St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

rito 1 'Pt. I 1 i i i I I 41 1 I i fl 1 I i 1 ,1 1 .1 I 1 i ii" I I ft rmuV'' I FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4 1AYH ft FUNERAL; DIRECTORS DEATHS 20 rnufg (61nbr-Iltmnrrat. 7C I 4P-7 ISAYLESS, nssrg JAMESOf 1349 January are- on, May 21. 1947. dear brother of Oscar 1.., Ruben George Mrs.

Lucy Jane Kennedy and Lilly Mae Laos. our dear uncle and COLISin. Funeral from Croshast Puneral Rome, 7146 Manchester Prt May 23. at 10 a. nt.

Interment Bourbon. 140., '''t7-'-'--- ,,4 4 ,4,,,,,,, i i I 4. -A-34 4 1:11.,, i 1 lb '1 I 4 .:1111111 1 1. 1 1.41. AF 4.

A A.111...0.' ....4. 45 0 4'0. ot (.., AIL .4 214414 SONS Funeral Chapel. 6175 Delmar. CAbany 0337.

BENSIEK-NIZHAUS MORTUARY 1431 UNION. FOrest 1176. CALVIN F. FEUTZ Funeral Horne. 4825 Natural Bridge bi.

Evergreen 2787. CHAS. F. STUART SONS' Funerai Home and Chapel. Feel free to phone us.

day or night. FOrest 7000. DREHMANN-HARRAL CHAPEL. 1905 Union. Aftriberry 4783.

FENDLER UND. 7420 Michigan and 1204 Telegraph rd. PLateen 0102.. LOckhArt 3560. KRAEGER-VOSS FUNERAL HOME, 3402 N.

Kingshighway. M. 2000. IDNER UNDERTAKING CO. 2223 St.

Louis. CH. 1654. Establithea 1859. SCHR FUNERAL 'HOME.

3125 I.40syette. ORand 7780. WAGONER. MORTUARYNow at 4161 Lindell. Service any hour.

Private parking space. Telephone J'Effeson 5646. JOHN L. BIEGENHEIN SONS. 7027 Gravois.

FLalders 2600. CEMETERIES 5 OFFICIAL NOTICE To avoid confusion with other cemeteries of the same name. the Catholic cemetery known ea THE NEW PETER AND pAut CEMETERY. Wet-son and McKenzie Toads, will betvatter be known 111; THE RESURRECTION DEMIrrERY. By order of the Most Rev.

Archbishop. RT. REV. JOHN P. CODY.

404'; ...,0, 0 4 4 ::7 ,1 ''''f No; -77, 44, 7 4 a 4 4 4o4, .1,. 1 0 4 i i' i o) or, 4 1 A ri, ,,:,::::.,,..4, .1, I I 0.0. ,,44 I 0 'i 4: ,0 4 k. 'me i gs, 0 A. 0,, o.

,,,,.,.1,...,,5 4.414..0 May 22, 1947 et. Hogs Up 25c to 75c; Cattle Prices Firm Had Pri Cos gained part of the previous de'', loss in traae at National Stockyards yotterday. Weights of 2-40 pounds and below were .54) cents to cents per 100 higher. while heavier oeighta were cents to 60 cents higher. Sows were up hne to There were 0.00 on salt an although trade was slow at the close.

the market citared. Top price vas 32:3 .15. and the bulk of 160 to -Z40 pound weight cashed at '25 to $2:1 75. Sa1abl tereepts a beet ago amounted te 763.1 and a gear ago. Steers.

butcher yearlings. cows and bulls were firm in active trade. with the top on yearling steers at rooters. however. drooped 50 cents to a toy price of $20.

The salable aupb is Of 2.500 cattle and i Ws) clu al compared with 3060 and 1tl a week there were 1030 cattle and 144.1 calves on gel, a year ago. There as a steady market for lambs and sheep on a salable supply of 601. Lamb top reached $24. A week ago the supply amounted to 1000 and a year ago 7 69. United States Department of Agriculture reported the bulk of good and ch lice hors vieigning 100 to 240 rounds brought to top.

323.o. roOltiy, for weights r. under I. Pounds. 250 to 11 pounds.

$22 50 to $23 25; 2'70 to 300 pounds. 320.75 to $1.50. few. $22.75: 130 to 150 Pounds, 322 to 323 50; 100 to 120 pounds. $19 to $21: good 270 to 1500 pound sows.

Sla to $19. few. 119 25 to 119 50: heavier weights. $17 to stags. mostly $14 to 316.

CattleTop good -and choice 074-pound yearling steer-S. 325; g000 steers. largely 323 to medium steers mostly 620 to 322.50. to choice heifers and mixed yearlings. to 32450.

odd lots. $25 to 325 50: medium heifers and mixed yearlings. largely Sla to 321; good cove, 317.50 to $1N 54 common and medium beef cows. -314 5tt to $17; canners and cutters, $10 to $14; good beef bulls. Ill to 117 50: medium and good sausage bulls.

316 to SI choice veitlers topped at $20; 1004 to to 326; coedit to low $15 to $21. SheepSmall jots good to choice trucked-In spring lambs to city butchers. 123 to $24; few medium and good. $20 to $22 50; two sizable good and throe- mostly good clipped lambs No. 1 pelts.

$21; most ly good freed shorn, $19 to $19.50: medium and good clipped. No. 1 pets. $1725 to n1wt shorn WM down Iron SO, iel ewes. $050., Commodities tj A SURPRISE WINNER for the Coaching Club American Oaks, a 3-year-old filly attraction at Belmont Park Tuesday, was provided when Harmonica got home first a head before Cosmic Missile (on rail).

Snow Goose (not shown) finished third, while the odds-on favorite, But Why Not, was Wurth. The race, worth $48,000 to the winner, is considered the "Fillies Derby." P. NAtitephoto Grygier and Crimmins ILead With Total of 3304 Cass Grygier and Johnny Crimmins of Detroit downed a total of 3304 pins in their eight games to lead the 'field in the preliminaries to the fifth annual national match game doubles'35owling championship late last night at Burtons Recreation. The Detroit duo led with only one squad yet to report. 1 L.

Jackson and Frank Ben- A ars 1 kovic of Houston were in second place with a total of 3100. Iiiiii4 Leaves Grygier and Crimmins began the activity in the afternoon with a four-game total of 1613 and improved it- with an additional 4' 1691 pins in the evening. All contestants will bowl another or Cup i final eight games today with the high 1 31 teams moving into the semi- finals. Eight more games to- Club will leave this evening The Carondelet Sunday Morning morrow will reduce the field to for Fall River, where it the seven finalists, plus the de- will play the defending champion fending champions. John Small Prte Delgada club Sunday in the and Joe' Wilman of Berwyn, fi st of a home-and-home series, are defending titlists.

They are total goals to count, for the Na- rolling in the preliminaries, but tional Amateur Cup competition qualify automatically for the final. horn vtiess" 1E4 5 Al 4 for Cup i final 1 The Carondelet Sunday Morning Club will leave this evening for Fall River, where it will play the defending champion Ppnte Delgada club Sunday in the fast 43f a home-and-home series, total goals to count, for the National Amateur Cup competition soccer championship. The second TREND Or STAPLE PRICES IrLr Wi YORK, May 1 ikpLTpa Agpo elated Press weighted wholesale cash price Isidox 01 35 cornmecilues: Wednesday. 171.57; 'Tuesday. 170.04- 1947.

1946. 1945. 1944. A Ill" 1e432 169.72 112 61 1oe.73 Low 1h4 05 11'2 02 107.90 106.03 (1.926 average equals 100.) LEAD SALES-- Pit. Joseph Lead Company Tuesday sold 400 bona of pie lead at.

315 the 100 pounds. New York and 250 torts at New York average. TURPENTINZ AND ROSIN SAVANNAH. 'May 21 70c per gallon: up 2c. Rosin prices unchanged.

COPRA YORK. May 21 copra price was lowered 37 a ton to $171 delivered New York The decline knwed refusal of foreign buyers to pay no better than S170 per long ton. I a. b. Manila.

Business 11 as at a standstill. COTTONSEED OIL yoRK. May 21 tAP)Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed 45 lower to 15 Uglier Sales, '2 4 contracts 24.50: October. 18.00; Deceniber. 16.40.

law BIDES-- line YORK. May t1 (AP)Raw hide futures closed 10 to 25 lower. sales 1.520.- 000 pounds. September. IA.0; December.

175: March. 16.55. Spot light native Cowhides. i cart3-1 IrreitErt Wrw YORK. May 21 rubber futures closed IR to 23 higher; sales.

60 contracts. September. 16.2h. December. 15 RA; March.

15.401. No. 1, ribbed smoked sheets. 21. lenkr YORE.

may 21 spot Santos No. 4 closed at 24 to Cost and freight offences included Santos Bourbons 3s St 231,2 to 24t and 5s 222.2 to 221 t. Santos No. 4 -D- futures closed f5 to 50 higher sales 19.750 bap. July.

