dowglass the material can be blown moulded or rolled just like glass cover in the record of the- rocks and that which is here recorded not as the steps of creation but as the steps in trie refitting of the earth seven times we are told god saw that what he had made was good the three persons of the i trinity are found in the first three verses in verse 1 we have god the j father in verse 2 wehave the spirit in verse 3 and god said we have the- word the phrase i vandtgod atd p occurs ten times in the chapter gods creative work jsdanebyhis creative word gods creative work is also tione through his spirit of ps 33 6 job 33 4 ps 104 29 30 amost majestic declaration of the power of god is iouud in the third verse he simply sala light be iand light was the hebrew i word for day is often used of a pro- one million londoners are supposed to pay a license lee on ihelr radio sets which amounts tj about ave cents a week six hundred- thousand of them do it but the other four hundred thou- sand hide their receivers when the tax man comes around bladder troubles bother many past 40 seven out of ten are victims but writer tells hfcw uratabs bring renewed vital force no one- knows jetter than i the hor ror of joyless days and sleepless nights there havebeen times when i felt hope less and helpless and when my weak ness caused me the most intense humili ation only those who have gone through such tortures can possibly real ize my great satisfaction when dr southworths uratabs brought me quick relief uratabs are truly won derful and i them- full praise such amazing evidence serves as con vincing proof of the power of uratabs to relieve those distressing allnjehts so often a handieaptcrthose hi middlelifer overworked sluggish and bladder weakness bring on so many distressing ailments which so often lead to serious diseases that every sufferer from jameness pains fa back an down through groins- scanty but riequent urination gettlngupnights nervous irritability and lack of force should try the amazing value of dr south- worths uratabs at once any good druggist will supply you on a guarantee aiihufiirtlm or money back 6erry barclay tiglpf ul hints turkish coppee djvisr try coffoo- culthey make it lu turkey youve missed treat u you havept i use pulverized coffeorfreahly broiind while the water to boiling ft demitasse full v for each person measure a heaping teaspoon of cof fee per enp and mix it with an equal meaour of granulated sugar when the water bolls handadd the when it loolrftfotto re- move it from tbe heat arter a moment or two letlt boll up again and repeat thl otlll a third time t pour it thick and foamy into the cups and servo it at once any grounds wjshm- may be un duly large will t bo precipitated turkish coffee should not be served in cups larger than the demftossa it is always served without cream daily except sunday 908 ajn ttrtwrtiiwitv dally except sunday 640 pan sunday ojily 845 tun sundfcy only- 1035 pjn j cadesky optometrist monday april 4th anyone suffering from eyestrain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appointments may be made with mr a t brown druggist longed period and gojds days are nst j 24hour days chap 2 4 mic 4u i i dh814 2 peter 3 8 if the inter- pret of these versesglven above fsj the true one ifmattersf notwhether the t days in this case are iskbtirdays or lengthened period god could certainly rehabilitate this fallen earth torbether abodd of man in six days of 24 hours each indeed he could create it original ly in six days of 24 hours if he would i infidels of an earlier generation made rqerry over 1he first chapter of genesis made but every wellinformed scientist now knows that there wascosmic light before the sn became a separate anp distinct body iii the creation of man 2631 let us make is full of meaning in it we have the plurality of persons of the godhead suggested in the very first chapter of the bible cf 3 22 11 7 per cent a survey covering various isa 6 8 this plurality lsalso indica districts shows that the quality been invariably higher where boys and girls clubs have been operating in some cases 50 per cent of theyeais market lngs flav6been in this class some car- load lots shipped by the boys and girls clubs graded 100 per cent select this type of carcass is essential for canadas export trade and is also admirably adapted to her domestic requirements figures compiled by the canadian na tional railways also show that last year there were no less than 1191 clubs of various sorts in canada with a combined membership of 20952 this represents a marked increase over 1930 when the figures were 921 clubs with a member ship of 14700 in addition to the hog clubs there are others dealing with cattle sheep fertiliz ers and turkeys the growing of potatoes soybeans corn roots and grains and the study of farm economics girl jungle captive ptiv ed by the name of god which is a plural noun man was to be made in the image of the godhead this image and llketiess referred eathei- to lri you are always sure of kelloggs