The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2231-2240 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2231

Hearing the old man’s arrangement, Zynn almost puked out a mouthful of dark blood!

“Obviously it was the old man who did a lot of f*cking planning and did a lot of things, but in the end, I am supposed to go to Australia to avoid the limelight? What the hell is this?”

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: “Dad, you don’t want me to appear in the public view for the time being. I accept it completely, but there is no need to sent me to Australia? There are still a lot of things in the group, and I have to go to Liona. Find a way to mediate, to save my marriage!”

Elder Su said coldly: “If you stay here, the paparazzi will keep watching your every move, and don’t forget, now I don’t know how many families are waiting to take the opportunity to drink our blood and eat our meat, getting you will be their breakthrough point!”

“So, in my opinion, you still need to go to Australia to avoid it. Don’t we have a seaside villa in Queensland? Just go there and relax. I will help you sort out the things here.”

Zynn almost collapsed.

He murmured angrily in his heart: “Sending me to Australia at this crucial time. It is clear that I can be used as a scapegoat to face all the bullets. If I don’t go, this old man will be the culprit in the eyes of the outside world. He is the one who betrayed his granddaughter. If I run away, I don’t know how this group of people will play tricks behind my back.”

“Moreover, I am now the executive vice-chairman and the second-in-command of the group. If I leave, who will take my job? Could it be Shoude? If Shoude, this b@stard takes my job, wait until I come back. When the time came, the executive vice-chairman will belong to him, so would I be emptied?!”

Just as Zynn tried his brains to decline the arrangement of the father, Chengfeng directly said: “Shoude, you will help your brother arrange the plane. Let him set off tonight. His work in the group will be determined in the future. You take care of it for the time being.”

When Shoude heard this, his heart was so excited that he almost cheered it loud.

However, he still suppressed the excitement in his heart, and respectfully said: “Don’t worry, Dad, I will arrange the plane!”

Zynn begged: “Dad, even if you let me go, please give me two days, at least let me have a good chat with Liona!”

Chengfeng waved his hand: “There is nothing to talk about. Based on what I know about Liona, she can’t remarry you, so you might as well cut the mess and divorce her!”

“I…” Zynn’s voice was almost crying.

If you really have to go, there will be too much delay.

Not only the wife’s business but also the heir status of the group is in the doldrums. He also wanted to find out Ruoli’s whereabouts. After that, it’s his own flesh and blood. Now it’s hard to tell, he always has to find a way to find out. What if she is still alive?

If he finds her out on his own, then he can also find a way to secretly arrange a destination for her, let her go to a certain corner of the world, and live incognito peacefully.

But if someone else in the Su family finds her, or the Japanese find her, then she will definitely die!

Seeing that he was unwilling to agree, Chengfeng immediately reprimanded: “What are you thinking? Won’t you even abide by my arrangement?”

Upon hearing this, Zynn immediately realized that he had no room for mediation. In order not to completely offend the old man, he could only gently nod his head and said: “OK Dad, I will listen to you, tonight I”ll go.”

Chengfeng nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand: “Okay, go back and clean up, say goodbye to Zhifei and Zhiyu, and leave in an hour.”


Just when Zynn was called away by the housekeeper, Zhifei and Zhiyu were still in their study, looking at the computer screen.

After their mother, Liona, left, she drove back to her family’s home and called the children.

On the phone, Liona told them about Ruoli very calmly. Both Zhifei and Zhiyu were shocked by the news.

Chapter 2232

I am afraid that for any young man in his twenties, it is difficult to accept this reality immediately when he suddenly hears that his father actually has an illegitimate daughter.

Especially Zhiyu.

Like her mother Liona, she has a serious emotional sense of chastity.

Although she has never been in a relationship so far, if such a thing happens to her, she will definitely divorce her husband resolutely like her mother did, without any hesitation.

Therefore, although she will find it difficult to accept this reality for a while, she unconditionally supports all her mother’s decisions.

At this point, Zhifei is more or less machismo.

He felt that a man like his father was almost unlikely to be loyal to marriage for a lifetime.

Men who are wealthy to the extreme seldom are satisfied with only one heterosexual partner, so it is actually normal to get into bed with women outside.

After all, he grew up in the upper-class circle, and in this circle, he has seen many men on occasions.

