The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2721-2740 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2721

Ruoli has always been a little inferior when she grew up.

She had not been accompanied by her father since she was a child, and she grew up to the age of eighteen before she was finally sent to her father as a bodyguard.

After coming to Su’s house, she could see Zynn’s express love for Zhiyu every day, and she was very envious every time she saw it.

She knew that that man was not only Zhiyu’s father, but also her father as well.

But she couldn’t call him father in front of him, and she couldn’t even act like a baby in front of him.

He would show his love as a father only when no one else was present. Once there was a third person around him, he would immediately change back to the face of the Su Family Master.

Therefore, Ruoli admired Zhiyu in particular.

She felt that Zhiyu was a swan who had been loved by thousands of people and was born extremely noble.

And she is nothing more than the ugly duckling in the fairy tale.

And she is only the first half of The Ugly Duckling, there is no chance to become a swan.

The illegitimate daughter is synonymous with the inferior in the upper-class society.

Even if everyone knows that she is the illegitimate daughter of Zynn, they will only look at her with contempt, so there is still a world of difference between herself and Zhiyu.

Now, not only did her sister Zhiyu look down upon her, but she also took the initiative to match her sister, which made Ruoli warm and moved in ecstasy.

So, she took Zhiyu’s hand and cried and said, “Sister, if anyone will bully you in the future, you can tell me, I will vent your anger! I have no other skills, nor have I been involved in anything. Learning, that is, I still have the ability to fight and kill. No matter who bullies you at that time, I will teach them severely for you!

Zhiyu smiled and said: “With you sister, I will feel relieved. Sister is also someone who has super expert protection. If anyone dares to bully your sister, I will ask you for help!

Ruoli nodded vigorously.

Liona on the side hesitated for a moment, and said: “If you are with Charlie in the future, you must properly control your temperament, and don’t always fight and kill as you did before.”

Ruoli nodded in shame, and said with a face of being taught: “Don’t worry, Auntie, I won’t do anything that hurts the world again in the future!

Liona nodded slightly with relief: “After the turmoil in Japan passes, you can live normal again. Change your status and start again.

Ruoli nodded slightly with a dazed expression.

In fact, she knew very well in her heart that referring to the crimes she had committed before, the Japanese would never give up searching for her in this life.

It is impossible to be absolutely safe even after a facelift and a new identity, because her DNA has already been collected when she was arrested, and this is something she can never change.

Ruoli has watched many criminal investigation programs. Many criminals have been at large for more than ten or even twenty years. After such a long period of time, they changed their environment, new identities, and even some people have completely changed their appearance. , But the police still rely on DNA to bring them to justice.

Therefore, she always felt that she had only temporarily escaped from Japan, but that incident might accompany her for life.

Charlie said at this time: “Auntie and Miss Su, you two should stay in the room to rest. I will arrange for someone to take you away in the evening.

Liona said, “Thank you, Charlie.

Charlie smiled slightly: “All should be done.

Zhiyu mustered up the courage and said: “Benevolence!

Charlie looked at her and waited for her to follow.

Chapter 2722

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “Benevolence, can I have your contact information? Liona saw that her daughter mustered up the courage and asked Charlie for contact information. For fear that Charlie would refuse, she hurriedly added: “Oh yes! Charlie, You’d better leave us a contact number, so we can communicate with you if we have anything in the future.

Charlie can see it through, the elder is opening up, it is not good to refuse, pulled out the cell phone and said: “I’ll say my number note it down then.”

Zhiyu embarrassingly said:” Well mine, and Mom’s mobile phone was taken away by your subordinates.

Charlie nodded and said, “In this way, I will ask Mr. Issac to arrange for someone to send the mobile phone back to you, and then let them send you my WeChat ID.

Zhiyu was overjoyed and hurriedly said: “Then you will work hard, benevolent! Liona remembered something at this time, and then said: “By the way, Charlie, at the previous auction, someone never stopped increasing the price to buy the small set that your father lived, you were there, right?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Yes, it was me.

Liona asked curiously, “Why did you let me buy it in the end?”

Charlie shrugged and said, “I thought you needed that house more than me.”

Liona smiled with emotion, and said, “Thank you for showing love.

“It should be.”

After bidding farewell to Liona and Zhiyu temporarily, Charlie took Ruoli and came out of the room of the mother and daughter.

As soon as he left the room, he saw that Issac was already waiting outside. He saw Charlie come out, hurried forward, and respectfully said: “Master, I have already arranged it here. After half an hour, I will send Zynn to the airport, but he is here. There are several other people here who are also under our control. What do you plan to do? Do you want to send them with him?

Charlie waved his hand: “No, if you send them over, doesn’t it mean that you have arranged a few servants for Zynn? Let Zynn go to Syria by himself. When he gets there, he will have to fetch water and eat. He has to shovel the pit by himself so let him go and hone it.

Charlie said again: “As for the other people, just send them all to Kennel.

Issac smiled and said, “Okay young master, I will make arrangements!

Charlie said again, “By the way, I will send you an account later and ask Zynn to remit the promised 100 million U.S. dollars, and then send him away when the money arrives.


Charlie then sent the Swiss bank account number sent by Hamid to Issac. After Issac got it, he went to Zynn as soon as he got it.

Zynn didn’t dare to delay, so he immediately called the group’s overseas financial officer. He asked the other party to remit 100 million U.S. dollars to this account immediately.

Although Zynn is not the owner of the family, he still has the authority to transfer 100 million U.S. dollars. Therefore, the financial officer immediately reported to Hamid after verifying his identity. An account transferred 100 million U.S. dollars.

Ten minutes later, Charlie received a call from Hamid. On the phone, Hamid’s shocked voice was a little incoherent, and he blurted out: “Brother, I just received a call.

Shouldn’t you arrange the remittance of 100 million US dollars?!” Charlie smiled and said calmly, “Well, I arranged it.

Hamid exclaimed: “Brother! What did you send me so much money for?!

Charlie smiled and said: “It’s just a little care, and I have said that, I must support the brother’s career in the future. If my brother is to give a tribute, don’t forget your brother!

Chapter 2723

Hamid did not expect that the huge sum of 100 million U.S. dollars in Charlie’s mouth turned out to be nothing more than the word “little care”.

He was so moved that he even choked in his voice, sobbing and saying, “Brother, you are really my reborn parent. My stumped leg is healed thanks to your magical medicine, but I didn’t expect that you would still support me with such a large sum of funds, I don’t know how to repay your kindness.

Charlie smiled and said: “Acquaintance is destiny. If you and I meet once, it is destiny. Since there is destiny first, I should do something.

After speaking, Charlie said again: “By the way, after you have this money, I don’t know what your plans are?

Hamid said without hesitation: “Brother, let me tell you, since my leg was broken. Until now, my team has lost a lot of talents. I have never had a chance to replenish it. Now I have plenty of funds on hand. I plan to bring the old department together, and increase the size of the team as much as possible. Buy some relatively advanced weapons and equipment, of course, even heavy equipment, mainly for individual combat equipment, as well as upgrades on light equipment. “

Charlie said: “Brother, I advise you not to blindly expand the army at this stage.”

Why?” Hamid asked very puzzledly: “My brother, what do you think?

Charlie said seriously: “The place you are now entrenched can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack, plus the enemy’s weapons and equipment. It’s not very sophisticated, so it’s not so easy to attack you. You blindly expand your army, but it doesn’t make much sense. After a

pause, Charlie continued: “But in my opinion, your biggest problem now is that your defense is relatively weak.

“You have only a few helicopters, one fell-one less; the same is true for armored vehicles, one less one.”