18.25; 17.15; May, 6.02. Nominal COCOA. a NEW YORK. May 21 tArt.Cocoe, tU tures closed 10 to 12 sales. 21 contracts.

September. 21.62t; December, 19-a0. WOOL TIM YOBX. May 21 futures closed unchanged to .3 of a cent lower: July. 94 October, 91.5; 68.5; March.

86.0. Certificated wool. spot, 90.0t. Wool tops futures closed unchanged to 1.5c higher: May. 135.5; July.

135.6; October. 132.5.: December. 130.5: March.1 Certificated spot wool Lops, 1136.5t. tNontinal. Bean Prices Lower; Cabbage, Potatoes Up MASONIC BEACON LODGE meeting Thursday.

te. in. Work hint brethren CALVIN SEN.Ammer 642. A. F.

and munication 6:30 Degree. Visitors JACK WARM M. 'MAGNOLIA LODGE A. May 22. at 1 Dorsi of our CHARLES Services at Truth Lindell at Charles Burial to attend.

vianing ROY 'L. 3 H. LEATHERS. MERIDIAN LODGE stated Meeting s- Visiting brethren LEWIS H. NAPHTALI LODGE A.

M--3681 communication and balloting. Night. rmti. TOWER GROVE 1.indell-5pecial p. ni M.

Warden's Night. Ins. S. ERNEST TRIINrry LODGE A. in.

Work M. M. HARRY EDW. 11. WELLSTON and evening at 7:30 Degree.

Business. OrORGE SPECIAL REGULAR meeting officers of Bridge. mental Iron be held on May instead of May Decoration Dar. JOHN NEWRY HESSEL, LOST AND 'BAG-Ladjes: Kirkwood; reward. Box-Lost; South Broadway about 3:30 p.

1311.1.,poLD-Lost; Delmar and aud return 0756. after 5 p. reward Wtdow GLASSES-Lost; red case near Call MAin .4940. POcKETBoox-Loat: ably De Baliviere ward for papers, er keep money. SHOE--Lost: a reward.

WATCH-Lost; band; reward. BUSINESS F. A. Manufacturers, and manufacturers' 4922 N. Broadway Phones GA.


Fracture. our Rental Service is used; ask your INnusTarrs, JEfferson 8555. LEGAL NOTICES In Re: Butler TRUSTEE'S SALE--WHEREAS 4 Estate Securities corporation. by January 2nd. the Recorder of City of St.

4000, Page 189. 1 cantle Trust cantile.Commerce pany. a Missouri City of St Louis. the following tutted in the City Missouri. to-wit: ern 24 feet of Addition in Block St.

Louis, Missouri. aggro. gate front Of 61 of Market St. between parallel niches to a 15-foot by 18th Street now or formerly Company. (Certain described real condemriatioe widening of Merket widening of conveyance was 'Trust Company.

Commerce Bank trust to secure per cent First Gold Notes of $1,000.00 each, of sPecified, and due thereon: said notes are more than 30 re- Main unpaid: tams for the after remain at the written bold-, era of all of the secured by said outstanding and paid. and in and conditions the undersigned Property above general and special liens and property, at public Pea bidder for door of the Court Building), Eleventh In the City of sotweenuri. othnelPrihoduarys. and five o'clock of satialying said costs of executing MERCANTILE-COMMERCE AND TRUST By JOSEPH W. St Louis.

SITUATIONS BUNDLE home; quilts stretched. NEvreteed BUS OIRL OR DAY rienced. Call CAFETERIA Kitchen need. experienced. weight 125, 5 model.

or lin 4718. EVANS HAND Ice; specialize in MAID--Sit toAl 8e the day. P'Ortet YOUNG LADY-Sit; BusIness School for room, board eolith or southwest. SITUATIONS 'ACCOUNTANT-Part prepare all tax BIGH SCHOOL wants work; porter all day Saturday. HOUSE washing.

floors; evenings. June WALL WASHER-Wall cleaning. floors: general cleaning. 'YOUNG man In' September dertaking ROredale 8584. YOUNG of work; reliable.

YOUNG 'H bonus; paid cool office. CH- ABOUT professionally nursing. eighth experience necessary while learning. POrest 0578. A BUSINESS of ence needed to iccr.saoams women.

with or Employment Office. ADVERTISING Room 511). 119 AvITRATIos niert's coats and to use machine Apply Boyd's, and Forsythe. ASSEMBLY pleasant working Knapp-Monarch. evti vofASSEMBLY 330-12 midnighL ASSISTANT S150: 5-Csi: good ABSTRACT.

611 ASSISTANT tzincAgsleNrkifter office; anproxiinately week-Call GA1-fled ASSISTANT Inc- ability to Jaccard-King AT LASTISonietiung -metal In every-day Std velour offered: get Orders 14 assortments retail 2R01 Locust Dept- ATTENTION years-, help relieve shorts- age: S6 or S7, 8-hour POrest 6363- trit-t-T-T day 'mak: R21 1ocu3t. 7227 PEAUTT 60. according to in parson any 93'29 Midland. Continued Next game will be played here the following Managed by Oscar Mossman, the South Side club has a season record of 20 victories, three losses and three ties. The team has scored over 90 goals in achieving those triumphs.

On the other hand the Ponte Delgada club is said to have won 49 of its last 58 contests in the past two seasons. Players making the trip are Mil Valdez, George Nani, Oscar Martine; Ray and Ed Marsek, Joe Menendez, Henry and Joe Vasquez, Herman Wecke. Oscar and Chubby Corona, Bill Gonzalez, Henry Diaz, Jim Schutzius and Assistant Coach Dinty Moore. Halfback John Rooney will fly to Fall River Saturday along with Walter Giesler, Amateur Cup chairman. I Due in, Tod ay Wild' Bill Longson and Lou Thesz, opponents in tomorrow night's, feature wrestling attraction at the Arena, are expected to arrive in St.

Louis today for their one-fall-to-a-finish encounter, according to an announcement by Promoter TomPacks. On the' balance of the program, three time-limit preliminaries and an Australian team match promise a full evening of activity. Don Evans of Buffalo, N. is paired against Francois Valois in a half-hour tussle, while Dr. Ed Meake meets George Koverly in the second bout.

The team match is between Joe and Emil Dusek of Omaha; and the Scots-Canadian Sharpe brothers. Mike and Ben. Mike beat, Wee Willie Davis here on the last Packs card, but this will be the' first local showing for his elder brother. Time of the curtain-raiser is set for 8:30 p. m.

1 Fish Bitiqg.WeII at Lake of Ozarks JEFFERSON i crry, May 21 on the Lake of the Ozarks now is the best of the season, with practically all anglers getting limit catches, the State Conservation Commission reported today. Crappie, jack salmon, black bass and channel cats are bitting "anything and everything" on both Nianguas. Big crappie are even being taken by trolling "very unusual for this type of fish." Equally good reports on all types are coming in from the Glaize and Gravois arms, the commission said. The main lake still is murky, but is clearing slowly. Turnesa Carnoustie in 74 CARNOUSTLE.

SCOTLAN D. May 2r Turnesa of New York shot a 74 over the long Carnoustie course today in a practice' round for the British amateur championship next week. Ted Bishop, the American amateur king. returned a 76, while Marvin (Bud) Ward grumbled that he bad taken "about an 80." Other American Walker Cup team members played only a few holes and kept no scores. Ed Lowery, a tall Californian who came over on his own to try for the British title, scored a 76 today despite two penalty strokes.

The Walker Cup players have been impressed with his form. Babe- Zaharias Files British-Meet Entry LONDON. May 21 golf officials today announced receipt of Babe Didrikson Zaharias' entry for the British women's golf championship tournament at Gullane, Scotland. June 9-13. The entry list.

still open, is expected to top 125. Mrs. Zaharias As on an unbeaten streak in the United States, having won, 15 straight tournaments there. rOTICES 25 No. 3-8pecia1 iey.

May 22. at 5-45 M. M. Degree. Via'''.

invited. F. MUTE, W. M. aNILLIN LODGE No.

I A. MA-Special tom. p. m. Work M.

welcome. M. GENTLE. W. M.

GOODMAN. Secretary. GE No. 626. A.

P. and communication P. sn. to conduct-4u. te brother W.

WACKER. Us Center Church. 4030 P. ni. Interment Lek Park.

Members urged ne brethren invitedE. TALBERT. W. M. IS.

Secretary. GE No. 2 Special 7 p. ni. C.

Degree. cordially invited. SCHMIDT. W. 3E No.

25. A. P. and Lindell. Spar-ill! stated 7 is.

m. Examinations Parally and Friend W. PiltAttN, W. M.11 LODGE co. 631.