There are illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters, and it’s a common practice in this circle.

The most powerful person he has ever seen is a billionaire who engages in using the Internet. He found a lot of women and gave birth to a lot of children with them, and showed that off on social networking sites.

So, in contrast, if Dad had just had a one-night stand with his bodyguard and gave birth to a daughter, Zhifei felt that Dad was already in this circle, relatively low-key and family-oriented.

In fact, women in this circle have long been used to such things.

Of course, he did not say this to his mother and sister, because he understands their characters. If he washes speaks his mind this time, he is afraid that they will scold him.

Zhiyu was very angry inside.

She felt the same for her mother at this time. If she met such a husband, she would definitely leave him without hesitation. So she said to Liona with difficulty covering her anger on the phone, “Mom, I support. You divorced dad! He made this kind of mistake and kept it hidden for so long. This incident is absolutely unforgivable! When I see him, I must ask him face to face!”

Liona is not as passionate as her group but simply said indifferently: “Zhiyu, I told you this because you and your brother are both grown-ups. You have the right to know these things, but this is a matter between us. You don’t need to confront your dad again because of this.”

“In addition, after I divorced your dad, you two can choose to continue living in Su’s house, you can also choose to live in your grandmother’s house, or you can go out and live by yourself, Mom has no objection.”

“In the future, if there is any family gathering at Grandpa’s or Grandpa’s house, you should all participate as usual, but your father and I will no longer attend each other’s family meetings, and everything else will remain the same.”

Zhiyu said unwillingly: “Mom! Why do you have to confront the woman who gave birth to her for this matter? To seduce someone else’s husband and have the face to give birth to a child, this woman is too much!”

“No need.” Liona said calmly: “She is also a poor person. I have nothing to blame her, and you shouldn’t go to her to confront her. Feelings are all personal choices, and there is no right or wrong.”

Zhiyu asked with a choked voice, “Mom, what are your plans next?”

Liona smiled and said: “I have no plans. When your dad comprehends this fully, he will divorce quickly. If he takes time, I will divorce and go out to relax. If he doesn’t respond for a while, then I won’t spend time with him, go out first.”

Zhiyu hurriedly said, “Mom, where do you want to go to relax?”

Liona smiled slightly and said two words: “Aurous Hill!”

Chapter 2233

Liona’s idea of ​​going to Aurous Hill has been buried in her heart for nearly two decades.

Since the death of Changying and his wife, she wanted to go to Aurous Hill to take a look. After that, that was the place where Changying spent his last days.

As a woman who has loved him for most of her life, she especially hopes to go to Aurous Hill for a walk, see, and live for a while, trying to find traces of Changying’s existence in Aurous Hill.

However, as a woman who has been married, as a married woman, her moral values ​​have always reminded her that she should not go to Aurous Hill because that is indeed unfair to her husband.

Going quietly to Wade’s grave to pay respect to Changying is already what Liona feels most guilty about Zynn in her heart. If she goes to Aurous Hill again, it would have been really inappropriate.

But now, she has no moral constraints.

Zynn’s mind derailed first and he had broken the gentleman agreement between her and himself. In that case, she no longer has to be bound by any reason. It is time to realize her wish to visit Aurous Hill.

When Zhiyu heard her mother said that she was going to Aurous Hill, she immediately asked happily: “Mom! brother and I are just planning to go to Aurous Hill! let’s go together!”

Liona asked curiously: “What are you going to do in Aurous Hill? Why didn’t you listen to me?”

Zhifei hurriedly said: “Mom, I am going to Aurous Hill because of the company’s business needs. It happens to say that I will take Zhiyu around. If you are also coming, then I will arrange a plane and hotel reservation!”

Liona smiled and said: “You don’t need to arrange a hotel. Your grandfather has an old house in Aurous Hill. It has been taken care of for these years. Let’s live there when we go.”

Zhiyu asked in surprise: “Mom, grandpa still has a house in Aurous Hill. Why have I never heard of it?”

Liona smiled and said: “Your dad is a little apprehensive about Aurous Hill, so I haven’t taken you to Aurous Hill for so many years, so naturally you don’t know about the house.”