Instead of doing this, you might as well put more effort into infrastructure construction, and do your best to engage in infrastructure construction. Improved defense ability. Come up, then keep a low profile and accumulate your strength!

“Infrastructure?” Hamid asked in surprise: “Brother, what kind of infrastructure can I do in my mountain nest?

Charlie smiled and said, “Of course it is to dig deep holes and accumulate food! After all

, Charlie reminded him again:’I know, although your opponent is stronger than you overall, but they can’t produce any real weapons with great lethality, so at most, they are some old fighters and artillery, which can’t even use missiles, so between you Fighting is not considered modern warfare at all, it can only be regarded as a war model from the 1940s and 50s to the 1960s and 70s.

“If it is modern warfare, your base area will be completely useless. The other side dispatched several sorties of bombers. Or simply launch a few tactical missiles, and it will blow you up directly.

“But fortunately, everyone can’t fight the modernization war, so it makes sense for you to engage in infrastructure construction!”

“Moreover, the more you do this, the more you have to strengthen your own base area!

Chapter 2724

“For example, you can launch the soldiers for the construction of a large number of air-raid shelter in the village, Artillery hole, then purchase a number of mining equipment, in the mountain, the mountain use as cover to build positive fortifications, as well as the inverse slope of fortifications.

” In this way, the others as long as you are bombed, you can hide in the fortifications, and you can minimize the loss whatever the other party hits you with.

“Moreover, once you have the reverse slope fortifications, it will be even more difficult for the opponent to lay down your base area. Even if they can break into your valley, your soldiers can directly cover the entire area with firepower from the reverse slope fortifications halfway up the mountain. The valley, let them come back and forth.

Hamid on the other end of the phone, when he heard these, his eyes lighted up.

Charlie continued at this time:’You strengthen your defenses and turn yourself into an iron bucket. Then they will not be able to defeat you, and then they will definitely give up dealing with you and choose to go to war with other opposition forces, and you, try not to take the initiative to attack, just shrink in your base area, the enemy will come and you will block, the enemy will withdraw and you will raise, In that way, you can not only preserve your strength very well but also have the opportunity to continuously absorb the defeated skirmishers by virtue of your strong defensive ability.”

Hamid said excitedly, “Brother, where do you learn this? Yes? It sounds very reasonable!

Charlie smiled and said: “Learned from my ancestors, let you do a good job in infrastructure and defense construction, and at the same time do not take the initiative to attack. To be king. “

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Let you wait for the stragglers who are armed by other opposition factions. This is called watching the fire from the other side.

Hamid said with emotion: “I can further enhance my defense ability based on the experience taught by my brother, but if my brother’s army asks me for help, then how am I embarrassed to really watch the fire from across the bank?

Charlie laughed and said: “What’s the matter with this? Excuse me? If someone beats someone else, just look at it.

Hamid said embarrassingly: “I’m afraid that will make the entire opposition camp spurned.

Charlie said seriously: “It doesn’t matter to spurn, the most important thing is to survive. We don’t take the initiative to look for things, and we don’t get too close to other opposition parties. We do our best to preserve our strength so that in case the opposing party fails one day, you Here is another hard bone. If the other party can’t chew, then they have a great probability of recruiting you. Once they recruit you, it will be easier to deal with, so that you can negotiate terms with them and change the position. After that, Charlie smiled slightly and said earnestly: “This is called forward and attackable, and retreat and defense.


Hamid was silent on the other end of the phone.

Charlie told these strategies and tactics, which he had never thought of before.

Their current strategic situation is relatively simple. It is nothing more than fighting indiscriminately. As long as they meet, they will definitely fight.

However, most people just pay attention to the present, there is no long-term systematic strategic planning at all.

In contrast, Charlie, although he grew up in a peaceful age and space, he has never seen what war is like, but he has learned various allusions in Chinese history since he was a child and has a certain theoretical basis for various strategies.

Moreover, in the few wars of the nation against foreign enemies, many classic battles were fought, which further highlighted Huaxia’s unique strategic thinking. Therefore, Charlie synthesized his own cognitive foundation and quickly got a better understanding of Hamid’s current situation. A relatively more accurate judgment.

As long as Hamid can implement the strategic instructions of digging deep holes, accumulating food, and slowly becoming king, no matter whether the opposition can succeed or not, he himself has a chance to succeed.

After Hamid heard this, the whole person was greatly inspired, and blurted out: “Brother! After listening to you, I really have a sense of relief! I will arrange for someone to purchase a batch of light industrial and mining equipment, and immediately start working on the main pass and surrounding Build fortifications on the mountain and purchase more weapons, ammunition, food, and medicine, and be prepared to stick to the base for a long time!

Chapter 2725

The relatively slow military development, the relatively weak military strength, and the relatively low military quality are common problems in some small war-torn countries.

There is a huge disparity in economic strength between countries, and the disparity in military strength is even more shocking.

Hamid himself is not from a real military school. In addition, he is in a relatively backward and chaotic environment, so he has no strategic mind at all.

The strategy he can think of is to live as long as possible.

In the encirclement and suppression the previous two days, the reason why he was not wiped out was also due to government intelligence errors. They thought that the village was just a small stronghold, but they didn’t expect it to be Hamid’s base camp, and Hamid’s base is easy to defend. Attack, so it will fail.

However, being easy to defend and difficult to attack does not mean that it cannot be attacked.

The first time it was the opponent despised, but if the opponent prepares and makes a comeback, and Hamid does not care about defending, then there is a high probability that he will be overwhelmed.

Although Charlie and Hamid are still relatively short-lived friends, he doesn’t want to hear the news that he was killed someday.

Besides, Zynn was sent there immediately, if he had just arrived in Syria and did not die in his own hands, but died in the hands of Hamid’s opponent, it would be more or less embarrassing.

After all, Charlie still wanted to keep him for future use.

In case Zhiyu is unable to inherit the Su family, he can still let Zynn come back.

As for what conditions Zynn had to pay by then, all the initiative was in Charlie’s hands.

So in other words, a considerable part of Zynn’s billion dollars is also used to strengthen his personal safety.

But Zynn’s billion dollars was a great favor for Charlie.

Because these billion dollars, and the series of strategic guidance he gave Hamid, are of great significance to Hamid.

Therefore, while being moved, Hamid asked Charlie very modestly: “Brother, I understand the importance of infrastructure, but according to what you said, how should I implement it? Is there a relatively detailed plan?

With that, Hamid said apologetically, “I’m sorry, most of the soldiers under my hand have not read any books, let alone let them make suggestions.”

Charlie smiled and said: “This situation is understandable.”

After that, he further explained: “When I came to your place, I probably observed the topographic features of your place. Except for the relatively narrow entrance to the mountain each in the north and south, the others are almost all surrounded by mountain peaks, at least seven or eight. Is it a mountain?

“Yes!” Hamid hurriedly said, “There are eight mountains in total. The two mountains on the east and west are the highest. The others are relatively short, but they are steeper. Heavy equipment and armored vehicles definitely cannot run over.

Charlie smiled and said: “that could not be better, depending on your situation, you put the infrastructure projects into three phases, the first eight to be in this mountain fortifications built eight positive and eight The reverse slope fortifications, to put it bluntly, are two fortifications on each mountain, one front and one back, and then two frontal fortifications are added separately on the mountainsides on both sides of the north and south entrances.

“The construction of fortifications must be as strong as possible, relying on the structure of the rocky mountain, and then using reinforced concrete to create permanent fortifications to ensure that ordinary gunfire cannot destroy it.

Hamid hurriedly asked: “My brother, what about the second and third stages?