3621 stated communication degree and Senior Wm. G. Baal nreeM fcEARLAND. W. M.

No. 641, A. F. and communication 7 V. r.

Degree. TREECE'. W. St el FrHORsT. Secretary.

613. A. P. ted communication this 0 is. sa.

Work P. C. E. W. M.

TICES- IS Int in nomination 'of le. Structural and orkers Local 396 21011 1947. at 8 P. 30. 1947.

which is rRODORP. President. t'1 6, Secretary OUND 22' dsck: lost vicinity of ird 5408 Bartmer. tabling 2 dresoes, ors ty service ear Wed 'L. LAD.

5047: rewlt red vic i aodfellow: keep manes, ulbis papers. 0. m. prawn and white. male; 099'2.

red shell-rimmed; in PBatiViere and Pendatme 1. Lost: lads; Pretulla7 I re car Friday: 15 res glasses and keys. find. Yowell. HIldson 7109,, ins.

new Hardy; Wed. CHestnut 3755. lady's steel, on black PRosnect 3481. RSONALS 33- rOHNSON JR. 3SOCIATES iternational distritotitnee ars agents.

way (7). St. Louis. Uts. 5243.

OA. 5357 35. E1AM-Shadows, locates meet, bonded. CA. 0776.


It removed perrnimently. CAM. FOrest 6180. LB. Sciatica.

Sprains: thort-wave Diatherm low cost and is widely physicien. SAMPSOSS 3714 Washington. 55 tate Securities Company Butler Company. Missouri, Its Deed of Trust dated 1.923. and recorded ha Deeds Office for the uts.

Missouri. in Beek ,9. oonvered to Mer. Company. now Mere Bank and Trust ri corporation.

of the I. Missouri. as Trustee. scribed real estate. sit.

of St. Louts. State Lot 1 and the at 2 of Lucas and Runt ck 495 of the City at nut having an feet on the north line a depth northwardly line of 7'2 feet 11 oot alley. bounded west and east by property of United Real Estate am portions of above state were taken under 'oceedings for the wid. Street and for the hteenth Street): which made to Mercantile F.

now and Trust Company. in he payment of 200 sin Mortgage Real Estate the denomination Ast aggregating the In said Deed of 'Trust interest to become id. WHEREAS. 137 of low wholly or partially days past due and read, WHEREAS. general ears 1932 and these.

maid: NOW. therefers. quest of the legal hold-notes described in end Deed of Trust. and now wholly or partially Kt. 'nuance of the powers in said Deed of Trutt.

Trustee wilt sell the lescribed. subject to all taxes and all other rribrances against said ie auction. to the high-ash, at the east front irt hom*o (Civil Courts' ith and Market Streets. Louis, State of Mlle. June 13tb.

1947. of nine o'clock A. IL P. M. for the nurPotti Indebtedness pod the if this trust.

OMMERCE SA ONCPANY, Trustee WHITS, Vice Pres. May 14th, 1947. 75 brought to tett washed: qurtaine dead 7370. 'A taa. kV Wage tanklin 0129.

hen col. I. reliable. PR. fair-complesiare ft.

4 111.. to work as retive dancer. FRank, ktINDRY---4day 2 bundles. NE. 4651.

colored; chauffeurettle, ice or factory words; Kittle 8719. every Friday; evert 'pen. NEwstead 4812. 'ed: cook evening meal: hree half days Week. colored; cleaning' rag 9605.

lit; attending Missouri wants work in bottle of and small salary; LAclede 7991 77 time: kee returns. colored; er or yard boy; 4 until day. JEfferson 5655. papers paint nest work RV. 1459.

2c1; truck driver; ref. "nklin 6243. attending summer day rork in service station ne available both tor; references. 34. -Wall paper.

window. 23 years' esnerienot kli Jack. NE- 3258. ring embalming school position with un Ishment in the city. colored; any kind NEwstead 0092.

colored; part tiTnis er 5. WE. 8661. D-FmaI 100 Over 21: 1140 Plus rattan: 5-day: lov.j, 1771, BONDED. ally trained practical made qualifies you; en eery: earn 16 day Call Miss larva.

,23 West Pine. your own: no Clentrill 4891- LESWOMEN rawer without esnertewse. ice. Famous-Barr Balicitor-Eaperien N. 7th.

OA. 5980. work on slacks: must be able and ds;) hand thewing. layton stare. Central ATORS Day shift; conditions.

Apply Bent and Potomac. t. Apply at IL Bent and teener -Light: start futttre. BuLurrnt Olive. eener-Typist Small tely 42 hours week.

'20 for appointment. public. Mermen. cost at Ninth. new and gorgeous eat.

destems never beforb ms fast; big profits: or year around -same Pure Co-. rt- G. Dr 5. St. Louie.

E1-7-1--Age5 18 to 62 re -acute nurse hour day; get 9 to 15 235. APO, Bari, S. Broadway. onb-Salari 210 to qualifications. Annie time following nued on Page NOTICES 25 No.

3-8pecia1 stated May 22. at 5-45 in M. M. Degree. invited.

Pr FruTZ, W. FBANK1am LODGE No. A. P. M.

Work welcome. M. GENTLE. W. M.

GOODMAN. Secretary. No. 626. A.

P. and' corractimication P. m- to conduct-le' late brother W. WACIEtrtts Center Church. 4030 2 P.

m. Interment Lake Park. Members urged brethren invited, TALBERT. W. M.

Secretart. No. 2 Special 7 p. ni. P.

C. Degree. cordially invited. SCHMIDT. W.

No. 25. A. P. and Lindell.

Special stated :7 p. m. Examinations Parrilly and Friend W. BRAUN, W. bilk LODGE No.

631. 36t1 stated communicaticsn M. degree and Senior Wm. G. Baal PresM.

ligetARLAND. 'W. M. No. 641, A.

F. and communication 7 P. Degree. TREECE. W.

11. eTs BOCKHORST. Secretary. LODGE 613. A.

P. communication this is. in. Work r. W.

M. NOTICES- in nomination Of Structural and Workers Local 326 WM 23. 1947. at 8 30. 1947.

which is BURODORP. President. Secretart FOUND SD black: lost vicinity of 540ict Hartman containing 2 dresses. ore service ear Wed ls to. 5047; reait red vic tz Goodfellow; keep monet valuable papers.

IDElma, brown end white; male: fl992. red shell-rimmed; in DeBaliviere and Penilaing. lady's: presuM; car Friday: $5 ro. glasses and keys, find. Yowell.

HUdson 7109. mans. new Hardy; Wed. cHestnut 3755. lady's steel, on black Pfmapeet 3481.

PERSONALS 33- JOHNSON JR. ASSOCIATES international distritotit011- agents. (7). St. Louis Mk 5243.

GA. 5357 35 MARAM-Shadows, locateC 1 licensed, bonded. CA. 0776. SERVICES 40 WARTS REMOVED PER: ESTHER L.

PDX. 898 Sth-Olive. CH. 5213. DmHAyARTRANtre.mpoovedreepet rrnmen8oently; 4 Sciatica.

Sprain: thorts-wave Diathernt low cost-and is widely Physician. sAmprorir 3714 Waahington. 53 Estate SecuritiesCompani Butler Company. it Missouri, its Deed of Trust dated 1923. and recorded in Deed? Office for Use Louis.

Missouri. in Book conveyed to Mei'. Compant. now Mere Bank and Trust Com. corPoration of the Missouri.

as Trustee. described real estate. sit. of St. Louts.

State of Lot 1 and the west. Lot 2 of Lucas and Runt 495 of the City of having an feet on the north line by a depth northwardir tines of 72 feet 11 alley, bounded west and east by prePertt of United Real Estat portions of above estate were taken under proceedings for the Street and for the Eighteenth Street) which made to Mercantile now Mercantile. and Trust Cettipany, the payment of 200 siz Mortgage Real Estate the denomination aggregating the litel In said Deed of Trust the interest to become and. WHEREAS. 137 of now wholly or partial'? days past due and and, WHEREAS.

general years 1932 and there. unpaid: NOW. therefore. request of the legal notes described in rid Deed of Trust. and now wholly or partial', up pursuance of the powers in said Deed of Trutt.

Trustee wilt sell the described. subject to all taxes and all other encumbrances against said auction. to the cash, at the east front Houle (Civil Court and Market Streets. St. Louis, State of oJtunneinle3t110.zlocl9k4A.7.

beam. P. M. for the PurPolle indebtedness pod the this trust, COMPANY, Trustee wan's Vice Pres. May 14th, 1947.