Having said that, Liona introduced: “Your grandfather’s ancient house in Aurous Hill is very impressive. It is next to the presidential palace. That house has existed since ancient times, it survived through successive dynasties and until the country became the Republic of China. Over the years, all the people who lived there were big figures. In the 1970s, your grandfather spent a lot of money to buy it, and occasionally he and your grandma live there for a few days.”

When Zhifei heard that his father was a little apprehensive about Aurous Hill, he instantly remembered the past.

He had heard of some things back then, knowing that Changying, his mother’s favorite back then, died in Aurous Hill.

Therefore, his heart suddenly became a little tangled.

At this time, Zhiyu on the side said without hesitation: “Mom, why don’t you go to Grandpa’s house to have a good rest tonight, let’s go to Aurous Hill early tomorrow morning!”

Liona said: “Okay, you two should not talk to your dad about me and him. This is a matter between the two of us. No matter what, it will only affect the relationship between me and him, me and you, or him. You two must not be affected in any way, understand?”

Zhifei and Zhiyu returned in unison: “Understood mom…”

Liona said with satisfaction: “Okay, I’m at your grandmother’s house, so I’ll spend some time here.”

Chapter 2234

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “Mom, then you have a good rest tonight, I will call you tomorrow morning!”

“It is good.”

Zhiyu hung up the phone, and Zhifei on the side said with some worry: “Zhiyu, Dad has been a little worried about Aurous Hill. If we go to Aurous Hill with Mom at this time, will he be very angry?”

Zhiyu snorted coldly: “What about getting angry? He had an illegitimate daughter outside, and he took her home grandiosely and put her under the eyes of our family. How could he not think that we would have a family of three? Are you angry?”

After a pause, Zhiyu said angrily: “Seriously, I still want to confront him face-to-face! We should go to Aurous Hill, the three of us, to give him a signal. To let him know that all this was his fault!”

Zhifei said awkwardly: “Hurt, this kind of thing, how can we as children say something…”

As he was talking, Zhifei continued: “There are so many top rich people in this world. Some of these people don’t indulge in extramarital affairs. Dad was just confused at that time. Among these people, he is still can be considered to be a very good one.”

Zhiyu asked with a very serious expression: “How can you say that? Can a rich person be disloyal to marriage?”

Zhifei hurriedly said: “Oh, I didn’t mean that. I just said that I don’t think our dad’s plot is very bad. If he admits his mistakes and regrets sincerely, he can be forgiven. Mom will resolutely follow for a divorce, is it a bit ill-considered? After all, the relationship between them as husband and wife has been for more than 20 years, plus we two children, can’t we give our dad a chance?”

Zhiyu said earnestly: “You have a typical sc*mbag thinking! When it gets bigger, the three views are not right! I ask you if you get married in the future and your wife cheats on your back, can you forgive her?”

“I…” Zhifei said awkwardly: “It’s not like that. After all, men cheating and women cheating, it is not the same thing…”

“Why isn’t it the same thing?” Zhiyu said with some irritation: “Do you feel that there is a matter of inferiority between men and women? A man can be forgiven if a man cheats, but a woman can’t be? Zhifei! I just realized for the first time in so many years, that you are so politically incorrect!”

“I tell you! If you make this kind of mistake in the future, even if your wife forgives you, I won’t forgive you! Then I will call you a sc*mbag!”

Zhifei was scolded by Zhiyu, and said with an embarrassing expression: “Oh my aunt, your mouth is too bad, I didn’t do anything, why would you become a sc*mbag?”

Zhiyu said coldly: “This kind of thinking is a typical sc*mbag thinking! I think it’s great to have two bags of money, so you can mess around outside?”

“If you really want to do this, then you don’t want to pursue Sara. After that, Sara is also a lady of everybody. Your sc*mbag thinking is simply not worthy of her!”

“I suggest you, from the entertainment industry, find a female celebrity who is all about money and wants to marry a rich family for power and status!”

“At that time, you will make a good impression with others in advance: you give her enough money and provide her with a good enough life, and she must not interfere with your other affairs, such as being outside with any woman. a win-win for everyone?”

When Zhifei heard this, his face was gloomy, and said, “Am I wrong…”

After speaking, he quickly turned away from the subject and said: “By the way, I will arrange the plane soon and we will fly to Aurous Hill together tomorrow morning!”