Charlie said: “In the second stage, you must at least double the fortifications. Make sure that at least half of your soldiers can hide directly in the permanent fortifications. In this case, the opponent’s artillery fire and intensive attack, your soldiers can be preserved in the permanent fortifications.”

As for the third stage, you need to ensure that all soldiers can survive in the permanent fortifications for a long time. The fortifications on the mountain can all communicate internally. The permanent fortifications can not only defend and live, but also be used to store strategic materials. After you achieve this, you can sit back and relax!

Chapter 2726

Hamid said without hesitation: “Okay! Just follow these methods!

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly asked again: “Brother, what suggestions and instructions do you have?

Charlie said: “Besides, you still It is necessary to purchase a large amount of food and medicine immediately and store it in a dry and safe environment. For the first time, you must store a total of more than three years of rations!

Hamid exclaimed: “Three years?! So many?! An adult person eats, at least two hundred kilograms of grain a year, for two thousand people, it would be 400 tons, and three years would be 1,200 tons!

Charlie asked, “Then I ask you, how much is 1,200 tons of grain?

Hamid thought for a while, and said: “The current market price is about three hundred dollars per ton of wheat, and 1,200 tons. Including the transportation cost, which is 400,000 dollars. The money is not much, but the point is this. How to store more food? And the food will not taste good after a long time.”

Charlie said helplessly: “Now it is for you to engage in strategic reserves, not for you to eat fresh food every day!

“Think about it, you first keep your three-year rations in your hands, and then purchase supplements according to the actual consumption of the year.

In this way, you will always have an extra three-year ration in your hand!

“And as long as the food is stored properly, it won’t go bad after three years. The climate in the Middle East is relatively dry and it’s easier to store, so you can use it every other year A new batch of grain replaces the oldest batch.”

Using this method, you can guarantee that the food stored in your hand will not last more than three years.”

Once the opponent can’t beat you down, prepare to encircle you, or trap you to death, even if you can’t get any food in, you can still After three years

Charlie concluded: “The principle of weapons, ammunition, and medicine is the same. You must make more arrangements and plan for cycle rotation. You must have strategic reserves in your hands, and you must always prevent the people fighting with you for a long time.

Hamid suddenly realized, and exclaimed: “Brother, I understand! This trick is amazing!

Charlie said helplessly: “What’s so wonderful, this truth, in China, everyone who has studied in elementary school basically knows that you have come to China to study at a loss, why didn’t you learn history of China?,

Hamid is embarrassed. He was ashamed and said: “Hey, I mainly wanted to go to China to get a gold plate. By the way, I could practice Chinese well, but other aspects were really overlooked.”

After speaking, he immediately said: “My brother, I understand what you mean. Yes, the main thing is to do everything possible to use those 100 million US dollars to strengthen defenses. Not only must the fortifications be strengthened, but the defense materials must also be adequately prepared. Don’t worry, I will arrange for people to purchase food, ammunition, and medicine, and also purchase some infrastructure equipment and building materials.

Charlie snorted and said, “In this case, the problem of defense and materials can basically be solved, but there is another problem that needs you to start acting immediately!

Chapter 2727

Hearing that Charlie said that he still has a problem that needs to be dealt with immediately, Hamid hurriedly asked: Brother, what problem are you talking about?

Charlie said: “The last time I came to your place, I found out that your base now all depends on diesel units Power generation.

“Yes. “Hamid said: “Diesel generator sets are fairly convenient to use, but the cost is a bit high.

Charlie said: “This is not a bit high, but rather very high. The cost is at least several times that of coal power!

Hamid said hurriedly: “I have been implementing the strategy of saving electricity here. Basically, I don’t use electricity or use less electricity during the day. Electricity, ordinary soldiers only use electricity for lighting at night, so the overall electricity consumption is not high, and the cost is acceptable.

Charlie retorted: “You just didn’t think about it for a long time. If you have a dozen or even dozens of fortifications in the future, then each fortification needs to be provided a corresponding power system to ensure the lighting, ventilation in the fortifications. Communication, even cooking, if this is the case, your diesel power generation will not be available at all, and the cost of fuel consumption will be very high when running at full power.

When Hamid heard this, he exclaimed: “Oh, I! I even forgot this! But I don’t have any good solutions now. The government army can’t provide electricity to me, and I have no ability to build a thermal power plant, so I can only use diesel generators to generate electricity. Question Charlie said: “Although your area does not have the possibility of developing thermal power, you can try to develop a fixed photovoltaic power generation.

The Middle East itself has sufficient sunlight, and although the construction cost of photovoltaic power generation is relatively high, the subsequent use cost is relatively low. Low maintenance cost. You only need to invest two or three million dollars at a time to build several independent power systems that are powered by solar power and stored by batteries. This way, you can completely get rid of fuel power generation and generate electricity every day. The electricity is enough for your two thousand soldiers to use normally.”

‘Photovoltaic power generation solar panels can be placed directly on the roof, or on the hillside near the internal reverse slope fortifications, which can also prevent enemy damage. Then put your diesel generator set in a safe cellar and only maintain it at ordinary times. Restart in an emergency to provide an emergency power supply. In this case, you are equivalent to having two power supply systems.

Speaking of this, Charlie said earnestly: “Anything, as long as it has something to do with war, you must make an emergency plan. This set is no longer good, and you should change to another set immediately. Only in this way can the chance of survival be improved. In my heart, most of your subordinates do not have any literacy level, and you have not studied the military systematically, so your team itself has a lot of shortcomings from the theoretical basis. If you don’t force yourself to think more and study more, It is difficult to survive the continuous war.

Hamid also realized the importance of Charlie’s words and immediately said: “My brother reminded me! I must strengthen my understanding of this aspect in the future and strive to hurry up. Improve myself!

After finishing speaking, I was busy again: “I will start to work on photovoltaic power generation as soon as possible. 100 million US dollars is a huge sum of money. Many problems can be solved easily. In the future, I will try my best to upgrade all aspects. The transformation must live up to the expectations brother!

Charlie is happy to see Hamid’s attitude, but also a little relieved that he can now do not expect Hamid Monkey worship phase, able to survive had been regarded as the beginning of a success.

Then Charlie remembered something, and then asked him: “By the way, the people under your hand have never read any books. If you really want them to operate infrastructure equipment to build fortifications, can these people do it?

Hamid didn’t even think about it. Said: “It’s definitely not possible to rely on the group of people under my hands. When I mention this, they get angry. I asked them to dig a cellar. They dig a cellar, and they can dig a damn eight. I expect them to build permanent fortifications. Absolutely impossible. While

speaking, he smiled and said:’


I happened to know a friend who was in the construction industry in Iraq. He has many construction workers under his hand. In Iraq, he has long been used to the days of the war. As long as the reward is enough, they won’t even go to the moon to dig a hole. I will contact him in a while and ask him to send someone over as soon as possible!

Charlie said: “It’s good to have this relationship. In fact, the kind of permanent fortifications I’m talking about doesn’t require too much cost, nor does it need too high technical content, you can find a way to find an old Chinese movie “Shangganling” to learn and understand this, for your current situation, this movie is definitely the best teaching material! Because you are also facing a highland war, and there is little difference in weapons and equipment. As long as you can make good use of the high ground, make good use of the tunnels, and the strategic advantages of the reverse slope to build fortifications, even if the enemy’s artillery is extremely powerful, it will be difficult for them to defeat you!

Hamid did not hesitate and said: “Okay! I will find a way to download it over the satellite network and watch it thoroughly brother.

Chapter 2728

Charlie exhorted: “You must take this movie seriously with respect to understanding and learning!

Hamid blurted out, “Don’t worry, my brother! I must study with humility!

