Maximizing ROI in IT Asset Management: A Holistic Lifecycle Approach (2024)

In today's technology-driven business landscape, organizations of all sizes find themselves in the perpetual cycle of acquiring, deploying, managing and disposing of IT assets. For many organizations, IT asset management (ITAM) can be a daunting task, encompassing a wide range of activities from strategic planning to tactical initiatives. IT asset lifecycle and management dictate not only the efficiency but also the effectiveness of your IT investments — a critical factor in achieving maximum ROI.

Understanding and optimizing the IT asset lifecycle is key to reducing overall costs, improving asset performance and aligning IT goals with your business objectives.

IT asset management (ITAM) can be a daunting task as many organizations find themselves in the perpetual cycle of acquiring, deploying, managing and disposing of IT assets. IT asset lifecycle and management dictate not only the efficiency but also the effectiveness of your IT investments— which plays a major role achieving maximum ROI.

  1. Acquisition and Warehousing
    The first phase involves procurement and the physical storage of IT assets. It’s the stage where decisions about what technology to purchase are made — balancing cost, functionality and vendor reputation. However, simply acquiring assets is just the beginning. Overbuying or underutilizing assets can lead to increased costs and decreased ROI.
  2. Configuration and Integration
    This phase involves setting up newly acquired assets to work within your IT environment. It includes activities such as installation, testing and ensuring compatibility with existing systems. Proper configuration and integration is crucial for smooth operations and to prevent service disruptions due to incompatibility issues.
  3. Deployment
    Using a targeted deployment strategy can significantly reduce service delivery costs compared to hiring a high-end, certified engineering team. By identifying and addressing in-house skill gaps and strategically utilizing external resources only when absolutely necessary, operational costs can be minimized without sacrificing quality. This ensures that the right skills are deployed for the right job, leading to more efficient and cost-effective solution implementations.
  4. Maturity and Optimization
    The phase of maturity and optimization occurs during an asset's useful life. It involves monitoring performance, ensuring software and firmware updates are current, and optimizing asset usage. Effective lifecycle management maximizes asset performance, extends their operational life and adds value by postponing the need for new acquisitions.
  5. Reuse, Resell or Recycle – IT Asset Disposition
    This is often the most overlooked phase of the IT asset lifecycle. Whether a device or technology is being recovered from an employee, gets broken or something else, CDW can help determine whether an asset still holds value for your organization. This may include sale on the secondhand market for value back.

While many assets do qualify for reuse or resale, some may be at their true product end-of-life and are ready for disposal. Emphasis on responsible disposal is increasing in light of global green initiatives, rising corporate responsibility standards and regulatory compliances. Inefficient IT asset disposition (ITAD) can result in data breaches, environmental harm and negative impacts on an organization's reputation.

While most businesses are held to NAID and NIST standards for proper destruction of data, certification under sustainable initiatives like e-Stewards ensures best practices are followed for ethical and responsible electronics reuse and recycling. CDW provides a safe, responsible, e-Stewards-certified way to dispose of assets that ensures electronics we process won’t end up in a landfill.

Corporate Responsibility and the IT Asset Lifecycle

With growing emphasis on sustainability and responsible business operations worldwide, organizations are increasingly held to rising standards around IT asset management. But regulations and compliances, like adherence to ESG standards (environmental, social and governance) and the U.S. SEC’s climate disclosure rules, are not the only driver behind the bar being raised. With increasing environmental consciousness and generational shifts, customers are demanding more from businesses and their practices, from improving supply chain transparency to obtaining sustainable certifications, as mentioned above.

IT asset management has a substantial impact on a company’s ESG goals. Many are facing the end of Windows 10 support, which is set for the latter part of 2025 and could potentially turn 240 million PCs into e-waste. So, how do organizations balance technology upgrades while maintaining the integrity of their asset management programs?

Fostering an environment of corporate responsibility through effective ITAM practices can mitigate adverse environmental impacts and lead to significant cost savings, all while bolstering your company’s reputation as a responsible corporate citizen. Partnering with technology experts like CDW can help businesses streamline these efforts to maximize ROI.

6 Benefits of Streamlining Your Asset Management

Optimizing the IT asset lifecycle is one of the most effective ways to ensure that your IT investments yield the highest possible return. CDW and our partners hold NAID, NIST and e-Steward certifications for safe and responsible asset management and disposal. We offer comprehensive solutions to streamline the management of IT assets, helping businesses to overcome common challenges and maximize ROI.