75 brought to bit wsshed; eurtaine 7370. eager. FRanklin 0129- col. reliable. PR.

colored. fair-conitilesime It. 4 111.. to work as interpretive dancer. "'Rank' LAUNDRY-4-day eery.

bundles. NE. 4651. irent.c.'dalele cleaning' rag 9605, 4 attending Missouri wants work In borne and small salary': LAclede 7991. 77 time 4A returns.

colored; or yard boy; 4 until JEfferson 5655. paper, paint nest work EV. 1459, truck driver; ref. Itraanticitenin 624 ding summer 1unta. er servi ta tenmses.aeevallableacb2tt.74.ryh paper.

window" 23 years' experience In Jack, NE. 3258. entering embalming school desires position with tm. establishment in the city. colored: any kind NEwstead Colored; Port 1410 NE.

5'661. liPlus6a vacation: 5-day; kiveig, 1771, BONDED. trained practical grade qualifies you; wo learn 16 day Call Miss 4523 West your own: no exper- start CEntral 1891. SALESWOMEN Young without stxperiense. Famous-3arr SolicitorExperien N.

7th. OA. 5980. work on slacks; must be able and do hand thewinst: Clayton store. Central OPERATORS Day shift; conditions.

Apply Bent and Potomac. OPERATORSSecond hilt, Apply at Bent and Potomac. Bookkeeper Light: start future- BULLETES Olive. Bookkeeper-Typist 5. 42 hours 6720 for appointment.

CASHIERGood handwrit- meet public. Locust Ninth. new and sawn. cards; gorgeous Wit. designs never befotb fast; big prating for year around-oc Puro G.

D. 5. St. Louie. WOMENAges 18 to 62 -acute nurse day; get oPERATORHours 9 to 6: 5- S35 Apply Barg, S.

Broadway. OPERATORLissiory $IO to qualifications. APPlY tints following on I Marriage Licenses 11: Lafayette Singleton Ora L. Isaac Thomas K. Peden Lorene Barna Frederick A Pelletier Mary IL Veleta Walter Bachhuber Claire 13.

McGenity Georg S. Page Evelyn M. Bischoff Edward J. BasPorskl Mary Maleski Virgil A Ziegler Elvira liartmarus Ezra A. Oodier Bernice J.

Sol Fred Lamb E1iAbel1 J. Powers Edward A. ZUnift Mra, 11,1117 E. tillegert7 italics i Choutesu 9.S21 Thomas Thomasl Jefferson City. Mo.1 Miami Easels.

Fla. 4n45 Oast San Francisco. Cal.1 East St. Lows 5159 Page 4735 Ashland 319A Maffite Webster Droves Flora Park 3039 Zeds 154'2 Wellston 134.1 Wellston 2, 15 McNair 5649 Devonshire 43119 Cook Cortngton. Tenn.

4'12' Sutherland 4)IbA Nottmgham 694S Arthur 5569 Maple 401 f) Finney 4019. Finney Robertson 343J Coles 514W 3727 Tennessee 2713 S. loth 2'713 S. 10th 2303 Madison 2743 Cole 3657 Phillips 39114 Shenandoah lg I 0 CYFalloft 3S34 Finney :1451 A Chippewa 3939A Wrnest Gaines Mn. Evetyn Turner Lawrence B.

Debrecht Mary Pandolfo Harold J. Johnson Mars G. Grace Albert Schaefer Geno Hobbs Prank McKnight Mn. Beatrice Monroe P-obert Picker Hatt le Stroup Arthur R. Harm Erna t.

Fisher John W. Martin Marcella O. Fowler Hubert A. Patricua L. Piptm Willut Morris Mrs.

Florence Wes Iti7- James P. to EtheL M. McNamara James H. Cow 3151 A Chippewa Ethel M. McNamara 3939A Magnolia Jeptha V.

Bows 1556 8 Thirty-ninth Mrs. Charlotte C. Joyce 3924 Lafayette Franklin Vennell 1019 Hereford Josephine Mancuso 1919 Hereford Ralph L. Smith Overland Mrs. Grace M.

Smith 627 Edmund Claude A. Elizabeth J. Cox Edward R. Zensel Shirley J. Pick Carmil A.

Soak Mrs Clara S. Brousa Curtis Parnell PaYk Vines 21'34 Hickory tr." tlI Waterman 4 I Shenandoah 5 N. Spring nRo9 Folsom 5'114 ParoplIn 115n Walton 4662 Evans Fred W. Drake Louise Csoie 2Q29 Hickory 2749A Park Edward J. Hempel 7914 S.

Broadway Elisabeth J. Hagler 1447 E. John Wesley Puchta 33:12 Caroline Grace Pulliam 3933 De tor Preston M. Vaughn 4142 Maryland Virginia L. Rogers 4022 McPherson Zo Ily Woodson 809 E.

Espenscheld Pear line Maurits 5'121 Water Walter E. Young 2955 Thomas Annie M. Burka 29a5 Thomas Joseph S. Graczyk 1518 Blair Fannie D. Atkins 2726 St.

Louis Edward J. May 4261 McPherson Norma Vollmer 2923 S. Kingshighesti Carroll M. Gregor. 5215 Maple Beatrice C.

Vincent 5053 Maple Charles L. Wilson Jean E. Howell Richard Nichols Ad Ins Calvin 3004 Virginia 0303 Bancrof 271G Lawton 2 '21 0 Pranklin Prang J. Oren '71413 Osage Kathleen V. Ideuaer 3126 Oregon Arthur T.

Pease 4296 Waxhingtoll Edith T. Grasso 4295 Olive EAST ST. O'Dell East St. Louts Norma Enright Xast St. Louts Thomas Royal East St.

Limits Dorothy Potts East SL Lows Ernest M. Pettfer least St. touts Chrtatins DWard East St- Louis rrow. Bernhard W. Mueller Affton Lorin R.

Gratks Afttori 'Allred H. Schulte Shrewsbure Idsry R. Drake Webster Groves BELLEVILLE. Barre? C. Minch Veer Baden Mildred Repo Belleville Births Recorded BOYS.

M. and M. Aboussie. 1924A Geyer. C.

and R. Al Wire. 4646A Carrie. H. and H.

Auer. 2213A Winnebago. C. and D. Blankmann.

4181 Walsh. A. and C. Boever. 4016 Humphrey.

and A. Bonn Ito 5704 Terry. J. and L. Brown.

Creve Coeur. P. and C. Burnside. 3735 Cambridge.

N. and C. Clark. Jefferson. Barracks.

B. and L. Coleman. Cadet. Mo.

W. and L. Corey. 7905 Watson rd. W.

and R. Deckelman. 5428A E. and E. Decker.

9264 Coral C. and L. Deken. 3458 Alberta. M.

and L. Ebner. 4132 Beethoven. J. and V.

Eichelberger. 3924 Virginia. M. and A. Pear.

3303 Potomac. C. and D. Hagen. 3009 N.

Twentieth. E. and L. Hallam. Fairfield.

V. and A. Harness 5716 Goodfellow. P. and Heckler, 2706 ArsenalR.

and E. Biggins, 1389 Belt. P. and M. Kelley.

417o Me Res. R. and Xing. Sullivan, Mo. W.

and V. Koh Ilion. 9999 Lark. I. and M.

Kormanit. 6122 Grimahate. G. and M. Luebbers.

5031A SutherlandO. and U. Manche Webster Groves. P. and M.

Mulikey, 547) Plover. 'O'Day, 3432 Grace. J. and J. Payne.

Nameoki. III. P. and M. Prendergast.

7504 Leads le drT. and E. Rhodes. 1127 S. Fourteenth.

W. and S. Riechmann 3110 Whittler. J. and M.

Robinaon, 6724 Alexander. W. and L. Roulx. 116 E.

Felton. J- and J. Snip. 2727 Shenandoah. P.

and N. sherman. 4745 Oldenburg E. and IC bpengler. 2238 Shenandoah.

W. and Sullivan. 6222 Tho loran. J. and E.

Tillman. 3914 Meramec. S. and C. Traynor.

Gillespie. M. and it Turnbough. BteelvlUe. P.

and A Walker. Bloomsdale. Mo. T. and I Wissore 9438 Midland.

D. and Za llama, 724 Cleary4w dr. GIRLS C. and Et Arpe, 4730 Bonita. C.

and D. Barchus. 2738 Russell-I. and B. Beck.

1119 S. Thirteenth. H. and N. Betts.

2814A Sheridan S. and .1. Bono, 4530A tabadie. J. and R.

Brown, 1906 Sidney. C. and M. Carpenter. 2338 L.

and M. Clark, 3831 S. Kingsbuthway. T. and P.

Curran. 7232 Forsythe. W. and 1... Domrese.

15 S. Lyle. O. and B. Elchelberger.

2018 Pentane. W. and V. Ellis. 3547 Wisconsin.

J. and V. Farrell. 131n E. Dillon dr.

J. and A. Fraley. 502 W. Marceau.

B. and H. Frazier. 4332 Maryland. R.

and D. Good. 6740A Idaho. R. and M.

Hale. 4326 teethe. L. and R. Hartwein.