Charlie said, “That’s right, When the construction workers you are looking for arrive and start construction, you must choose some clever and alert civil soldiers from your team to help and learn, so that while you can speed up the progress of the project, you can also help Your subordinates learn construction experience, maybe after a period of time, you will be able to pull out an engineering company under your hand!


Hamid said immediately: “I must find a way to form an engineering company!

Charlie again said: “This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise they may not wait for the fortifications to be completed, and your entire army will be dealt with in one fell swoop. “

Hamid busy:” I will start to do it today, the fortifications before that, let me keep a low-key.


Charlie said with satisfaction: “

US $400,000 for grain, US$1 million for canned food with a shelf life of more than two years, and US$1 million for medicines and consumables, and US$3 million for photovoltaic power generation. , 20 million U.S. dollars to hoard guns and ammunition, and another 40 million U.S. dollars to build permanent fortifications. The remaining money can be used as a reserve and used flexibly. Basically, you can increase your overall strength by more than one level. Get it right!”

After Hamid thanked Charlie so much for his kindness, he hung up the phone and immediately began to study the specific plan of infrastructure construction, and at the same time coordinated various resources to prepare for the start. At this moment, Issac and Ruoli next to Charlie. They looked at him with shock.

Ruoli couldn’t understand why Charlie suddenly instructed others how to fight a war on the phone. After all, this was a peaceful age. War was too far away from ordinary people, and she didn’t know Charlie went to Syria.

As for Issac, he was shocked and speechless.

He was puzzled and couldn’t help but wonder: “I really don’t understand why the young master should help that Hamid? Does the young master want to develop in the Middle East in the future?!

Chapter 2729

Charlie himself knows that a truly high-return investment is no different from gambling.

The risk is high, but once the bet is won, the profit is even greater.

Now that he makes a moderate investment in Hamid, it is almost equivalent to his mother’s investment in those just-starting Internet companies in Silicon Valley.

Investing in them at this time only needs to pay a small price, and once they succeed in the future, they will be able to reap huge returns.

Although Hamid’s armed forces are not a company, he is also a project with great development potential. If it succeeds, there will be inexhaustible benefits. Therefore, it is for him to invest more energy and give him more advice and support. Invest in the future.

Moreover, this investment is nothing more than a blood-saving pill and some strategic experience, and the 100 million US dollars of real money, which is all sponsored by the Su family.

Once Hamid is engaged, he will have a return period of at least several decades in the future.

So Charlie didn’t explain to the two of them anymore, but said to Ruoli: “Ruoli, your current identity is still too sensitive to allow you to leave freely for the time being, and you are still wronged to stay here during this period of time.

Ruoli said without hesitation: “I will obey all the arrangements of the master!

While speaking, Ruoli still had a sad look in her eyes.

Charlie saw the sadness in her eyes, and remembered that she had been here for a long time. If nothing else, she must have missed her mother very much.

Moreover, her mother gave birth to her in October when she was pregnant by herself, and then dragged her up. Now that she is unclear about her life or death, her mother must be very worried.

After thinking about it, Charlie opened his mouth and said: Ruoli, you have cut off contact with the outside world for so long, your mother must be very worried about you, right?

Ruoli looked very gloomy when she heard this, and nodded gently: “I miss her She must still be looking for me everywhere. If she doesn’t find my body, she can’t believe that I’m really dead.’

Charlie nodded and said, “Let’s do it, you give me your mother’s contact information, and I will let someone bring your mother to Aurous Hill. Then you can meet your mother.

Ruoli was immediately surprised. Asked:’My dear Master ! Do you really want me to meet my mother?!

Charlie nodded and said, “Of course, you will meet again, but you still have to make sure that the news of your life is not leaked to other people. At most, only your mother will be allowed. People know, so you can’t let you take the initiative to contact your mother.”

Otherwise, if your mother knows that you are alive, emotional, suddenly uncontrollable, and then tell other people, once the news leaks out, it will be very troublesome if it reaches the Japanese.”

“With their perseverance to catch you, they will definitely apply for extradition to Japan for trial.”

Of course, Ruoli understands Charlie’s caution, so she hurriedly said, “Then, what do you think?

Charlie said. “I asked Mr. Issac to invite your mother over in the name of the Wade family, but I won’t tell her about you. When she comes, I will take her to meet you directly. What do you think?

Ruoli said with red eyes: “My dear master, as long as I can see my mother, if she leaves, I will be satisfied! If it is really inconvenient, even just make a phone call.”

Charlie smiled and said: “It is better to let your mother come to Aurous Hill without knowing you are alive. That way it will be more controllable. If she has enough time, she can stay here with you for a while. We can claim that she is here to talk to me about cooperation. After all, I heard that when you had an accident, Su family completely turned his face with He family. At this time she can come to me to talk about cooperation, and it will not arouse other people’s suspicion.

Ruoli nodded and said excitedly: “Thank you, benefactor! Then everything has been arranged through hard work!

Chapter 2730

Charlie looked at Issac and said, “Mr. Issac, you will remember Ruoli’s mother’s contact information in a moment, and first communicate with her in the name of the Wade family to see if she is willing to come over, if she is not interested in cooperating with me. Interested, tell her that the young master of the Wade family wanted to talk to her about dealing with the Su family together.

Issac hurriedly said: “OK young master, I will implement this later.

Charlie turned to look at Ruoli and said, “Ruoli, give Mr. Issac your contact information, and then go back to the room to rest.

“OK, Master!

Northeast Desert City at this moment.

This small town is one of the coldest places in China.

Even though it is the end of the first month, the minimum temperature in Mocheng still reaches minus 17 -18 degrees, almost the same as the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

During the coldest time of the winter, the temperature here can reach about minus fifty degrees.

The He family, one of the four major martial arts families in China, took root in this county-level city with a population of less than 100,000.

The ancestors of the He family were not native Mocheng people.

They originated from the Jiaodong Peninsula. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, they were well-known martial arts families on the Jiaodong Peninsula. Their ancestors have always lived by playing darts and running martial arts schools.

However, at that time, the He family mainly practiced outside martial arts, so they were far from the level of the martial arts family.

Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, when the Jiaodong peninsula was turbulent, when the He elder and his family broke through the Guandong, by chance, they obtained a fragment scroll of the inner family boxing method.

The reason why it is said to be a fragmented scroll is mainly that nearly half of its content has long been lost. There are many defects in both the boxing method and the corresponding mental method.

But even so, after the He family moved to the northeast, they relied on this incomplete inner family boxing technique to rank among the martial arts family.

Moreover, the inner family boxing method that the He family got is very incomplete, so when the family is training hard, the internal force is often disturbed and the meridians are reversed. Once this happens, it can be severely injured for several months. The martial arts was completely abolished, and many younger generations even died as a result.

Therefore, the He family gradually came up with a response plan, which is to practice this internal martial art in extremely cold places as much as possible. The extremely cold weather helps to better control the internal force, thereby reducing the probability of accidents.

Because of this, the He family moved to the coldest desert city in China a few decades ago, and then took root here.

Ruoli spent her childhood and entire teenage years here, and her mother, Roma, had been living here since she broke her arm to save Zynn and rarely left Mocheng.

However, in the recent period, Roma has been running outside for almost half of the time.

At first, when Ruoli was arrested in Japan, she heard Zynn say that he would save Ruoli, and went to Japan to see Ruoli in person, so that she could rest assured to wait for her to return home.

Unexpectedly, the news that Ruoli was missing and that Old Su betrayed Ruoli soon came out.

Since then, Roma spent most of her time in Japan looking for Ruoli’s whereabouts.