Zhiyu saw that he wanted to change the subject and immediately said aggressively: “Zhifei! Respecting women and respecting your partner is a compulsory course and a basic moral principle for every man. If you become a sc*mbag in the future, I will never call you my brother!”

Chapter 2235

This night, the entire Eastcliff was shaken.

The Su family caused a catastrophe in Japan and was named and targeted by the Japanese National Security Agency, which dealt a huge blow to the reputation and influence of the Su family.

At the same time, other Eastcliff families, headed by the Wade family, also started gearing up.

The Su family now has lost a large number of masters and offended the overseas investors. In the future, the Su family will have to tighten up and behave like a principled family. Meanwhile, other families have the opportunity to cannibalize the power of the Su family.

Zhongquan was particularly excited about this.

He felt that this was God’s blessing.

Wade’s second spring is finally coming!

So he summoned all his children except Cynthia and immediately formulated a three-year plan.

From now on, in the next three years, the Wade family will attack the Su family in an all-round way like the Su family organized the Anti-Leaf Alliance back then!

Not only must we pull the Su family down from the altar, but we must also take our own strength to the next level, leave the Su family far behind, and regain the title of the nation’s No. 1 family.

However, Mr. Wade did not immediately start to do it but chose the day of the declaration of war at this year’s Ancestors Remembrance Ceremony.

He couldn’t hide his excitement and said to all his children: “This time the ancestor worship ceremony will bring the Wade Family branches across the country to Yeling Mountain!”

“At that time, I will use the most solemn ancestor worship ceremony to make all Wade’s progeny realize that the Wade family is a large family with an orderly inheritance, a superfamily that was once brilliant! Let all the members bring the highest honor !”

“By then, it will be an unprecedented moment of unity among the Wade family!”

“By then, at the ancestor worship ceremony, on the grounds below the mountain, I will order all the family members to work together to defeat the Su Family, and ask the Su Family to severely punish Zynn, the leader of the Anti-Leaf Alliance!”

“The moment when the Wade Family is up and down with the same enemy, it is the best time for us to fully fight the Su Family!”

When the eldest child Jacob Wade heard this, he was the most excited, and said with vigor in his voice: “Dad! At that time, we will also have an anti-Su alliance! We must knock down the assets of the Su family by half! Let them directly fall out. The sequence of the three major families of Eastcliff!”

Elder Wade sneered: “In Eastcliff, there are many families that have hatred against the Su family. Among them, we have the deepest hatred, followed by the Gu family. If we raise the banner of dealing with the Su family, the Gu family will definitely follow! “

“The most important thing now is to let Charlie Wade and Sara from the Gu family get married soon!”

“Once the two of them get married, the Gu family will definitely help the Wade family without hesitation! At that time, the Su family will be unable to parry and let us slaughter them at will!”

Jacob Wade asked, “Dad, didn’t you still say before if you want Charlie to try, can you get Zhiyu from the Su family?”

Elder Wade waved his hand and chuckled coldly: “I thought that the Su family was overwhelming us in all aspects after all. We just couldn’t beat them, so it’s better to change your mind and let Charlie pursue that Zhiyu. ……”

“But who would have thought that the Su family would encounter Waterloo one after another in Japan? Their vitality is now severely injured. We can go directly to a full-scale war with them, and how can we marry their girl with Charlie?”

Speaking of this, Old Man Wade laughed a few times and said loudly: “Hahaha, God opened your eyes! God opened your eyes!”

The old Sanye Changyun on the side asked, “Dad, what if Charlie doesn’t want to marry Gu’s girl?”

Elder Wade smiled unpredictably: “Charlie will also come to the ancestor worship ceremony. At that time, I will announce the plan of revenge against the Su family in front of all the children of the family, and then announce Charlie and Gu’s union as a way to strengthen our overall power in order to slam the Su family underfoot. He is part of this family, he knows how they have inflicted wounds upon us, I believe he will not refuse!”

Chapter 2236

Eastcliff, Du’s family.

Before Liona got home, her parents and brothers and sisters knew about the scandal in the Su family, and they also knew that Zynn had an illegitimate daughter outside.