  1. A Holistic Approach
    Working with one team throughout the entire lifecycle ensures a cohesive and efficient approach. This dedicated team can capitalize on previous experiences to deliver best practices tailored to your specific needs, providing consistent, high-quality service from acquisition to disposal.
  2. Improved Asset Visibility
    It's difficult to manage what you can't see. CDW's services offer robust asset tracking and reporting tools, providing you with the visibility needed to make informed decisions regarding your IT assets. Improved visibility also helps to manage risks such as unsecured assets that can lead to data breaches.
  3. Cost Savings
    By streamlining the deployment process and leveraging economies of scale, CDW’s services can significantly reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) for your IT assets. Our expertise in project management and coordination ensures that assets are deployed on time and within budget, minimizing the impact on your daily operations.
  4. Better Risk Management
    Minimize the risks associated with IT assets by utilizing CDW's asset lifecycle solutions. We offer enhanced security protocols, compliance checks and comprehensive data erasure services to ensure that your IT assets are managed and disposed of securely and responsibly.
  5. Improved Decision-Making
    With clear and comprehensive reports on asset performance, utilization and cost, CDW’s services empower you with the information needed to make sound business decisions. These insights enable you to align your IT strategies with your business goals.
  6. Better Business Outcomes
    Ultimately, a streamlined and optimized IT asset lifecycle leads to better business outcomes. Whether it's through cost savings, improved operational efficiency or environmental sustainability, CDW’s solutions are designed to help you achieve your business objectives and drive growth.

IT Asset Management Best Practices

Efficient IT asset management is vital for optimizing costs and driving business success. By engaging with CDW’s comprehensive asset lifecycle services, you can take a best-practice approach toward managing your IT investments and reaping the full benefits of your technology.

If you're looking to streamline your IT asset lifecycle and drive maximum ROI, now is the time to take action.

Maximizing ROI in IT Asset Management: A Holistic Lifecycle Approach (2024)


What are the three main deliverables of IT asset management? ›

The three main deliverables of IT asset management are a comprehensive asset inventory and documentation, cost savings through optimized asset utilization, and enhanced compliance with reduced security breach risks.

What is asset management ITAM? ›

IT asset management (also known as ITAM) is the process of ensuring an organization's assets are accounted for, deployed, maintained, upgraded, and disposed of when the time comes. Put simply, it's making sure that the valuable items, tangible and intangible, in your organization are tracked and being used.

What is the IT asset management process workflow? ›

What is IT Asset Management Workflow? IT Asset Management workflow helps organizations track, manage, and optimize their IT assets like hardware and software licenses. This typically includes tasks such as: Discovery and inventory: Identifying and cataloging all IT assets within an organization.

What are the four components of the IT asset? ›

The four components of the IT asset are applications (software programs, operating systems, and databases), infrastructure (hardware and network infrastructure), data, and IT staff.

What is an IT asset management life cycle? ›

IT Asset Lifecycle Management is a comprehensive framework for managing an organization's IT assets throughout their entire lifecycle, which starts with its acquisition and ends with its disposal. When done effectively it can help your organization to: Reduce costs. Optimize asset utilization.

What is one of the most useful first steps in IT asset management? ›

1. Build Your Inventory. Your major goal should be to establish a central asset repository that comprises all of your IT hardware and software components.

What is the IT asset inventory process? ›

IT asset inventory is a process that allows organizations to effectively utilize existing IT assets, such as hardware and software. This process looks at the entire lifecycle of IT assets, from acquisition to disposal, ensuring that they are working optimally throughout.

What are the 3 main asset management types? ›

Historically, the three main asset classes have been equities (stocks), fixed income (bonds), and cash equivalent or money market instruments. Currently, most investment professionals include real estate, commodities, futures, other financial derivatives, and even cryptocurrencies in the asset class mix.

What are the three pillars of IT service management? ›

When embarking upon the effort of implementing an ITSM framework within your organization, centralize your focus on these three key areas: People, Process and Technology.

What are the three key ISO standards for asset management? ›

The three international standards (ISO 55000, 55001 and 55002) are important because they represent a global consensus on asset management and what it can do to increase value generated by all organisations.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.