Although she knew it was a needle in a haystack, she still tried her best to search for a long time in Tokyo and surrounding areas, and then spent huge sums of money to hire search and rescue ships to search in the Japanese waters, and even search in coastal areas in China, but she never found any relevant clues.

She had just returned from the southeast coast the day before yesterday. This time she ran through several key port cities, and still hadn’t heard any news of anyone sneaking ashore.

She knew very well that the longer time was delayed, the less likely it was that Ruoli would survive.

So, she discussed with her father Luther He and planned to raise some more funds, and then search the coastal areas of the Jiaodong Peninsula to see if she could find Ruoli’s whereabouts.

Chapter 2731

In this regard, Luther He, the head of the He family and Roma’s father, was a little embarrassed, and said: “Roma, your eldest brother has talked to me these days when you went to the southeast coast.

Roma hurriedly asked: “Dad, eldest brother will talk to you What’s the matter?”

Luther sighed and said: In order to find Ruoli, our He family has sent out most of the manpower and various expenses during this period of one or two billion. There is still no news, which has delayed these children’s practice. Not to mention, our He family has now turned their faces with the Su family and lost the source of income. If we continue to look for her, the economic gap will become bigger and bigger.

Speaking of this, Luther continued helplessly: “The family is only for the children. The medicinal materials we prepare for practice cost three to five million a month. With so many people and so many mouths to eat and drink, the cost is even higher. Although I also want to find Ruoli, I continued to look for her. Going down, as the head of the family, I can’t explain to other people!

Roma lowered her head slightly.

She also knew in her heart that it was impossible for the He family to keep investing in finding Ruoli’s whereabouts.

After all, the family as a whole is not a wealthy and rich family, and the daily expenses are huge. Some time ago, she invested a lot of money to find Ruoli, which made her feel very guilty. Although she felt sorry for her daughter and wanted to find her as soon as possible, she couldn’t bear it. Drag the He family into the quagmire.

So she said to Luther: Dad, I understand what you said, otherwise, I will go find her myself.

Luther sighed, “If you find yourself, it will be a psychological comfort at best. You know, finding her is like finding a needle in a haystack. We have hired so many people and so many boats, and the cost per day is tens of millions. , But still can’t find any clues, what use is it if you go alone ?” Roma fell silent all at once.

Luther hesitated for a moment, and said helplessly: “If it really doesn’t work, you should go to Zynn. If Ruoli was betrayed by Su family, even if he did not participate directly, he would have to bear certain responsibilities. We will not talk to them now. Right or wrong, let them put out a certain amount of funds and resources to find Ruoli.

Roma said with a complicated expression: “Dad, I don’t want to meet Zynn anymore.

Luther asked in surprise: “If you leave this matter, just forget it with the Su family?!”

Roma smiled bitterly, and said:’”Zynn is nothing but the puppet that the old man of the Su family, he will come and go. It can’t solve any problem with him, and the old man Su’s style is cold and cruel. Liona was the second lady of the Du family, and the old man did not let her go. If I go Talk to the Su family for an explanation, for fear that the whole He family will be implicated.

Luther said with helpless emotion: “The shamelessness of the Su family is indeed far beyond my cognition. Now Chengfeng’s reputation has been completely ruined. I am afraid that he will be more smashed in the future, and he will have to take care of his face before. It may be completely shameless in the future.

After that, he said again: “We have broken with the Su family now and have lost the biggest source of income. We still have to find a new master as soon as possible. Although the martial arts family has a good reputation, But I don’t have the ability to make money. I can only rely on a big family that is willing to spend money. What do you think about this?

Roma shook her head and said, “Dad, let me tell you, what I think of every day is If I leave, I can’t concentrate any energy on other things. I’m running around these days and I don’t even have the energy to think about what to eat for a meal. Every time I feel hungry and exhausted, it’s directly within my sight. Find the nearest restaurant, and use the fastest time to fill up my stomach.

After speaking, she bowed apologetically and said, “Dad, I can’t help you during this time. Please forgive me.

Luther and nodded. , Comfortingly said: “You don’t have to blame yourself too much, I understand this kind of thing very well.

When it comes to this, he can’t help but sigh, and said: “It’s just that you are the only one in the family who sees the problem relatively deeply. Your brothers see the martial arts practice. With well-developed limbs and a simple mind, coupled with the fact that he hasn’t read any books, the understanding of the problem is indeed a bit superficial for him.

Roma asked, “Dad, do you have any general plans now?

Chapter 2732

Luther said: “I probably thought about it. I still put the main family of cooperation within the scope of Eastcliff. There are many large Eastcliff families. In addition to the Su family, there are also the Wade family and the Gu family. In family cooperation. After all, the enemy’s enemy is a friend. I believe the Du family must have such a plan. Liona’s existence is unclear, no one knows whether she is alive or dead.

They cannot suffer from this dumb loss. Roma nodded, forced herself to think for a moment, and said: ‘Dad, these three families are very strong. If they can cooperate, it’s great, but I still don’t recommend cooperating with the Du family.

Luther hurriedly asked, “Why?

Roma said: “The Du family is in a special situation, not just for the future generations. It’s not bad, and there are people in high positions, so even if they are extremely dissatisfied with the Su family, they are unlikely to cooperate with our martial arts family. If it is spread out, it will affect their reputation, and it is not easy to explain to the outside world.”

Luther suddenly realized, he blurted out: “No wonder! I always feel that the Su family is a bit unlucky now. The ocean transportation business is so large and strong, but the license is suddenly revoked. It seems that it is probably the work of the Du family.

Yes. Roma said: “The Du family will definitely choose reasonable and legal methods. Even if they use the rules of the game, they must be within the scope of reasonable and legal limits. But in their eyes, we martial arts families are walking in the marginal gray area of ​​society. These people, will definitely draw a clear line with us.

Luther nodded and said: “I understand, it seems that I still have to find a breakthrough in Wade family and Gu family only!

After finishing speaking, he stood up and said: “Roma, in this way, I will give you another private transfer. Ten million, you go to the Jiaodong Peninsula and look for a piece of news or sign again. If you still can’t find Ruoli this time, Dad suggests that you also face the reality appropriately. If she is still missing, you can’t watch yourself and the whole He family languish!

Roma nodded gratefully and choked up: Dad, thank you!

Luther waved his hand and exhorted: Don’t tell your brothers about this, do you understand?

“I understand Dad!

Just as Roma finished speaking, the phone rang suddenly.

A strange number with Aurous Hill extension.

She was a little surprised, but still pressed the answer button, and said, “Hello, who is it?

At the end of Issac’s polite call, “Is it Ms. Roma He?

” “It’s me, who are you?”

Issac hurriedly said: “Hello, Ms. He, let me introduce myself. My surname is Issac Craven. I am the person in charge of the Wade family in Aurous Hill.

“People from the Wade family?!” Roma- she was so shocked that she couldn’t say anything. She was talking to her father about the Wade family, and even her father wanted to get on the line with the Wade family. and their representative is contacting her himself!

Chapter 2733

Hearing that it was a call from the Wade family, not only Roma couldn’t believe it, but Luther on the side was also shocked.

Just when Roma was surprised, Issac asked: “Ms. He, is it convenient to speak now?”

Roma recovered and hurriedly replied: “Convenient, please say.

Issac smiled and said, “That’s it. On behalf of our young master, I would like to invite Ms. He to meet and have a chat. I don’t know if Ms. He has time to

meet? Roma asked puzzledly: “I don’t know what your young master wants to talk to me?

Issac said, “Of course it’s a chat. We have scope for cooperation. Our young master hopes to discuss with you whether the Wade family and the He family have the opportunity to develop in-depth cooperation.