Therefore, when she hadn’t come back, the other brothers and sisters of the Du family rushed back one after another at the call of Mr. Du.

Mrs. Du and Mrs. Du were very much aware of Liona’s temperament. They knew that as long as Liona knew about this, she would definitely return to her family’s home immediately. So they didn’t call Liona or let others call Liona. They gathered together and waited for her to return.

When Liona’s car drove into the Du’s mansion, her parents and several siblings greeted her one after another.

Liona saw the whole family appear in front of her, and she was immediately moved to no avail.

Unlike other business families, the Du family has held high positions for generations, so money has never been something worth mentioning to the Du family.

Because they don’t care about money, there is no intrigue between Du’s brothers and sisters.

Among the descendants of the Du family, some have inherited the mantle of Mr. Du in the system and have excellent career prospects; some are devoted to studying their own majors in the top universities or scientific research institutes; some people rarely hear about it. Although the Confucian merchants have a net worth of hundreds of billions, they never show off.

As for Liona and several of her sisters, they all have their own emotional destinations.

Under the education of Mrs. Du from a young age, the women of the Du family did not have a strong sense of professionalism. On the contrary, all of them were experts in family management, and each of them had the fine virtues of a traditional woman.

As soon as Liona got off the car, Mrs. Du stepped forward, holding her hand distressedly, and whispered: “Liona, you are wronged.”

Liona smiled slightly and said, “Mom, don’t say that, I don’t feel wronged at all.”

Old man Du on the side said, “Liona, our family hasn’t gotten together for some time. I’ll let someone burn a charcoal fire. Later, we will have a copper pot-cuisine with the family!”

One of the favorite delicacies of the older generations of Eastcliff people is copper pot-cuisine.

Different from hot pots in other places with induction cookers or gas stoves, the older Eastcliff people must use copper pots with hollow interiors and charcoal to cook meat in copper pots. This is also the way to eat from the palace.

In the severe cold of Eastcliff in winter, it is a wonderful treat to eat elite cuisine while guarding the copper pot.

The five generations of Du’s family were all native Eastcliff people, and naturally, they loved this copper pot-cuisine.

It’s just that these years, the children have their own families, and each family is in a different situation. Although everyone often comes back to visit the elderly, it is really not easy to get together.

Therefore, the old man immediately became addicted, thinking about the family’s enjoyment and a good meal, otherwise, if everyone came to comfort Liona, it might be counterproductive.

Sure enough, when the children heard that they were going to eat copper pot-cuisine, they didn’t care that it was almost late at night, they were all excited.

Lionamei, the sixth oldest, was Liona’s little sister. She immediately stepped forward with excitement and took Liona’s arm, and smiled and said, “Second sister, I just have been idle these days. I want to stay at my parents’ house. How many days will my sister stay with me?”

Liona smiled and said: “Tonight is okay, but tomorrow is not. I want to go to Aurous Hill tomorrow.”

“What?!” Everyone looked at Liona in surprise.

The old man Elijah Du asked, “Liona, do you go to Aurous Hill to grow a tassel?”

Liona checked her head and said frankly: “Yes, Dad, I always wanted to go before, but I couldn’t help it. Now I don’t have any restrictions, so I want to go there soon, but I have a wish.”

Elijah looked a bit lonely and said sincerely: “Changying…Changying…I failed to make Changying my son-in-law. It’s the biggest regret of my life…”

Chapter 2237

Elijah sighed, making the expressions of everyone at the scene somewhat regretful.

Mrs. Du hurriedly pinched his waist, and whispered: “You guys, you really don’t open the old pot or lift the one we have just prepared, saying this she hurried the kids to go in and get ready to eat!”

Elijah sighed: “Oh, Liona is so big. She sees a lot of things better than us. What I say is also from my heart, there is no need to be cautious about norms.”

Liona nodded and said seriously: “Mom, I’m really not angry or uncomfortable about this at least this time, so you don’t need to be too sensitive.”

Old Mrs. Du looked surprised: “Liona, Zynn has been hiding it from you for so many years, are you not angry at all?”

Liona said earnestly: “I am not angry, but feel relieved.”

Elijah smiled and said: “Good thing! It is good to be free! To be honest, for so many years, Dad has always felt that you are unhappy. Now that you can come out, Dad is happy for you!”