9255 Coral dr. J. and N. Henry. 40'21 Juniata.

G. and C711ucke, 10511 Ohmatead Lane. P. and M. Jobe.

4340 Gana. R. and D. Jones. 5017 Ridge.

E. and I. Judd. 6111 Virginia. and M.

Keightley. 2626 S. Pringshighway. P. and A.

Kilt. 4719 Minnesota. H. and 1.. Lambing, 4750 Bonita.

J. and E. 1,11 liffneliO. 4342 Maryland. H.

and V. Matins. 1520 N. Spring. R.

and 0. Mueller, 916A Bates M. and M. Muenen (triplets). 4746 Cu Mies.

M. and Newcom, 2125 S. B. and A. Norman.

5090 Maple. and J. Reidel. teensy. R.

and 0. Reinhardt. 26n9 Penstrelvasda. A. and C.

Schmitz. 1718A S. Ninth. A. and E.

Schrader. 3317 Potomac P. and P. Schrappen. 73'27A Michigan.

(1. and G. Seymour. Jefferson Barracks. and C.

Stucker. '224 el Eleventh. J. and J. Tornetto.

-53'20 Daggett. O. and H. Vohs. 3420 Virginia.

R. and P. Whiteside. Foley. Mo.

A. and M. Young, 2615 Belt. N. and V.

lintel. 3967 Schiller l. E. and N. Stirnarnan.

2617A Ohio. A. and D. Vogler. 215 Bauman.

EL and D. Wehh 1435 Peabody et. EAST ST. LOUIS. BOYS.

(1. and R. 1104 North Forty-Drat. E. and M.

Osborne. 578 N. Twenty-second. R. and P.

Field. L. and V. Voudrir. 5R00 MissourL G.

and E. Lyons. Colliruiville. L. and H.

Luna. 33 North Ninth. A. and A. Suarez.

2612 North Thirty-flfth. GIRLS. S. and It blot's. INI 0 North Thirty-ninth.

P. and V. Dixon. Casevville. R.

and B. Young. Collinsville. W. and R.

Pollock. 35f)9 Henrietta. N. and A. Stoebor.

1109 North Fourteenth. C. and V. Polkerts. Trov.

111. D. and P. OMPS214t. P200 Bunkum'.

P. and A. Watkins'. East Carcmdalet. I D.

and J. Tamburello. R. and L. Horribostle.

409 S. Twenty-sixth. O. and A. Caseyville.

J. and C. Yoke. A606 Missouri. L.

and F. Zasanelli. T. and R. Schaffer.

448 N. SeventV-IlecondW. and Schraf. Centerville Township. Burial Permits Blanche Masi Career.

311. 211n Mary Dare Si. 1317A Russell. Minnie, swan. 71.

42.15 Randall Pt. Pried. Gahm. 54. 4801 Nei lents Mary Louisa Strauss.

58- Perrisoell- Martha R. Janson 53. Sherman pl. Cora S. Bretanvder.

AT -1451 Belt. Prigelhard -Schwocm. 75 4 846 tedue. Romeo Vaughn 41. 4101 N.

Jefferson- 11111. 1.9O1 A nittile Minnie strandstette, 57. Partridle. net 3730 Windsor ol.i Slater Mary Agatha Buschley. 82.1 5448 Cabanne.

Peter R. McDonnell. At 30-15 'Meta Nnvult. 34. 4130A irievelsnd.

Susie Williams 48 400R Pinney. testi DOW'S. vb. 11)04 Pine. 5Q.

51R00 AMMO. R. Hinselia, 71. 14'24 Dnetter. Schultz.

69. 1504 Palm. Prod BoveTsmith. 51. 1911 Charles Buckner.

0 1001 N. Sarah. Margaret '74. 5430 rSoethe Inez 15. Osnoontr.

81 57444 McPherson. Mary Marie Pinkie 74. JTtaining Ron Marria 57. 5695 Minerva. Benton Lens Black.

'74. Kirkwood. Bentarnin H. Hall. 50.

willians Harrison. 3. 4103 Maryland. James Al. 1234 Chotrieso.

PrederIck 8 Douglass. 33. 2627 nudes. Plod Cook 33. 1311 Carr. Haliasewskl. 57. 3015A brevs. Harry Wortkatne. 55.

3005 MonioromorY. swell P. Rense.s. 5600 Westminster-Laura C. Stevens.

'70 Narmibal. Mo. Yana Bryan. 314. 1700A N.

Tenth Fannie 8. Heinnen. 62. OWenrellte. MC 1 Pl Canadian Dollar Up NEIN YOR1C.

May foreign exchange rates follow (Great Britain to dollars. others iri cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market 7 per cent discount or 92.25 United States rents. up 1-4 of a cent, Burone! Great Britain 14 n. down 24i of a cent: Prance litrancl P4 'so of a certi unchanged: Sewedeei iltronsi 5. unchanged: Switzerland (franc) (col) 23.40.

unchanged. Latin Amerfee? Argentina treat 46. unchanted: Brazil tree Uncrisated; Mexico 20.62. unchanged. 21 BECK.

HELEN, C. (nee Rayburn) 2.46 Ralph at, Granite City. LH, entered into rest, Mon. May 19. 1947.

beloved wife of Gary Beck, deer mother of Richard Beck. dear daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rayburn of Granite City, IlL.

dear sister of John A. Rayburn Jr. Remains at Mercer Funeral Boma. Granite City. until 12:30 May 22.

thence io Niedrilittbault Meth- mint Church. Twentieth and Delmar. Granite city, Until service. 2 P. In(D.

S. Interment Eiimset Rill Cemetery. Edwardsville. CUNNINGHAM. SAMUEL 3903 Mennerly.

May 20. 1947k beloved hut-band of May Cunningham (nee Coff. dear lather of Robert A. and John M. Cunningham of Grand Canyon, dear grandfather, brother.

brother-in-law. uncle and father-in-lay. Puneral May 23. 2:30. p.

en from the A. Kron Chapel. 2707 N. Grand 'M. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

Mr. Cunningham was member of Eminence Lodge No. 607. A. P.

and A. DAVIS. OLIVE A. (sea Themas)----DI Long Beach. on May wife of the late Reiman A.

Davis, mother of Mrs. Myrtle Steele Ind Calvin F. Feutz, dear glister of JeTOM N. Thomas. Our dear grandmother and great graritirnother.

sister-in-law and aunt. Funeral from Calvin F. Peuts neral Home. 4828 Natural Bridge Fri. May 23.

at 1:45 p. tn. Interment: St. Peter's Cemetery. Bing M.

West Review No. I 1. W. B. will conduct services at chapel May 22.

at m. Mrs. Davis will arrive- at noon -May 22. DEVLIN, MARGARET (nee Frain) 370h Iowa, 'Tues. May 2 O.

1947. 8:25 a. wife of the; late Hugh E. Devlin. dear mother of Mary Bondermanm dear mother-in-law, grandmother and aunt.

Funeral from Gebken-Bens Mortuary, '2842 Meramec. Fri. May 42 3 a. to Bt. Thomas Aquin Church.

Interment Calvary Cemetery. Member of Women's Benefit DOWLING. JOHANNA (nee May 20, 1947, beloved wife of the late Patrick J. Dowling, dear mother of Ellen Dowitne and the late Joseph. John and Edward Dowling.

Funeral from Arthur S. Donnelly Parlors, 3840 Lindell bi- May '23. 9 a. to St. Francis Xavier (College), Church.

Interment Calvary. DRISCOLL; DANIEL. Cates, May 21. 1947. 4:30 a.

Ix loved husband of Edith Adams DriScoll. dear on of Mrs. Felice Driscoll and the late Daniel P. Driscoll. dear brother of Gregory, Joseph.

George wnd Clement Driscoll. Funeral from Arthur J. Donnelly 'ors. 3840 Lindell Pri. May 9:30 a.

m. tor St: ROSe'll Chlirch. Good- fellow and' Maple. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Member of American Legion.

Clifton Heights Post No. 222. Guard of Honor services 8:30 p. EITMAN, EDWARD Co Wm. bia.

May 21, 1947, beloved husband of Jean Ti. Eitmar4 dear father of Katherine Winetroub. dear grandfather of (Bill) Winetroub, dear-father. In-law of Charles Winetroub. Funeral from C.

Hoffmeister Colonial Mortuary. 6464 thippewss at Watson. Time later. STUTZ-- See OLIVE A. DAVIS.

GIOIA, ANGELINA (nee Garavaglia)---- 5240 Elizabeth ave. entered Into reet Wed. May 21. 1947. beloved wife of John Gioia.

dear aunt of Mrs. Mary Cerutti and Charles Garavaglia. dear sister and sister-in-law. Ptmeral filom Calcaferra Funeral Boma 5142 Daggett on MaY 24, at 8:30 a. to St- Ambrose Church, Interment Old SS.