Roma suddenly hesitated. She was planning to go to the coast of the Jiaodong Peninsula to find clues about her daughter. At this time, there was really no thought that she wants to talk to the young master of the Wade family about cooperation.

But when she thought of the special situation of the family, she needed to find a strong attachment, so she hurriedly said: “Mr. Issac, when and where does your young master want to meet? ?If you allow time, can I let other people from the He family come to meet him?”

Issac said: “Our young master is now in Aurous Hill. The sooner you meet, the better, but if it’s someone else, let’s forget. The young master called for an interview with Ms. He specifically.

When Roma heard this, her face suddenly became embarrassed.

She is going to Jiaodong Peninsula, but Aurous Hill is in another direction, so if she agrees to go to Aurous Hill, she will inevitably delay the plan and itinerary to find her daughter.

However, her father Luther hurriedly winked at her and signaled that she must agree to it.

Seeing her father’s face full of nervousness and expectation, Roma struggled for a while, and had to say: “Well, then, since Master Wade thinks of me so much, then I will come to Aurous Hill to see him.

After that, she asked hurriedly: “I am in Mocheng. The nearest airport is hundreds of kilometers away from me, and there should be no direct flight to Aurous Hill from there. If the fastest is possible, I might be able to reach Aurous Hill tomorrow. May I ask Will Master Wade have time tomorrow?

Issac said: “If Ms. He is convenient, I can arrange a private jet to pick you up.

After a pause, Issac said again: “Let’s do it, Madam He, you give me your current address. I will arrange for a helicopter to take off from the nearest airport to pick you up, and then arrange a private jet to wait at the airport, and the helicopter will drop you there. After arriving at the airport, the private jet should be there. At that time, you can directly take the jet to Aurous Hill. If you hurry, you will be here tonight.

“So anxious?!” Roma suddenly wondered.

She didn’t understand. She can’t figure out why Young Master Wade is so anxious to see her.

Even if he really wants to reach a cooperation with her family, there is no need to rush in such a hurry.

Because according to Issac’s plan, the transport alone to pick her up and drop her at Aurous Hill. The cost of millions.

First, the helicopter has to fly a total of seven or eight hundred kilometers back and forth, and then the private jet has to fly more than 5,000 kilometers back and forth. This is really a big move.

But for Roma, this time schedule couldn’t be more appropriate. Because she originally planned to go to the Jiaodong Peninsula, even if she departs today, drive a few hundred kilometers to the airport at night, and the airport is not big, there are no more than ten flights at the end of the day, so she will definitely not be able to leave at night, so she can only buy it for next day. Tomorrow morning’s plane will fly to Eastcliff first, and after arriving at Eastcliff at noon, then transfer to Jiaodong Peninsula.

Chapter 2734

In this case, it will be tomorrow afternoon at the earliest to reach the Jiaodong Peninsula.

However, if she can go to Aurous Hill first tonight and have a chat with Young Master Wade about cooperation, no matter what the cooperation talks are, she should be able to depart from Aurous Hill to Jiaodong Peninsula tomorrow morning.

Aurous Hill is very close to the Jiaodong Peninsula, and it takes just over an hour by high-speed rail.

Therefore, not only will this not affect her original plan, it will even be faster.

So she agreed without hesitation and politely said: “I have no problem here, but I have to trouble you to arrange the itinerary there.

Issac smiled and said: “These are all trivial matters. Ms. He will give me the detailed address. Just to mention, I arranged for the helicopter to come there first.


After Roma gave Issac the specific address of the He’s family, the two said goodbye to each other and hung up the phone.

As soon as the phone hung up, Luther couldn’t help but said excitedly: “This is really sleepy and someone will pass a pillow! Just I was looking for an opportunity to see if I could connect with the Wade family or the Gu family, but the Wade family’s phone came over!

Roma nodded, but she couldn’t figure it out, and said in confusion, “Dad, I don’t understand. Why did the Wade family take the initiative to approach us?

Luther blurted out: “It must be against the Su family, so they thought of coming to win us!

Roma shook her head and said, “In my impression, the Wade family has always been to the martial arts family. There is no high requirement.

Luther waved his hand: “There was no before, it doesn’t mean that they can’t have it now. Maybe people just want to win over the martial arts family and improve their overall strength?

“It’s not quite right.” Roma said seriously:’ ‘After the accident in the Su family, the major families have actually converged a lot. Before, they were able to pass the martial arts family and make small moves behind their backs, but now they dare not mess around, so it seems that the Wade family shouldn’t be suddenly at this time want to win us over.

With that, Roma said again: “Besides, I still have something I don’t understand.”

Luther hurriedly asked: “What’s the matter?

Roma said, “The caller Issac asked me to go to Aurous Hill to see their young master, but shouldn’t the Wade family be in Eastcliff? Even if they have power in Aurous Hill, they are not from Aurous Hill. In terms of size, this kind of second-tier city shouldn’t need a Wade family master to sit, right?

Luther frowned and asked her: “Do you think there is fraud in this?”

Roma shook her head and said: ‘There is a fraud or not. I can’t talk about it, I just think it’s weird, it doesn’t seem to make sense, and even if the Wade family wants to talk to us, they shouldn’t find me. Since I lost an arm, I haven’t been out for publicity. Many people don’t even know my identity, how did they contact me directly, and they said my name, their young master just wanted to cooperate with me?

Luther was also a little puzzled, muttering to himself: “It sounds like it’s not true. It’s too reasonable. Why don’t you call back and ask?

Roma thought for a while, and said, “Forget it, I’ll go and have a look. If I think about it, it can’t be a trap. I really can’t think of anyone. Deal with me deliberately.”

After speaking, she said again: “When I arrive at night, I will talk to their young masters first, and then try to get a result, so that I will take the first high-speed train to Jiaodong tomorrow morning. It’s faster to set off to Jiaodong.”

Yeah!” Luther nodded and said: “If you have any circ*mstances then, please contact me in time!”

Chapter 2735

When Issac mobilized resources to pick up Roma from Northeast Desert City to Aurous Hill, Zynn was escorted on a plane by Issac’s men and flew to Syria.

At the same time, Hamid, who was far away in Syria, also began to mobilize his own soldiers, preparing to follow Wade’s points to strictly implement the nine-character policy of digging deep holes, accumulating grain, and slowly becoming king.

His friend in the construction industry in Iraq heard Hamid say that he could give a 50% project premium, and he was willing to pay five million dollars in advance. He did not hesitate to stop his late payment in Iraq. The project, with a bunch of construction workers who want to make money, hurried to Syria.

Chengfeng didn’t know that his son had already started a journey westward.

He knew that Zynn was looking for a chance to meet Ito Takehiko today, so he waited for good news in the villa.

And Pollard, who is teaching at Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics, has been suffering from extreme anxiety all morning.

He has been following reports on the eight hostages in Syria, but what makes him feel very nervous is that there is no latest development of any public reports on this matter.

It’s not that the local media didn’t report it, but the opposition, who had taken the hostages, didn’t even speak up.

According to the previous public statements of the opposition, if the US embassy does not pay 80 million US dollars, now they will kill the prisoners one by one at a certain time interval.

It stands to reason that once the opposition and the U.S. embassy talk to no avail, they must kill the hostages to put pressure on the U.S. embassy, ​​but they went silent and did not release any more information. This is really counterintuitive.

Pollard was also worried about Charlie’s safety and whether he could bring his daughter back.

After all, there was a raging war there, and if it went to Charlie alone, it would be difficult for him to easily rescue his daughter.