Liona nodded seriously and smiled slightly: “Thank you, Dad!”

Elijah laughed and beckoned hurriedly: “Walk around, eat elite cuisine! Your three brothers will accompany me for two drinks for a while!”

As the son of Du’s family, Renel nodded without hesitation and said: “Good dad! Our three brothers will accompany you for a few drinks tonight!”

Lionaping, Liona’s sister Lionaping, also said with a busy smile: “Dad, is there any red wine at home? We three sisters will also accompany you to drink some!”

The sixth child Lionamei smiled and said, “That’s great, Dad, my eldest sister, and my second sister will accompany you!”

Elijah was immediately happy and smiled heartily: “Okay! Your three sisters did not return on New Year’s Eve, so we will treat it as the New Year today!”

Lionamei hurriedly said: “Dad, we want to come with you during the Chinese New Year, but you can’t let anything…”

Elijah said seriously: “You are married to the Shen family and you are the daughter-in-law of the Shen family. You should spend the New Year with your in-laws. The same is true for your two sisters. This is the rule. All three of your brothers will accompany me and your mother for the New Year. If your three sisters also come, they will say that the old man Du is ignorant and only thinks about his own home.”

Lionamei hurriedly said: “I know Dad, I’ll talk to Silong Shen, and I’ll be back with you next New Year’s Eve.”

Elijah smiled and said: “Let’s talk about it then, look at Willson Shen’s meaning, if he is unwilling, don’t force it.”

Afterward, Du’s three sons and three daughters strolled to the dining room with a pair of elderly people.

In the dining room at this time, the chef at home has put a beautiful brass pot on the table. In the middle of the pot, there is a green flame of charcoal, and a pot of clear soup is boiled outside. The table is already full of fresh cuts, All kinds of lamb.

Eastcliff people are very particular about eating mutton. Basically, they don’t eat mutton rolls prepared by machines in hot pot restaurants. They eat pure and fresh hand-cut mutton.

Hand-cut mutton is very particular. According to different parts, mutton has various names, such as upper brain meat, tenderloin, large three-pronged, small three-pronged, and cucumber strips.

Different meats have different cutting methods, different sizes, and thicknesses, and there are many sayings.

The Du family seldom show off their wealth and live a life of the extravagant and wasteful elite, but they are very particular people, they are not about pomp and price, but about taste and essence.

Take food as an example, the Du family’s mouths are more than one.

The fried oil cake at the entrance will not be greasy for a family for ten years, but once they change to poorer craftsmanship, even if the difference is minimal, they will find it difficult to swallow.

Mr. Du has no bad habits all his life, he just loves to smoke.

Chapter 2238

He especially likes to smoke a cigarette produced by a cigarette factory in southern Yunnan.

After the old man smoked for twenty years, the cigarette factory’s technology and production line improved, the formula was upgraded, and the cigarette paper and filter material were changed.

Everyone felt that the improved product was more exquisite and higher-grade than before, and the taste was not much worse, but Mr. Du just felt that the taste was not right and couldn’t adapt.

Later, because of this, he even fell ill.

When the old man’s subordinates heard that the old man was sick and hospitalized, they made a special trip to visit him.

When they asked about the cause, they learned that the old man turned out to be suffering from the taste of the cigarettes he had smoked for 20 years, so they simply made a phone call and asked the cigarette factory to reopen the old production line that had been dismantled and ready to be scrapped, just for the old man. People who produce the original cigarettes can be regarded as curing the old man’s heart disease.

However, the old man also felt guilty for using the privilege. He specifically asked his second son, Lionayang, to run to the cigarette factory, verified all the costs of reopening the cigarette factory’s production line, and then paid for it all out of his own pocket. This is regarded as accepting the privilege with peace of mind.

In fact, the children of the Du family have inherited the father’s exquisiteness.

The more exquisite, the more refined you live.

Therefore, the family not only has high academic qualifications and strong abilities but also inherits the traditional virtues of gentleness, courtesy, frugality, and concession.

At this time, the Du family was sitting around the table, eating the elite cuisine and drinking wine. The eight of them had a lively chat, and they all seemed to be in a very good mood.

At first, everyone was worried that Liona’s mood would be lower.