Peter and-. Paul's Cemetery. Deceased was a member of Christian Mothers and St. Anna Society. GRUENDER.

ALPHONSE 1, (DAN)--' 4429 Elmbank May 20., 1947. 6 p. fortified with the sacraments of Holy Mother Church, dearly beloved husband of Emily M. Gruender (nee Phillips), dear father of Emily Joan and Mary-Lu Gruender, our dear son. grandfather.

brother. brother-in-law. uncle and cousin. Funeral Fri-. 23.

8:30 a. from W. A. Stock Mortuary. Grand and Florissant to Holy Rosary Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery.

HOWARD, JOHANNA CECELIA Or 5641 Maple. on May 20, 1947, dear sister of Sister Mary-Thomas of EL Josepa's Order and Michael J. Howard of Ireland and the late Ellen Oortnan, dear aunt of Mrs. Mary Biggs and Maureen O'Neill. Funeral from Stuart dr Sons' Chapel, Dnion and Page on-Fri.

May 23. 8 :30 a. to St. Rose's In- terment Clara'''. MOTT.

REGINAOf 2215A Chippewa It. 'rum. May 20. 1947. wife of the late Willard R.

Hoyt. dear mother of Fred. Willard and Stella Hoyt, mother-, tn-law, grandmother, sister. slater-inlaw and aunt. Funeral Thum, May 22.

at 2 p. from Ted Fendler's Funeral Home. 7420 Michigan ave. at Zoe Interment liat. Hope Cemetery.

JUDD, CAROLUitg---Of 252 Witchtet fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church. Wed. May 21. 1947,, wife of the late John J. Judd.

dear mother of, John. Adolph and Charles Judd. Anna Welk Oleo Itidc14 mother-in-law. grandmother, great. grandmother, sister and aunt-.

Planers' DILL May 24. at 8:30 a. In, from Ted Pendler's Funeral Home, 7420 MiChiel111 at Koeln. to St. Church.

Interment SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Mrs. Judd was member of St. Andrew's Married Ladies Sodality.

KENDRICK, IL May 21, 1947. husband of Alice Irwin Kendrick, father of Mrs. John McDermott and grandfather of John P. McDermott IV. Services at the Alexander Chapel, 6175 Delmar Frt.

10 a. m. Burial In Keokuk. a. Please omit flowers.

QUIGLEY. MARGARET B. (nee Cahill), --6124 Dewey. May 21. 1947.

dear wife of the late Bernard S. Quig- ley. dear mother of Mn. Bernice Johnson and Bernard Quigley. dear sister of Mrs.

W. P. Buehman. Mrs. Edmund Jaeger and Mrs.

Charles Dougherty of Sacramento. dear mother-tn-laW, grandmother and aunt. Funeral front Stuart Son? Chapel. Union and Page bi- May 24. 8 :30 a.

to St. Stephen's Church. Irterment Calvary Cemetery. RtTECKERT, LINA RASCHEROf 40'29 Cote Brilliante May 21. 1947, widow of Henry E.

Rueckert mother of Herman G. Rueckert, and Mrs. Adolph T. Schmidt. grandmother of Doris Rueckert and Mrs.

Mark D. McAnany, great-. grandmother of Robert. Mark and got, McAnny. sister -of of Eerguecon.

Services 2 p. to. In the Great. Ball of the Robert J. ntnbruster Mortuary.

Clayton rd. at Concordia lane. Entombment Oak Grove Mausoleum. Member of Bellefontaine Chapter NO. 69.

Z. ACHELLER, HAROLD Mar 20. 1947. 7:30 a. beloved son of Prod and Anna Oche Iler.

dear brother of Carl W. and William F. Oche Iler. Mrs. Mary Alice Kirk and Mn.

Helen Franck. our dear uncle, nephew, cousin and brother-in-law. Remains at Arthur J. Donnelly Parlor. 3840 Lindell until 10- a.

m. May 22. Funeral from family residence. 5944 Pershing May 23. 8 a.

In- to St. Rochli Church. Rosedale and Waterman. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. SMITH.

OLIVE V. (DOLLY) (nee Meeks)-3872 Fairview May 21, 1947. 8 a. beloved Raymond A. Smith.

dear mother of Olive V. Frank. Robert J. Smith. dear of John Meeka.

Mary A. Lahey and the late Caroline Radock. and our dear mother-In-law. aunt and cousin. Funeral from Schumacher Funeral Rome.

3013 Meramec May 23, 1130 p. m. Interment St. Peter's WEINLANN, VERONICA tees BrUDOf 2711 Russell. asleep In Jesus May '20.

1947. 5:00 a. beloved wile of the late Frits Weimann. deer mother of Gertrude Wallace, Mrs. Anna Carson.

Mrs. Pauline Schrader, Mrs. Henrietta Piebig and the late Mrs. Bertha Krebs, our dear sister. mother-grandmother.

greet-grandmother and aunt. in her 82d year. Funeral 1:30 p. from Beiderwieden South Side Ptmertl hom*o. 3620 Chippewa to Concordia Cemetery.

Deceased we a member of maus Lutheran Ladies Aid Society.1 WILSON. JOHN N. Ninth. Wen. My 21.

1947. 3 a. m. beloved bustend of Martha E. Wi ison (nee Haman), dear father of John R.

Wilson. dear father-an-law, brother-in-law and uncle. 1 1 Service at the Leldner Chapel. 2223 SL Louts, Mai 22. 3 P.

En. Interment Cane Girardeau. M. WISSMANN. CAROLINE fines Peters)-, 5037 St.

Louis Wed May 21, 1947. 5:45 In. dear wile of the tete Fred William Wissmann. dear mother of John Mn. Edna Belting and the late William and Edwin Wissmann.

Our dear mother-M411w. sister-in-law. grandmother and aunt. Funeral front Sullivan't. Euclid and St.

Louis May 2 p. interment St. Peters Cemetery. WOCHLER. BLANCHE D.

(ate Denney) Florissent, Mo. Entered Into rest on 'rues-. May 20. 1947, at 7:10 p. beloved wile of Louis E.

Woehler, dear suip-inotber of Marie A. Woetiter and Mrs. V. R. dear daughter of Mn.

Dora Metcalfe. dear sister Of Lee Oilbert W. Denney and Mrs. C. A.

Luettig; dear grandmother. mother-tolaw. sisterein-law and Funeral May 23. at 2 IL from Math Herman and tion's Chanel. Fair and West Florissant ayes.

Interment Valhalla- Cemetery. Mrs. Worhier was a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary of North Et. Louis Turners. ZIEGIELMEYER.

MARY MERKEL--; Fortified with the sacraments of Holy Mother Church, beloved wile of John Ziegelmeyer. mother of Rev. Edmtmd S. Dr. John 8..

Marie and Elfrieda Ziorelmeyer, Ida Riedinger and the late Angela Elmer: sister of William. Dierker mother-in-law sister-in-law, aunt, cousin. grandmother and great-grandmother. Funeral from the Parker Perim's. 1S 'W, Lockwood Webster -Groves.

to Our Holy Redeemer May 24. at 8:30 a. m. Interment Member of Catholic Women's Leastie and at. Anna Sodality of St.

Bootlace. BETTER GOLF By SAM SNEAD. Several letters from readers indicate uncertainty as to how the backswing is made. Perhaps today's picture will make it clearer. i For about six or eight Inches back of the ball you carry the clubhead along the imaginary direction line to the green.

As your hip pivot gets under way the shoulder pivot follows The pivot carries the club inside of the direction line as pictured. The clubhead continues upward in this plane. When the hands are head high the plane-of the swing is about 45 degrees from the perpendicular. If the of the backswing is than 45 degrees you're swinging flat- Notice that when the hands are nearing hip-high your left arm and clubshaft still form a straight line. Then, when the hands are hip-high.

the co*cking action of the wrists slowly starts, but your hands do not reach the fully-co*cked position until you are at the top of the backswing. At that time your hands are head high and your hands are directly ahoy, your right shoulder. When you're in that position your hips will have pivoted about 45 degrees from their position when you are addressing the ball and your shoulders will have pivoted about 90 degrees from their position at the address. Central Catholic Gains Distrkt Final Central Catholic advanced to the Monis high school district. final at Edwardsville with a 3-to-2 victory over East St.

Louis' Southwestern Conference champions and Webster Groves defeated Ritenour, 2 to 0, in prep baseball games yesterday afternoon. Central Catholic, co-champions In the Prep League, will play an as yet undecided opponent tomorrow for the right to advance to the sectional at Staunton next week. Webster's Ronnie Tschannon homered with a mate on in the third to help Pitcher John Wilson to the shutout. The line scores: CLUB. 1 '2 3 4 5 6 7 R.

R. Z. Webeter 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 Ritenour 10000000 0 41 BatterteeWuzon and Nolte; Brinkntan and Roeener. CLUB. 1 '2 3 4 5 6 7 R.