But he didn’t know that Charlie had already brought his daughter back to Aurous Hill as early as dawn.

At this moment, his daughter Melba is in a dream.

Life in Syria during this period was very difficult, and after being captured, there was a lot of fear, psychological and mental pressure.

Now she finally returned to the peaceful and calm Huaxia, lying on the soft and comfortable big bed of the five-star hotel, which made her completely relax physically and mentally, so she slept very firmly.

Charlie told Issac to contact Roma, and he strolled to the commercial area of ​​the Shangri-La Hotel.

This kind of top-star hotel has very complete commercial facilities.

Many top luxury brands prefer to cooperate with five-star hotels.

Because in their opinion, consumers who live in five-star hotels generally have relatively strong spending power, which completely overlaps with their customer groups of luxury goods.

Therefore, many Chanel, Hermes, and Dior stores are opened in five-star hotels.

Charlie came here alone, not just rushing to go shopping freely, but planning to buy new clothes for Melba.

When he saw Melba in a cellar in Syria yesterday, the clothes she wore were so dirty that the original color was not visible.

After all, they were arrested as prisoners of war, so in this case, it is difficult to guarantee a decent dress.

However, at noon, he planned to take Melba directly to Aurous Hill College of Finance and Economics and give her father a surprise.

Since it is to give a surprise, his daughter must be delivered to him intact and clean.

If Melba wears something like a beggar and goes there, let alone how Pollard feels after seeing her, the key is that the security guards of Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics may not let her in.

Charlie came to the commercial area and bought Melba a high-end customized garment in the Chanel store.

The style of a high-end fashion brand like Chanel is slightly luxurious, and the style of clothes is more glamorous and s3xy. Charlie chose an off-white dress casually.

Chapter 2736

Chanel’s dress is in the style of the British royal princess. The lower body is a knee-length skirt, while the upper body is a long-sleeved small suit style, which is quite a luxurious celebrity style.

The reason why he chose this kind of clothes is mainly that the weather is still a bit cold now. This kind of spring and autumn clothes is just right.

Although the skirt of this dress is very long, if you wear it with bare legs, it will definitely be a bit cold, so Charlie bought another black base stockings.

After choosing the size based on Melba’s height in his impression, he was about to pay the bill and leave. He suddenly remembered that the pair of sneakers worn by this woman yesterday was too dirty, so he bought her another pair of size 37, White fashion leather shoes.

He didn’t know if this size was right for her, but it didn’t matter. If it wasn’t appropriate, let Melba make do with it. It was better than wearing the clothes that had been on the battlefield.

Carrying the newly bought clothes and shoes, Charlie accidentally discovered that there were several dummy models wearing the only und3rwear in the window of the next store.

He just remembered that he hadn’t bought und3rwear for her yet.

You don’t have to think about it. Melba has been tossing for so long and finally arrived in the room in the morning. She must be exhausted. Therefore, it is most likely that she will go to bed immediately after taking a shower. She can’t have time to wash her und3rwear out and dry them all.

That means that when she is going to see her dad, she doesn’t have clean und3rwear to replace.

Therefore, Charlie simply walked in.

After entering, he discovered that this turned out to be a high-end l!ngerie shop.

The salesperson inside is female, and the few customers who are hanging out in the store are also female.

Seeing Charlie, a big man, came to visit the l!ngerie shop alone, everyone looked at him with a strange look.

Charlie also knew that it was indeed a bit inappropriate to run here alone, so he planned to make a quick deal, pointed directly at a black lace und3rwear worn by a model, and said: “Come on, please give me this.

The saleswoman was a little embarrassed, yet said: “Sir, you want to do what size?

Size?” Charlie frowned, recalled, opening: “probably about 1 meter 7 tall, slim.

Ok. The salesperson nodded, and then asked, “Then what cup shape is your girlfriend’s upper b0dy?

Charlie heard what she meant, and thought: “What cup shape Melba is, how do I know? I didn’t touch it. But, besides, she didn’t tell me.”

“Moreover, when I saw her, she was wearing outdoor sportswear with anti-war slogans. The clothes were relatively loose and looked like she didn’t have much che$t.

So he scratched his head and said: “Well, I don’t know what the specific cup is, but it should not be too big.” The salesperson also said with a bit of embarrassment: “That should be the A cup, wait a minute, I Help you match the size.

Charlie said without hesitation: “Okay! Hurry up! The salesperson took out two pieces of und3rwear neatly stacked in the packaging bag from the small warehouse at the back, and asked Charlie:” Sir, do you want to open it and take a look? Check for flaws or thread ends.

Charlie is ashamed to check women’s und3rwear in front of so many people and hurriedly said: “No need, just pack it for me. Come on, pay, do you swipe me, or I swipe you?”

The sales clerk said hurriedly: “Wait a minute, I will sweep you!

Then the sales clerk skillfully puts the und3rwear into the bag, and then scanned the code for settlement.

After checking out, Charlie ran out carrying the bag without waiting for the receipt.

The salesperson looked at Charlie’s back, then looked at the back of the dummy model, and muttered: “I didn’t expect this handsome guy to be so decent, and he would come alone to buy such explicit T-shaped und3rwear for his girlfriend.

Chapter 2737

For women, silk stockings are absolutely indispensable und3rwear, not only can set off the figure and temperament but also can be used for warmth.

A few years ago, women were rarely seen wearing skirts in winter, because the premise of wearing skirts is to ensure the temperature of the legs, but it is a little weird to wear skirts on the upper body and pants on the lower body, while the upper body wears a skirt. Wearing long trousers is even more exotic. It was not until the popularization of leggings and bottoming stockings that this problem was solved.

However, although silk stockings have become very common, Melba has never received silk stockings from men.

This feeling is more or less subtle.

But she knew very well in her heart that Charlie was showing an expression of care and consideration, otherwise she might really have to wear a dress with bare legs.

She picked up the dress, put it on her body, walked to the mirror, and gestured, looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn’t help but sigh: “Mr. Wade bought the size that looks very fit, the style is also very beautiful, and the vision is really good.

She put down her dress and saw another Chanel bag and a shoebox, so she hurriedly opened the shoe box and found that it was a pair of very delicate white fashion leather shoes, so she couldn’t wait to take it out and try it on her feet.

After trying it, she was even more surprised to find that: “These shoes are not too big or too small. They are really well-fitting. Don’t know how Mr. Wade had such a precise judgment. Is it the result of visual inspection? If it is, then the visual inspection is too accurate.

Thinking of this, she felt a little bit more unusually moved towards Charlie.

When she thought that Charlie was still waiting for her and her father was even more anxious about her situation, Melba didn’t dare to think about it anymore, and quickly got ready to dress and go out.

But when she took off her bathrobe, she suddenly realized that she didn’t even have clean und3rwear to replace

when she arrived at the hotel this morning. She was so tired that she fell asleep on the soft floor of the living room almost the next minute.

In the end, because the body was really dirty, she took a shower forcibly. After the washing, she was so tired that she couldn’t open her eyes, so she fell asleep and fell asleep without thinking about washing und3rwear at all.

Thinking of this, she was very annoyed, and she muttered with self-blame: “Melba, Melba, you are so stupid, why haven’t you thought about washing your und3rwear clean and replacing it? What should I do now, I can’t wear dirty und3rwear anymore. Well, that’s too disgusting.

“But ah,

but I have to wear it. I can’t let Mr. Wade buy me an und3rwear. It’s too hard to tell.

When Melba didn’t know what to do, she suddenly found out that package Among the huge Chanel shopping bags, there is a small pink handbag.

She hurriedly picked up the handbag, only to realize that the brand logo on the bag turned out to be a brand specializing in high-end women’s und3rwear.