corti flakes for 25 years kelloggs have been j the standard of quality kelloggs corn flakes are made in modern sanita plants v i f it -i- i- tellectual and- moral likeness than to physical likeness col 3 10 eph 4 24 jno 4 24 but gad does manifest himself in a material fprni- phil 2 6 ex 24 9 iblsa 6 14 and this form is seemingly in some respects like the human form though this image haj been blurred and marred by sin it has not been obliterated jas 3 9 th image and likeness was perfectly reallz in the perfect man the typical mai the ideal man the son of man jesu christ 2 cor 44 col 115 heb 1 3 this glorious image is completely rest ed in regeneration and what folio ws it eph 4 23 24 col 3 10 1 jno s 2 god appolntedman to have domli over every created thing on earth c ps 8 48 the incoming of sin ha3 interfered in a measure with this perfect dominion of man over the animal cgea tion and restitution of all things isa 11 6 65 25 romans 8 21 r v god formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into him his own breath or- spirit from this unicn of body and spirit man became a living i soul 2 7 man is allied by hisvphysical olgln to lower nature but by his spirit ual origin he is aried more directly t gsd the divine origin of marriage i r always open to inspection by visitors kelloggs have the finest materials expert work ers and wonderful machinery it has taken- years to perfect plus a patented sealed wax- tite bag that brings the flakes ovenfresh to your tablet x guaranteed by wkkel- logg if you do not consider them the finest and freshest corn flakes you ever ate re turn the redandgreen pack age and we will refund your money made by kellogg in london ontario i a white girl who for nine years has been hjlng among a tribe of little known aborigines in the wilds of northern aus- tralla was being sought at sydney aus tralia en basis of rumors filtering back tocivflzatlon reports that thf beautiful young girl about 18 yeas old had been seen re cently resulted in organization of ansen in that he created man male tn1 j expedition to penetrate the wilds female cfchap 2 24 the man is the reports were substantiated by jnot a comnjjpte man without the woman other reports fillcrwing the sinking bf ths i polygamy and divorce are gross mon yacht douglas hawjion in 1923 it thei troiltles accrdlng to the bible account was said a woman and har nineyearold of mans creation cf ma 3 14 15 diugbtr had survived and hadjnade thethlstory of the human race begins uielr way to thevlflage of native aoor- with gods blessing- v 28 it has conj igthes atocut 400 miles east of port tinued with gods bessing the flrsm darwlh the mothe- was reported io pair were commanded to be fruitful mve 6mh klljed and the girl kepfbap- ana multiply this cbmmarwnasnevev been abrogated cf chap fl 1 j 22 17 when you ask for a certain brand of goods a brand that you have seen adver tised in your local and other iiewspapers aftd you are told is something that isjiist as good do you accept that state ment or do you insist on whafcydu ask for 4 just as good variety is usually an imitation of a successful line prosper ing in the glow of the originals advertised popularity it is seldom as good re member this goods- of superior- quality are always advertised they are right their manufacturer knows they are right and states his claims publicly in the press the maker of advertised goods spends his good dpllars to tell you that he stands be hind his product and the stores that sell it there is always something missing in the just as good- substitute that some thing missing is usually quality refuse the just as good offering i- ask for and get goods that art r7 ipjdeeafites km at acton v anadian n 1007 ajn 228 yjn 613 pjn 800 gomjc eaat dally exoept sunday i dally t dally except sunday sunday only u the chicago flier that passes- through here at 930 eastbound stopsat george town at 943 pi acl r- l i- going wotl r dailyetcfipt flunday 7 in am 4ihynv travel n eastbocnd dauy dally dally t daily daily 700 ajn 94s aon 200 pjii 630 pjn 800 pjn saturdays sundayteid r- holidays only loioopm westbound dally daily dally l daily 730pjn dally except saturday 1010 pm sat sunda bjiii- 910 1 lio pjn 4 p holidays only -saturdaypnjy- t ait optical co 110 wyndham street guelph violin instruction jennie e wideman a t c m will teach violin privately jar in classes at greatly reduced rate3 for information phone mrs c h harrison or miss vyideman on tuesday evenings have your eyees examined by p e robinson r 0 eyesightspecialist who will be at dr buchan ans office every other thursday afternoon next visit thursday appirrar eyes exa glasses fitted phone dr buchanan any time for an appointment pbices beasonabue savage watches diamonds china glassware i wedding and engagemen1 rings guelph ontario 1 wyndhain st a xm subscriptions for all magazlnea taken at the free press offioa vw y wi fv-v- zrx i sl j ujk ia

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1932, p. 7 (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.