R. IL Central Catholic' 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 East St. Louis 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 4 4 BattertesBoyle. Wenkel (4) and Bauer; Roeenkranz and Neberer. Giants arid Yanks Schedule Series, NEW YORK, May 21 (AP).

The New York Giants and New York Yankees announced today they would play another best two-out-of-three-game series this summer for the Mayor William O'Dwyer trophy, with the principal proceeds going to various agencies devoted to promoting sandlot- baseball. The first game Is scheduled the night of June 12 at the Polo Grounds, the second the night of Aug. 18 at Yankee Stadium. If a third game is necessary to decide the series it will be played the night of Aug. 28.

Bradley U. Defeats Wisconsin, 9 to 2 MADISON, WM, May 21 (AP). Home runs by Shortstop Harry Wilcoxen and First Baseman Tony Behrens paced a 13-hit attack today as Bradley University of Peoria, IlL, defeated the University of Wisconsin baseball team, 94. Harlan Groover, Bradley side-arm right-hander, held the Badgers to nine hits. CLUB.

12343679 Pt. Pt. Bradley ,0041000" 9 13 1 Wiseonsin 200090006-- 2 9 4 BattenesGroover add Orlosto and Schubedi. Statesmen's Conklin Shoots Hole-insOne Bud Conklin, 14-year-old Webster Groves High School student, shot a hole-in-one at Crystal Lake yesterday during a match against Charainade. He used a No.

7 iron to cover the ,144 yards of the No. 6 hole. Conklin was playing with Teammate Harry MacKinnon and Howard Kubiteschek and Bart Dyer of Chaminade. The Webster Statesmen won the match. New Tuffs Coach MEDFORD, MASS, May 21 appointment of George (Woody) Grimshaw of Methuen.

recent Brown football and basketball star, as end coach at Tufts College was announced tonight by Acting Athletic Director W. Stanton Yeager. 1 a 1 qq1 a 1 I 1 DRAGS 2 2 0400 t1, EP MEMORIAL PARKNon-sectarian. per' petual: war veterans free. Ky.

2111. SUNSET BURIAL PARK Beautiful, non-sectarian. care; tAITECIS 10180 Gravois rd. Victor 3-2661. CREMATORIES 7 'OAK GROVE Chapel and Crematory.

the newest and finest in St. Louis: 7800 ST CHARLES CAbany 8606. FLORISTS 2 lErNosiLry FLORISTS. 4809 Lee. GOod, fellow 8782.

Flowers for all occasions. NET-nrs FLOWER GARDENFuneral sPraYs $3.60 sip. baskets $5 up. 3801 8. Grand.

GRand 9600. Open daily to 830 p. in. Closed Sunday all Chapman Sees Cards and cubs Baffling for Hag CHICAGO, May 21 (AP). Manager Ben Chapman of the Philadelphia Phils today predicted that whenand ifthe National League race levels off, the Champion St.

Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs will be the teams to beat. Chapman, stretching his stockinged feet and puffing a massive, curved pipe, in the Phils' dressing room, Said the last-place Cards were the class of the league and that "cream always comes to thd topisooner or later." GRIMM'S TOUCH About the Cubs against whom the Phils were to close a two-game set today, Ben said that Charley Grimm's deft managerial touch was bound to make a dangerous contender of a club "dripping with experience." There will be a battle all the way for the pennant, Chapman asserted, but the Cards and Cubs eventually will run one-two. Chapman scratched his head when he touched on Brooklyn. "There seems to be something missing this yearmaybe it's the fire the club had under Lippy rocher," he said. "Altogether, though, it's been a whale of a race so farand you can't count anybody out.

The Giants have youth and power. The Braves are getting tougher every day. Pittsburgh is really loading up. Cincinnati still is in there and our club certainly isn't taking a back seat. Right now any club can finish from first to eighth." ENNIS DISAPPOINTMENT Chapman viewed his club's 3-2 overtime setback by the Cubs yesterday with more disappointment over the failure of Outfielder Del Ennis to explode at the plate than the fact the Phi Hies dropped to a .500 status with a 15-15 record.

'I kinds expected Del to get going in Chicago," drawled Ben. "It was here he whooped it up for the first time last season and started us rolling to a fifth-place finish." Ennis yesterday went hitless in four official trips. Ben said he'was pleased with the manner Catcher Andy Semi-nick has been handling the Phils' surprising pitching twosome, Schoolboy Rowe and Emil (Dutch) Leonard. NO EASY TRICK "Those two pitchers have been 'around a long time and it's no easy trick for a 26-year-old kid like' Andy to keep a glove on their stuff," commented Chapman. Seminick has done especially well with Leonard's knuckleballing which has bothered a lot of catchers." Chapman doesn't conceal his glee over the Phi Is' acquisition of Outfielder Harry Walker, the Cardinal castoff who is leading the National League in hitting with .400.

Walker yesterday belted four singles in four trips to give him an amazing total of 31 hits in 65 appearances for Philadelphia and a season total of 36 hits in 90 times at bat. "Walker is all confidence since he joined us for a regular job. Who'd have thought a few years back that anybody could get confidence joining the Mils," chuckled Hem Statesmen Establish Charles Roberts Award Webster Groves High School's Student Council and lettermen of the class of 1921 have combined to establish a trophy in memory of Charles Roberts, who was the school's athletic coach for more than 30 years. Roberts died in August of 1946, several years after his retirement A 20-year memorial, to be awarded the outstanding athlete of each school year the first name to be engraved upon the trophy is that of James Tschannen, a senior who has been a member of football, wrestling and baseball teams at Webster Groves. Tschannen received the initial honor Tuesday.

i 1 Softball Results, Tonight's Schedule NORTW BIDE PARE. LAST NIGHT'S ITSIULTS. I Game. CLUB. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B.

W. Z. Duna Seam 0 1 0 1 2 5 0-- 9 8 5 Steam Elea. 2 0 1 0 0 0 0-- 3 5 5 Baittaries--Jones and Nan Meyer; Tavern-sett sad lc II eT1Tria's Gams. CLUB.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. W. F. Silver Sod 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 Barri-Sae-Ina 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 6 2 lianarismAlathis sad Fader; Iliac sad Newahaan. TON1GBDS Girls Swan vs.

V. P. W. No. 1102.

7:30 P. le. Mea's Gamo--Ballway Swoon is. Stir-BAG 9 P. en.

ST. LOVIS PARK. Lase Night's Smons. CLUB 1 2 3 4 56 7 R. N.

E. Wacker' Helderle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-- 0, 2 1 Katie 0020000-- 2 6 1 Batter1ee--11uatrove and Heiner; Hartmann and Burke. Mea's Game. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 le 11 Werner 000000000-- 0 6 1 Purity 000000001-- 1 1 0 SetterteeRerruck and Schneider; 71. Seibert and A.

Seibert. Teeitkve Schedule. Otrie--Pop Cola vs. Nu Grape. 7:30 go.

nihlenloatayette B. It a. Zentheefer. 9 p. m.

I Sean prices were 25 cents to 50 cents per Romper lower in the primary market yesterday. according to St. Louis Daily Market Reporter. Louisiana hampers brought S3 to $5. poor $2 to $2.50.

Plorida $2 to S2.75. Texas string. poor. 21.25 to 32-. Georgia.

S2 to 3 and MissigelPOI 31.50 to 32.50. Cabbage ruled 2 5 cents to 50 cents per 50- pound sack higher. with Mississippi at $3.50 to 83.75. Georgia, $3.35 to $3.15 and Texas $3.75 to $4. New potatoes were strong and prices of triumphs advanced 25 cents to 35 cents per 100 Pounds.

Prices paid to first-hand receivers: NEW POTATOES-Triumphs. Calif. long white No- 1 iwt. $3.75 to $3.25 to size B. to $2.50 Ala trL weshri.

cwt. $4.25 to $4.75 aise B. $2.25 to La. trL No. 1.

$4.25 $3.50 to OLD POTATOES-Ida. F. bur. No. 1.

$4 to $4.25: utility. $3.50: N. D. and Minn. tn.

$4: warm' 34; E. Ohio I. 34: comL and $3.25 to $3.50: burbanks No. 1. Wis.

IE. Ohio Mich. rural certified seed. Ms. ksthstlio.

$4 to $4.25. ONIONS-Tex. white bet'. coml. 50-lb.

aka, 11 to $2.25: boilers. $1.50 to $1.60: to Calif. red. $2.25 to 32.50N. OION be.

ski. red. $1.75 to $2. ASPARAGUS-Rg. green dos.

40e to 31.50: white. 50c to 32. sigrTS-Tex. 12 32 to 32.50; bg. 90c to $1.15.

CAct8Crrs-catit. crts $3.50 to $3.50 to $4: hi. bu. box. 75c to $1.