“Could it be that this is the und3rwear Mr. Wade bought for me?”

Chapter 2738

When she thought of this, Melba’s face was red immediately reached the base of her neck. Charlie bought her a base stocking, which already made her feel very embarrassed, but how could she have thought that he even bought und3rwear for her.

“Even such a close-fitting und3rwear. ” Mr. Wade had to buy clothes for her, which was too shameful for a while.

Melba was very complicated.

On the one hand, she was relieved because there was a solution, but on the other hand, because of the special nature of this matter, she was ashamed to want to plunge into the ice water.

After a while, reality prevailed in her struggling heart. She said to herself: “Anyway, at least the problem of und3rwear is solved. After this matter, I will pretend not to know, and never will Mr. Wade.

Just when she thought of this, she mustered up the courage and opened the pink package.

The package is opened, and lying inside are two individually wrapped plastic bags.

Melba looked at the two pure black clothes with lace edges, and her embarrassed face became hot.

Although she guessed it must be und3rwear, she didn’t expect it to be black with lace.

In fact, Melba never wears such fancy and somewhat over-the-top und3rwear. She is a pragmatist. She likes to wear close-fitting clothes with solid colors and skin-friendly fabrics. After all, in her opinion, comfort is the most important thing.

However, right now Charlie bought them all, and there was no other choice, so she could only bite the bullet and open it, thinking: Anyway, let’s dress first and go out. Her personal belongings are in the United States and some luggage.

The clothes are all in Syria. She didn’t bring anything when she returned home. She could only purchase and purchase in bulk after she met her father. “

Immediately, she blushed and opened one of the und3rwear Charlie bought for her.

This is a piece of clothing worn on the upper body, so the first thing Melba does after opening it is to look at the size.

She usually doesn’t like to wear clothes that show her figure, so it is easy to be mistaken for a flat figure, but in fact, at 1.7 meters tall, she has a super hot figure. The front and back curls are just basic, the ubiquitous s-shape. The curve is not less than those supermodels.

It is also because Melba’s figure is really too hot. Since going to college, she has always attracted some nasty suitors because of her good body, and even many people are like dog skin plasters. Her study and life have brought a huge impact, so she has never worn any clothes that can highlight her figure since then.

For example, in summer, wear loose clothes as much as possible, and never wear skirts above the knees, so as not to show slenderness of her legs.

In winter, she dressed herself up very bloated, and she couldn’t see the bulging and curves of her figure.

Charlie was fooled. Melba seemed to have no body, so she expected her ch3st out of stock, he bought the smallest cup directly.

However, the real situation of Melba must be at least two sizes larger than it.

Chapter 2739

Therefore, when she tried on the dress that Charlie bought, she was speechless to the extreme, and she couldn’t help but mumbled: “Is my figure hidden so well? 、So easy to be underestimated. How can people wear it hard?

I am afraid that I will be strangled. Thinking of this, she couldn’t help sighing and thinking: “It must be because I have always been subjectively unwilling to show my body, so Mr. Wade has caused such a big error and prejudice. It seems that this will not be possible in the future. Otherwise, he thinks I am a Taiping princess.

Melba sighed, then looked at the dress in front of her and decided to grit her teeth and wear it first.

Afterward, she opened the other bag and took out the clothing that was as thin as a cicada’s wings.

She held the piece of clothing with both hands and took a look, she screamed, and subconsciously threw the piece of clothing out, and then immediately covered her hot face, and her heart rate was almost twice as fast as before.

“Oh Gosh,” how could Melba touch her hot face, and muttered in shame, “Why would Mr. Wade buy this kind of clothes for me? It’s too explicit.

” Isn’t he unintentional, but before buying clothes, he must be sure, has he seen the style, doesn’t he see that this kind of clothes is too explicit?

Or, he did it on purpose, but why did he deliberately buy this kind of und3rwear for me? Is it a deliberate prank, or has a certain nasty taste?

Melba feels like this whole person strange, look at that piece of clothing that was thrown on the floor, she is almost certain that in this life will not wear something so disgusting

, however, soon put her mind to the idea of just relaxing and overthrow.

“not If you wear this, there is no solution. Wearing dirty, or simply not wearing it is really unacceptable.

“It seems that this is just barely acceptable.”

Thinking of this, she didn’t even bother to speculate on Charlie’s motives, gritted her teeth, and picked up the piece of clothing she had thrown away again.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell in Charlie’s room rang.

He opened the door, and the one standing outside the door was indeed a completely new Melba.

Putting on Chanel’s customized dress, paired with leggings and white leather shoes, Melba feels a bit noble and reserved.

In fact, her dress was worn by the commoner princess in Europe, who had been very popular some time ago, in public, showing her temperament and taste.

But, who would know that Melba’s reserved and noble dress turned out to be a set of und3rwear that made her feel very ashamed.

Charlie didn’t know what was going on inside. Seeing that she was dressed very appropriately, he couldn’t help but say with a little sullenness: “Oh, it seems that I have a good vision. This dress is a perfect match for you, and it looks very sized.

Melba’s face immediately blushed to her neck.

Chapter 2740

Melba thought: “The outside is really suitable, but the inside is not suitable at all. I don’t know if you are intentional or unintentional. If you are unintentional and you can say it, if you have the intention, then you are too funny.”

Furthermore, the clothes on the upper body were obviously too small, and she was struck out of breath,

but she would never say such words.

So she nodded awkwardly and said, “Great Master, the clothes and shoes fit well.

Charlie nodded, with some doubts in his heart, his clothes and shoes fit, and he didn’t know whether his und3rwear fits or not.

However, this kind of question can’t be asked, so he simply turned off the topic and said to her: It’s getting late, let’s go.

“OK” Melba nodded gently.

Charlie asked Issac to send a car key, and he drove Melba to University from the Shangri-La.

On the way, Melba had been looking around curiously before, especially when she went to the center of Aurous Hill, she couldn’t help but said: “Aurous Hill is only a second-tier city, how can it be developed so well? It looks like an international metropolis.

Charlie smiled and said, “China has been developing at a high speed over the years. In addition to the first-tier cities, there are also largely approved first-tier cities. Aurous Hill is now considered to be a quasi-first-tier city.

Melba nodded and said with emotion: “I used to think Aurous Hill was not good enough. It’s a medium-sized city, and I didn’t expect it to develop so well. It seems that the domestic situation is indeed very different from what the media portrays.

Charlie smiled and said, “That’s natural. Western media are all lemon essence, which is sour all day long.

Melba agrees and said: “It is true. They like to report the smearing content every day when it comes to regions outside.”

As she said, Melba felt that she was strangling more and more uncomfortable. Thinking about the shameful style, she couldn’t help but feel a little depressed, so she deliberately said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, do you often buy und3rwear for your girlfriend?

Charlie never thought Melba suddenly talked about this, and while embarrassed, he also replied smoothly: “How could it be possible, today is the first time.”

Melba pretending to be surprised and asked: “Is it true?

Charlie nodded and said: “Of course it is true.”

Melba asked again: “Were you embarrassed when you entered the store?”

Charlie sighed: “That’s quite embarrassing. There were prosthetic models wearing various und3rwear all over there. I didn’t dare to look at them with my eyes, I could only casually look at them. Pointed a set to a model, and then quickly bought it.

Melba nodded lightly and thought to herself: “It seems that the style was not intended by Mr. Wade.

Then, she saw Charlie talk about it. The matter seemed to be a bit cautious, and she couldn’t help but laugh secretly: “I didn’t expect that such a powerful character as Mr. Wade would be embarrassed to that level.”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2721-2740 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.