Unexpectedly, Liona’s whole state is extremely relaxed and comfortable.

Everyone around here is close relatives, and they can see that her ease and comfort is not the result of the performance, so they are completely relieved.

The old couple is in a particularly good mood. In the past few years, the six children have started a family one after another. No matter which one they look at individually, they all have a very good, even impeccable, but they have always loved Liona.

This is mainly because they have always known that Liona has loved Changying for so many years to no avail. Later, after Changying’s wedding, she decided to marry Zynn, which was really impulsive and outrageous.

The night before Liona’s marriage, she held the old lady and cried all night, while her sister Lionaping and Lionamei were with them, and they felt distressed.

At that time, Liona wanted to persuade her to repent of her marriage because she felt sorry for her, but she did not agree with her life and death.

After so many years of marriage, although Zynn is very fond of Liona, only Liona’s family can tell that she has always been unhappy.

Especially after Changying’s accidental death, she became even more taciturn, and even started to eat less and lost interest in religious ceremonies, and became a commoner at home.

But now, everyone can see that Liona is really relieved.

The old man Elijah remembered that Liona was going to Aurous Hill, so he asked, “Liona, how long do you plan to stay in Aurous Hill this time?”

Liona thought for a while and said, “Dad, how long will I stay? I don’t know now, just stay and see.

Elijah asked again: “Who will accompany you?”

Liona said: “Zhifei and Zhiyu are with me.”

Elijah nodded: “The old house in Aurous Hill has been very well maintained. You have not been there for many years. You can live there for a few days. If there is nothing wrong with your mother, I will also go to Aurous Hill in two days. In a few days, Eastcliff will be too dry in winter, and your mother had said that she wanted to go to Jiangnan for a few days.”

Chapter 2239

When the entire Du family was enjoying themselves, Zynn had simply packed his luggage and was ready to leave for Australia.

What happened this time made him very passive, and the old man made it clear that he temporarily avoid the limelight, and he could only do it honestly.

Before leaving, he called Zhifei and asked: “Zhifei, you and your sister, come to my study.”

Zhifei was so busy that he said, “OK dad, we’ll come over.”

After speaking, he hung up the phone and said to Zhiyu: “Zhiyu, dad wants us in the study.”

Zhiyu said angrily: “Go by yourself, I don’t want to see him!”

Zhiyu would still find it difficult to accept that her father betrayed her mother and had an illegitimate daughter who was only one year younger than herself, so she was very reluctant to see Zynn at this time.

Zhifei helplessly persuades: “Zhiyu, in matters between parents, we are children, so we should not participate too much. You can’t cut off your dad because of the small mistakes made more than 20 years ago. Father-daughter relationship?”

Zhiyu said seriously: “I don’t want to sever the relationship with him, but I don’t want to see him now. Go and see him yourself.”

Zhifei asked awkwardly: “Then I will see Dad later, if Dad asks you, what would I say?”

Zhiyu blurted out without hesitation: “Then tell him directly, I don’t want to see him now.”

Seeing that Zhiyu was not joking, Zhifei sighed helplessly and said, “Well, I am going then.”

Immediately, Zhifei stood up and stepped out of Zhiyu’s study.

The Su family villa covers a huge area, and the whole is more like a castle. Although the family lives together, they live in different areas of the villa.

Zhifei went downstairs to his father Zynn’s study. After knocking on the door and entering, he saw Zynn with a sad face and smoke, as if he was ten years old suddenly.

Seeing Zhifei coming in, Zynn asked in surprise, “Where is your sister?”

Zhifei said awkwardly: “Zhiyu is a bit…a bit…”

Zynn gave a wry smile and asked, “Zhiyu must be very angry with me, right?”

Zhifei sneered and said: “She is a comparison axis. In fact, this kind of thing should have been taken care of…”

Zynn sighed and said, “Hey, After that, I failed your mother and your brother and sister.”

Zhifei hurriedly said: “Dad, don’t say that…Isn’t it saying that there is nothing right or wrong about feelings, and you don’t have to blame yourself too much…”

Zynn waved his hand: “There is nothing right or wrong about who you like and who you don’t like, but after getting married, you really have to be responsible for your marriage and your spouse. This is because I did not do it right. Knowing that Liona is angry with me is justified. .”