CELERY-P9a. g. )wt. clad. crt $5 Se $7: $2 to $6.75.

CORNOreen; Tex. g. bantam 14 sks $2-25 to $2.50. clacTrmitztv3----ro. $3.25 to $5: 31.50 to 34.50.

GREEN ONIONS-Rg per doe, 20c to 115c. $4.50 to 18.25; tr. leaf. bu, 11 to b. Boston.

let. box. 90e 1417SHR001111--Stidwestarn, pt. crtn 15c 23e. MITSTARD-Re Int.

box. 354 to 75e. PEAR-Calif $2.50 to $3. PEPPILBS-Fla. C.

$7 to 31nSo, RADISHES-1dg. a. red. 20c to 35o: 25o to 35e. both.

20c to 40e. SPINACH-Rt. spring bu. box, 25c to 50e osotri POTATOES-Br. it.

hall. bu. box. $1.75 to $2.25. TOmAroEs---mt.

orig. lugs No. tlfin to $5.35: No. 2. to 33.25; Tex.

and SOT- tom 36 to $5.50. TURNIP TOPS-Es bu. box, 25c to 50c. The leading scores: SQUAD NO. 2.

Hank Gnieswaski and Bud Stonspion, Detroit. 1335. 1557-U92. Harry Weitson and Truth Haar. St.

Louis, 1335. 1397-2830. Ray Jung and Joe Fanardr. ilk Louis, 1433, Garner Wells and LIOYd Pullen, Dallas, 1408. 1415-2823.

Dave Rose and Ben Reno, Philadelnkia, 1370.. 1450-2820. Howard Forbes and Don McClave, St. Louis. 1-117.

1318-2735. Jtia Mailman and Sid Goldstein, St. Louis. al 440. 1261-2701.

Jack Sharkey and Gooey, Collette. Battle reek. 1299. 1457-2756. Ed Brook's and Jo.

Kristot, Chicago, 1375, 1439-2814. Chris Settrel and Jerry Janus. U. Lon's. 1439.

Jerome Harris and Frank Schalk, St. Louis, 1420. 1383-2803. Chet Bakowski and LIMOS lelott, Detroit, 1464. 1579-3043.

Lee Radaracco and Frank Lucid Last St. Louis, 138.8, 1431-2819. WlItia mt O'Donnell and John Lucas. Assam City. 1361, 1465-2826.

Steve Nagy and Ed "Emmy, Cleveland. 1455, 1636-3091. John a nodell and Dick Hanks. St. teals, 1330, 1513-2843.

SQUAD NO. 3. Cams Gryyler and John Criasmina, Detroit, a .1613. 1691--3304. L.

Jackson and Frank Bonkorie. Boutton, 15.51. 1549--3100. Fred flugack and Chuck O'Donnell. Doirnit, 1551.

1 EA)1-3052. E. Bomar and Ned Dan Chicago. 1489 1550-3038- W. JJJJJ and L.

Straelsota, Milwaukee. 1586. 1435-3021. W. lark and T.

Lake, Fikilailelphia, 1479, Sad Walker and Sohn Warth, St. 1478. 1343---2821. 1 M. Greenberg, and E.

Cronin. St. Innis. 1454. 1417--2871.

R. Gresonde and C. Schtmegier, Milwankast 1433. 1480-2923. C.

Parker and W. Berner. Philadelphia. 1436. 1438--2874.

Walter Buie and Roy Andsley, Kansas City. Mos. 1435. 1441-2876. Mitzi Weinstein and IL Owens, St.

Louis. 1423. 1422--2845. Art Timm and Nelson Burton. St.

Looda.1 1387. len Sullen and No Hobo, St. Lou 1347. 1372--2719. F.

1 Johnst465--27 on and F. Villa. 1298, I 63. Z. reviser and F.

Mon. U. Logi 1230,1 1350--2580. Southwest Nine Can clinch Title Southwest High School's baseball team can clinch the Public High League championship today with a victory over Soldan's Tigers in a game scheduled to be played at the Public Schools Stadium. Tied for the runner-up spot in the city loop are Beaumont, defending champion and Central, only a game to the rear of the leading Steers.

The Jackets and Red Wings, still in the running should the Tigers turn in an upset, also play this afternoon. A Southwest defeat would necessitate a playoff, tentatively set for next Monday. In other Public League contests today, Roosevelt plays at Cleveland and McKinley and Blewett meet at Lemp Park. 64-Pound Muskie Sets World Record LAC DU FLAMBEAU, May 21 new world record for muskellunge was claimed today by Joe Hanser of-Milwaukee, who exhibited a 58-inch muskie he said weighed 64 pounds at the time he caught it on rod and reel in 'Halfway Lake near here. The present record for muskies is held by Percy-Haver of Detroit.

who caught one scaling 62 pounds in the St. Clair River near Detroit. Hanser said he had an affidavit supporting his, contention the muskie weighed 64 pounds before he removed 12 pounds of spawn. State Conservation Warden Harley McKeague, who saw the muskie after the spawn was removed, said be believed it weighed 64 pounds and that it "was 'very thick through the middle before the spawn was ejected." St. Bonitace St.

Bootlace, which won the soccer laurels, added the Carondelet C. Y. C. Parochial League softball title yesterday afternoon by defeating St. Gabriels.

10 to 3, for its fifth straight victory. Jerry Stutte, pitched for the winners. striking oat five and collecting three hits in three trips to the plate. Ex-Vol a Coach CHA'rTANDOGA. May Miller.

center on the 1944 University of Tennessee Rose Bowl team. said today be had taken a coaching position at Bergen (N.J.) Junior College. Strawberries Cheaper; Homegrown on Market After drouptur ma much as $1.50 Per erste the day before, another liberal supply lent strawberry prices off as much as SI. according to St. Louis Daily Market Reporter.

Arkansas berries brought S4 to Tennessee. $5 50 to So; No. 2. 33-25 to S5.50; EnnOtt, to $5 to 36. There were 14 trays.

12 Ampule. or homegrown. the first on sale this season. at $4 Per tray. Prices mud to tint band receivers et other fruits fulloirt APPLZ.SMo -111.

'Mooted's. bu SP. to 113.50; gone. Si3: Va. r.

del. std. box. $.3 to $2 75: Woth- winesap. $4.75 Wags.

16-Its. box. 116 So S6.25. Argentine sthierts 20-1b bits. $7.

011ANGE8Auetion sales, $2 to $6.5: $2.85 to Texas. 32.70 to SLIM am. sales. $540 to $6-40. GRAPIZPAUTTTexite.

white meat. toe). she $I-35 to 12-40; Pink. sue, 3210 to Roofs and Tallow itOOTSPer pound. golden seal.

6.75: tatty slippers 90e. genera 1.01; washed black 24c; average 20c; agar apple. heavy bold 1154: average 13c: washed snake $160; average 31.40; wahoo bark of root. tree root blood root pbak root 0c: ginseng central choice $1050; southern 14.75; cultivated 113 to star root. $125: elm bark.

white. lerc average. I 4c; wild ginger tpc: salient' bark et toot natural. Vic: rugged. 2c to 3.

Tallow prices unchanged; cake tallow. 12c; No. 1 tallow. 11c; 14ta 1 white dreamt. pc; salvage grease.

EA. Illinois Oil 111111UIS VII I Jefferson County Gulf Refining Company's No. 2 P. C. Shelton.

SW SE NE 4-33-41. waiting on cement with casing sot foe production test of Aut Vases sand break St 2913-18 feet. Prom surface elevation of .1 505 fort. Olen Dean limo was topped at 2908. Puritan Drilling Company's No.

Ben Woodworth. NW NW SE 27-2B-41Z. wildcat lallurs. dry and abandonid at 3111 lass. White CountyRola Drilling Companrs 1le.

2 Williams. NI SIC Igs 28.38.10x. bib operation. moving in materials for Immediate drahrig. This is an offset to tho gam ois, orator.

No. I Nil Endicott. srw sw t'ZS438-1()E. proapective pool opener in the Benoist sand at 2990-3003 feet, which is swabbing 60 barrels of oil a day. Shelby CountyNational Associated Petroleum Company's No.

I Victor P. NI NE SW I OPW location. Clinton CountyC. R. Winn, No.

Stemirighous. BE NW NE is a new location: Clay CountySkelly 011 Company's Nair. SW SE SS 4-4N-01C, wildcat. drilling below feet. Ashland Oa and Refining Com rewire No.

I C. T. Smith. SW NW NE 21-3N-7E. drilling below 21.36 feet Gallatin CountyCoy Oil Company and It.

Ashland Oil and Rename Com Pany's No. 3 Poster irt al. SE SE NW ODES. pleted in the Cypresa (Land at feet fer an initial production of 52 barrels of ou ass barrels of water a dor. PumPilla I 1 I I I I 4 I Anoka.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.