After speaking, he said again: “Zhifei, I call you here, mainly to tell you something. Your grandfather asked me to go to Australia to avoid the limelight. I will leave tonight. I may not be able to come back in a short time.”

“Going to Australia?!” Zhifei asked in surprise: “Dad, why did Grandpa ask you to go to Australia at this time? Why are you leaving so hastily? Even if this is a big mess, there is no need to go to Australia, right? “

Zynn smiled bitterly: “This incident is a scandal between me and your grandfather. Your grandfather asked me to go to Australia. Naturally, he regarded me as the person who was behind the scenes and also asked me to divert the media attention. After I leave, they will definitely leak the news that I ran overnight to Australia, and the media will definitely focus their energy on me.”

Chapter 2240

Zhifei said angrily: “Dad! Grandpa did too much in this matter, right? He betrayed Ruoli. If it is really broken, he is an old fox who can betray his granddaughter. He now quickly found a way to solve the immediate crisis, but also to throw you out as a target, this is not justified!”

Zynn waved his hand and said seriously: “Such words if you talk about it here, don’t repeat them when you leave this room. Your grandpa’s temperament is like…”

“In his eyes, personal interests must be taken care of first in everything. In the face of personal interests, anything can be sacrificed.”

“He can sell Ruoli to the Self-Defense Force today. Who knows if he will sell one of us to a certain interest group tomorrow? So when you are by his side, remember the words: Companion with you, like a tiger! “

Zhifei nodded gently.

Zynn said: “By the way, Zhifei, after I am gone, during this period of time, you and Zhiyu will accompany your mother, and also help me apologize to her, say a few more good things, and have to trouble you by the way. Help me pay more attention to your mother, see what she does, where she goes, who she meets, and let me know.”

After speaking, he quickly explained: “Don’t think too much, I don’t mean to let you help me monitor your mother. The main reason is that I want to try to save my marriage with your mother, so I have to ask you to help.”

Zhifei nodded: “Dad, I understand, don’t worry.”

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly said: “By the way, Mom said that she will go to Aurous Hill tomorrow, and Zhiyu and I will also go…”

“To Aurous Hill?!” Zynn asked, “What is your mother going to Aurous Hill for?”

Zhifei hesitated and said: “Um… Maybe Mom wants to relax, I don’t know the details…”

Zynn’s expression was very ugly.

He knew very well why Liona wants to go to Aurous Hill.

He gritted his teeth and thought to himself: “Aurous Hill, is where Changying died back then!”

“She has been lingering for Changying over the years. The idea of ​​going to Aurous Hill definitely doesn’t exist for one or two days!”

“Here just said to divorce me, then she is going to Aurous Hill immediately, Liona, you are too much! In your eyes, do you have a little respect for me?!”

“Today, it just broke out that I had an illegitimate daughter out of marriage. Tomorrow Liona will go to Aurous Hill to miss Changying. If this is becomes known, where will I put my old face!”

Thinking of this, Zynn hated her very much.

Zhifei saw that Zynn’s expression was very ugly. Knowing that he had said something wrong, Zhifei hurriedly changed the subject: “When will you leave, Dad? I’ll see you off.”

Zynn forcibly calmed his mind, retracted his thoughts, and said to Zhifei: “I have to set off in ten minutes. This time I was arranged by your grandfather to go to Australia. Your second uncle is often behind the scenes. I am not here. You and Zhiyu must be careful of him.”

“Second Uncle?” Zhifei frowned and asked, “He always obeyed you, why did he get into trouble with you at this time?”

Zynn sneered: “Since ancient times, no matter how many princes the emperor has, he will only choose a prince to succeed the grand prince. In order for the prince to succeed, he will greatly weaken the strength of other sons and ensure that they are unable to rebel. Your second uncle wants to be the prince, naturally, he will do his best to deal with me.”

Zhifei gritted his teeth: “The second uncle is polite to you and us on weekdays, and welcomes us with a smile. I didn’t expect that this time would suddenly turn around!

Zynn smiled bitterly and said: “Your second uncle is a typical smiling fox, with a knife hidden in his smile and a sword in his mouth. This time I was negligent. He seized the opportunity to cheat me. After I come back, I will make him pay!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2231-2240 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.